reconstructible_range - a concept for putting ranges back together

Published Proposal,

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 14882: Programming Language — C++


This paper proposes new concepts to the Standard Library for ranges called Reconstructible Ranