Proposal for C2y
WG14 3317

Title:               Essential Effects for C
Author, affiliation: Alex Celeste, Perforce
Date:                2024-08-19
Proposal category:   New feature, discussion
Target audience:     Compiler implementers, users


In this discussion proposal we suggest that C would be improved by extending the core type system into a type and effect system, that forces functions and blocks to declare which classes of effects will result from their evaluation. We show how this can be used to improve composability in metaprogramming, and can be used to define MISRA-style restrictions more easily through signatures expressed in the core language. The extended notion of type allows us to model C's primitive language constructs as operators with a checkable signature.

We only propose effect tracking and effect checking, and not to introduce dynamic effect handling at this time.

Essential Effects for C

Reply-to:     Alex Celeste (
Document No:  N3317
Revises:      N/A
Date:         2024-08-19

Summary of Changes



A formalized effect system keeps track of the side effects of expressions and statements in a program at a finer level of granularity than usually expressible in C.

An effect system is usually combined with a type system, so that the side effects potentially involved in the production of a value are tracked, alongside the type of the result value. Effect systems may be either fully static, or partially value-dependent.

A conventional notation for the type-and-effect of a value-producing expression is:

expr: type ! { effect } region

where expr is the object or expression being typed, type is its in-language or dialect type (such as the C Standard language type or the MISRA essential type), { effect } is a union of all effects triggered by the evaluation of expr, and region is the name of a category of objects or memory to which those effects may apply.

By encoding the actions available to a function into the type system as effects, it is possible to statically ensure that specific effects do or do not occur in certain places, that callbacks or library functions are safe to use for sensitive tasks, and that effects that do occur are handled so that they do not escape to the wider calling context (which can even imply static verification of resource management).

Effect systems generalize the C23 features of [[reproducible]] and [[unsequenced]] attributes for functions, which guarantee that the annotated functions are free of certain effect classes.

Proposed application

The proposal is that every statement, expression, subexpression and complete function body in a TU has a type-and-effect. For the purposes of the combined type-and-effect, the type component of the type-and-effect of a non-expression statement is defined as void.

The effect of an expression or statement is the (counted) union of the effects of all subexpressions syntactically included in the construct. Therefore, this proposal is for a complete static, non-value-dependent effect system that does not consider reachability or symmetric operations.

Objects do not have an effect, only a type, though their initialization expression will have a (possibly-empty) effect.

Some operations introduce a new explicit effect by themselves. For instance, the assignment operator = introduces a write effect.

When the effects of an operation and its operands are combined, the result effect counts the number of sub-effects as well as their classes. For instance, a binary operation with a write effect in both the lhs and rhs operands contains two write effects in addition to any others that may be introduced.

Explicit regions are not currently proposed. Instead, the model proposes that all effects have an implicitly global region. Finer granularity is achieved by splitting the effect classes themselves (i.e. separation of local and non-local writes into different effects).

Note that an expression with no traced effects is a distinct concept from a constant expression, as it may still involve "pure" reads from non-constant objects, which are not recorded. This is captured by the [[reproducible]] attribute added to C23.

List of proposed effects

The proposed "essential" effects are broken into three major groups:

Regions could also be used to express parts of this hierarchy: for example, mem and file could be viewed as applications of a single resource effect over two regions indicating internal-to-program and external-to-program resources. Similarly, mut and write could be viewed as two separate applications of a single assignment effect to local and non-local object regions. However, it is proposed that splitting the effects as a whole is simpler than using explicit regions.

Question: which other explicit effect classes would be useful? e.g. thread creation?

Question: are there other useful major groups?

Question: are there any effect classes other than write for which we might prefer regions to allow combined counting? (in the current proposal we need these classes to be separate so that mut can be discarded, see below)

Segfaults, floating point exceptions, non-volatile reads, etc. may have observable effects within the program but are not proposed as useful to track on this level.

A concrete notation for annotating effects is not part of this proposal. A proposal for notation in attributes will follow if the core concept is adopted. Comment-based pseudocode is used in this document.


Within a scope block, all effects of subexpressions and nested statements unconditionally propagate to their containing expressions and statements. For example:

extern int x;
void f1 (int k) { // TE: void ! write

  if (0) {   // TE: void ! write
    x = k;   // TE: int ! { mut | write }

  volatile j = 0;
  int y =      // TE: int ! { mut | vol }
    (x == 1    // TE: int ! none
    ? k = 1    // TE: int ! mut
    : j > 0);  // TE: int ! vol

At the function boundary, effects in the Local group are discarded, as this group signifies effects that are primarily of interest w.r.t correct ordering.

As shown above, some operations can introduce two effects at once: a write to a non-automatic lvalue introduces both the mut effect (to count assignments) and the write effect to the containing function. Similarly, a write to a volatile-qualified lvalue would introduce both the mut and vol effects to the result expression. A write to a non-local volatile-qualified lvalue would introduce all three in a single operation.

When two effects are combined that contain the same class, if the effect class is "countable", the number of occurrences in each sub-effect are summed:

void f2 (int k, int j) {
  int x = 0;   // TE: int ! none

  x = k;       // TE: int ! mut

  x = (        // TE: int ! mut(2)
    j = k      // TE: int ! mut

  x = (        // TE: int ! mut(2)
    k = 1,     // TE: int ! mut
    j = 2      // TE: int ! mut

  x = (             // TE: int ! mut(2)
    k == 1 ? j = 0  // TE: int ! mut
           : j = 2  // TE: int ! mut

  (x = 1) && (j = 1);  // TE: int ! mut(2)
  (x = 0) && (j = 1);  // TE: int ! mut(2) // (unconditionally)

  volatile a = 0;
  x = false    // TE: int ! vol
    ? a > 1    // TE: int ! vol
    : j > 1;   // TE: int ! none

  x = false    // TE: int ! vol(2) // (unconditionally)
    ? a > 1    // TE: int ! vol
    : a < 1;   // TE: int ! vol

This illustrates some asymmetries between effect and type, for instance, we introduce a concept of effect magnitude, and the effect of a subexpression is not lost even when its value (and therefore its type) is discarded or converted in such a way that it does not contribute to the expression's result value.

The summing is one-directional - this mechanism would not allow resource-class effects to "cancel out" (which is why they are not marked as countable above):

void f3 (int sz) {         // TE: void ! mem
  void * p = malloc (sz);  // TE: void * ! mem
  free (p);                // TE: void ! mem

The above function is not "pure", and by not allowing effects to subtract, this is communicated. A memory operation happened, and then another memory operation happened - correct resource handling is a separate concern from immediate effect tracking, i.e. even though the function correctly disposed of the resource, the effect communicates that it relies on a working malloc implementation.

The effect of an external function whose body is not visible, and whose effects are not otherwise specified to the system, is assumed to be a union of all effects listed in the Persistent and Control groups:

extern int action (int);
void f4 (int k) {
  int x = action (k);  // TE: int ! { write | mem | lock | file | errno | jump } AKA int ! wild

The wild effect signifies that an action is a total unknown.

Note: resource matching could be communicated by an effect system, but it would need to be both dependent and heavily region-annotated (as found in Deputy for C). A simplified version that simply tried to "decrement mem on free" would not be able to statically prove that the right resources are released, only that some resource was released.

Therefore this method of effect combination/propagation is completely flow- independent, including in the case of completely linear control flow.

An effect with more classes or a higher count for a given class is stronger than an effect with fewer classes or a lower count. Analogous to qualification, every effect class within the effect must be stronger for the whole effect to be considered stronger. An effect can be implicitly converted to a strictly stronger effect (see below), so for instance mut can convert to { mut | vol }; like with qualifiers, if the target effect is not strictly stronger the effect cannot be converted (mut cannot convert to vol in the same way that T const * cannot convert to T volatile * - implicitly adding the vol or volatile qualifier is fine, but losing the mut or const is not).

Effect signatures vs type signatures

An effect signature is similar in concept to a type signature but the resulting effect does not describe quite the same thing.

Roughly, a function signature describes a mapping from input types to an output type:

add :: (num, num) -> num

It can be polymorphic or dependent, in which case when applied the output is affected by the input:

map :: (('a -> 'b) , ['a]) -> ['b]
alloca :: (int 'A) -> int(*)['A]

Because effects describe actions rather than values, an effect signature for any given entity class is similar to the type signature for the entity class one level "down":

Therefore, the effect of most functions is "value-like" in the sense of being shaped like the type of an object:

extern int x;

// foo :: (int) -> int ! write
int foo (int y) { return (x += y); }  // type is (int) -> int
                                      // effect is !write - NO arrow

If foo is called like:

foo (++x);      // TE: void ! write
foo (--local);  // TE: void ! { write | mut }

the effects of the arguments don't contribute to the effect of foo. They instead contribute to the effect of the () operator, which is polymorphic. In the effect system, foo has a signature "like" a value and () and other operators have signatures "like" functions.

All of this is important in two ways, one of which is that we need to distinguish two different kinds of effect annotations:

Effect checking

If we want to restrict which effects can appear in the arguments to a function, or operands of an infix operator, this is a different annotation (at least in any readable format) from describing the full polymorphic signature of the operator; so we need a second kind of signature. In an effect check signature, the effects specified in the parameter and result positions designate a "maximum" effect rather than a concrete effect:

// op :> (int ! mut(1), int ! mut(1)) -> int ! mut(1)

This is the effect check signature for an operator that specifies that at most one mut effect may occur as a result of evaluation: the effect of the left operand will match mut(1) if it is none, because of the rule that an effect is implicitly convertible to a stronger effect. This also specifies mut(1) for the result check: this is also a maximum strength rather than a specification of what the result will be, that checks the actual result effect and specifies it must be no stronger than mut(1), not that it actually is mut(1). (It relies on the separate definition of the polymorphic effect of the operator as composing its left and right effects.)

Therefore, an operand checks that its type-and-effect has no effects that are not specified for that operand, or if a magnitude is specified, not more than that magnitude. If an expression contains an effect class that is unspecified, or a specified effect class but with a magnitude higher than one explicitly-specified, a constraint is violated. (Generally we only care about a magnitude of 1, for mut/vol.)

The result effect is the propagated effect of the operands plus any other effect the operation is specified as introducing in its descriptive signature.

For instance, we might propose that arithmetic operations may only evaluate pure values and sequence-independent volatile accesses:

int a, b;
volatile c, d;
int e (int x, int y) { return x + y; }
int f (void);

// + :> (int ! vol(1), int ! vol(1)) -> int ! vol(1)

a + b;        // OK, int ! none
a + c;        // OK, int ! vol(1)
c + d;        // Error: int ! vol(2)
a + e(a, b);  // OK, int ! none
a + e(c, b);  // OK, int ! vol(1)
d + e(c, b);  // Error: int ! vol(2)
a + f();      // Error: int ! Persistent

The effect annotation allows a maximum vol of 1 in either operand of +, but also allows a maximum vol of 1 for the entire expression, which means that at most one operand can have the vol effect at all. (It doesn't specify that the result has vol(1) if neither operand does.)

(note: not actually proposing this restriction!)

We could also provide specified effect checks for known functions, such as malloc - say we wanted to ensure that the size property was always pure (again, not proposing we do so), as well as refining the effect on the (system, opaque) malloc implementation to just mem:

// malloc :> (int ! none) -> mem

void * p = NULL;
p = malloc (6);                      // OK, parameter is int ! none
p = malloc (d);                      // Error: parameter is int ! vol
p = malloc (sizeof (int) * e(a, b)); // OK
p = malloc (sizeof (int) * (a = b)); // Error: int ! mut
p = malloc (f ());                   // Error: int ! Persistent

Proposed recommended practice

With the above, we can provide a table of recommended practices, analogous to the operator table for MISRA's essential types.

Question: what are the permitted effects for each category of operator?

We can generalize effect rules across expression statements and controlling expressions so that we do not need special-case rules for where certain operations can appear.

Proposal: every expression statement, operand, and controlling expression should be recommended to the effect magnitudes 1 for the mut and vol classes (i.e. the effect signature of every expression should either not include mut or vol, or only include them as mut(1) or vol(1) respectively). This removes the need to ensure that assignments, modifications and volatile accesses are fully-sequenced (even if we fix evaluation order), making them much easier to read and reason about.

Proposal: initializers, function calls, and arithmetic operators should not include the mut effect class in the the type-and-effect of their operands, with a recommendation to diagnose:

// +, *, - etc. :> (int ! vol(1)
//                , int ! vol(1)) -> int ! vol(1)

Or alternatively, to ensure readability and understand-ability without needing to rely on strict order of evaluation, allow only one mut so that its order is less important:

// +, *, - etc. :> (int ! { mut(1), vol(1) }
//                , int ! { mut(1), vol(1) }) -> int ! { mut(1), vol(1) }

For control structures, specifying an effect check for the operand expressions is analogous to specifying a type for a function's parameters and would indicate a maximum recommended effect (not the same as the "operator signature" for the control structure itself, see below):

// for-clause-1 :> T ! { Local | Persistent }
// for-clause-2 :> T ! vol(1)
// for-clause-3 :> T ! { Persistent | Local(1) }

// alternatively
// for :> (!{ Local | Persistent }  // ignores type component
         , !vol(1)
         , !{ Persistent | Local(1) }
         , !wild) // effect of the secondary-block is part of the signature!
       -> void ! wild

Recommendations like these incorporates some notions about readability. Other generalizations are possible.

Specifying type-and-effect checks for various functions (library and standard) allows a finer grain on restricting permitted use patterns and may be useful to ensure arguments are consistent or results are not used improperly.

Polymorphic effect signatures

In contrast to a check which imposes constraints on operands and result, a signature describes what the effect of an entity is directly. This is where a distinction creeps in between C functions, which will mostly have an atomic effect, and C operators, which are polymorphic because an operator is a higher order entity:

// add :: int ! none
int add (int x, int y) { return x + y; }

add ((ext = v), ++ errno); // add still has effect none
                           // it's operator() which has to deal with the nonsense

In contrast to add, which is a function from two values to a result value, an operator like + takes two expressions to produce a combined expression i.e. it works on program fragments. This is therefore more analogous to a higher-order function:

(ext = v) + (++ errno);

// is more like
add2([]{ ext = v; }, []{ ++ errno; });

// add2 :: (int ! 'a, int ! 'b) -> int ! { 'a | 'b }
// + :: (T ! 'lhs, T ! 'rhs) -> T ! { 'lhs | 'rhs }

(This shows that a useful syntax for generalized operators needs to be able to express dependence on the effects of the operands through effect variables)

Note that all binary operators in C have a very similar effect signature (the difference is only in the type part):

// && :: (T ! { 'lhs }, T ! { 'rhs }) -> int ! { 'lhs | 'rhs }

The effects of the right hand operand are part of the signature regardless of whether it is evaluated or short-circuited.

The assignment and unary increment operators can be specified as introducing the mut effect class:

// =, +=, etc. :: (T ! 'lhs, T ! 'rhs) -> T ! { 'lhs | 'rhs | mut }
// ++, -- :: (int ! 'a) -> int ! { 'a | mut }

Finally, this allows us to define type-and-effect signatures for the language's primitive control operators and model them as operators as well:

// if :: (int ! 'cond) -> (void ! 'blk) -> void ! { 'cond | 'blk }

Although not useful by itself, this then makes it easier to define control operators in terms of the existing operators with more refined effect types:

// my_if :: (int ! Local) -> (void ! Local) -> void ! Local
#define my_if(COND) if (COND) /* */

The above macro defines a new control structure my_if which is typed as only permitting local (mut and vol, uncounted) effects within its condition and its secondary-block. The signature defines the control structure a a curried operator, which takes a single expression argument and then the result of that operation is a second operator which takes a secondary-block as its operand:

my_if (a == b) { something (); }

my_if (a == b)           // <- application 1
      { something (); }  // <- application 2

This is distinct from the signature

// my_if2 :: (int ! Local, void ! Local) -> void ! Local
#define my_if2(COND, STMT) if (COND) { STMT }

which has different compositional properties; we can imagine a higher-order control structure that would accept the result of the first application of my_if:

// my_control :: ((void ! Local) -> void ! Local  // <- signature of `my_if(a == b)`
//              , int ! None
//              , int ! None) -> void ! Local
#define my_control(OP, X, Y) do { OP { work (X, Y); } } while (0)

my_control treats OP as an operator and gives it the "operand" of { work (X, Y); }.

This allows us to make control fragments composable in (the beginnings of) a typed fashion, with many potentially useful applications.

Prior Art

Effect systems generalize a concept which is repeatedly reinvented, e.g. as "cone of evaluation", or even constexpr, and which could benefit by being integrated into the type system of the base language instead of existing implicitly as an ad-hoc.

Effect systems are deployed in a number of languages to great effect. The guarantee from a function's type that it will or will not behave in a certain way, as a binary flag, is well-attested in every language from Java (as checked exceptions) through to systems based on algebraic handlers like Koka. A number of projects have also added effect systems to C such as Deputy, though these are generally far more complex than the proposal here. In languages with richer type systems like OCaml, it is possible to encode effects and their handlers using existing language features as a library feature, which is simpler overall that introducing a parallel type system; the language infrastructure to do this in C simply isn't there, though. An alternative approach would be to build towards having a type system rich enough to encode effects in a similar way.

An effect system is implemented in QAC and is used in several analyses. The system we use is mostly additive, as for resource tracking we prefer to rely on full flow analysis; however, it is capable of the operations described above to both count and cancel-out, and thus handle effects "algebraically" as well.


At the moment we propose that this feature should be provided through attributes, and therefore any implementation that does not wish to implement effect checking is free to simply not do so.

Actually implementing effect tracking and checking is not onerous, but adding the attribute notation to the parser may represent a meaningful amount of effort for some tools.

Future directions

A concrete notation for effect annotation based on attributes can be specified either resembling the notation in the examples above, or with a different appearance.

This proposal composes well with N3316 The void-which-binds, in that the same annotation system used to indicate that functions are polymorphic over types can be reused to indicate polymorphism over effects. Effect polymorphism is essential for giving higher-order functions useful effect signatures without blowing up the signature or having every complex operation fall back to wild.

An advantage of using attributes to declare effect signatures is that if attribute syntax is integrated into the preprocessor, it will become possible to give macros effect signatures and, in particular, to give function-like macros effect signatures on each parameter:

// safe to repeat operands in the definition,
// because they aren't allowed to be non-repeatable!
#define MAX(X [[effect(none)]], Y [[effect(none)]]) ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))

// macro that accepts a statement operand
// which operates on files but not on memory
#define FILE_OP(STMT [[effect(file)]]) do { STMT } while (0)

We can later generalize this into a description of the C control structures as analogous to higher-order operators accepting actions as their operands, which has many useful properties for metaprogramming and program construction and allows us to define "types" for what are currently language fragments like do or if. This makes development of staged programming environments that embed C a much more consistent and attractive proposition and has many interesting future applications in offloading more advanced type checking to a first-stage metalanguage.

Generalized effect handlers as seen in Koka are a powerful tool for encapsulating work, but for the time being we only propose tracking-and-checking as being more compatible with the aims and spirit of C, i.e. a C program should prefer to disallow effects from occurring in specified regions at all rather than encapsulating them and having to provide failure strategies. An effect handler in Koka, Ocaml, etc. is allowed to not invoke the continuation, which means that it needs to be able to compile as a jump-out; this would risk introducing more opportunities for poor structure and generally favours writing new code rather than annotating existing code.

It may also be unnecessary if it becomes easier to use C as the embedded language in a staged programming system, in which case the handlers can be expressed as operators in the first-stage language and do not need to be included as first-class C features.

Proposed wording

No concrete wording is proposed at this time.

Questions for WG14

Would WG14 like to formalize an effect system for C2y along the lines of the system proposed by N3317?

Would WG14 like to codify the effect system in the core language instead of in the attribute language?


C2y latest public draft
Effect system
Associated effects
Contracts: Protecting The Protector
Deputy: Dependent Types for Safe Systems Software
The void-which-binds
Effect handlers in OCaml
The practice of effects: from exceptions to effect handlers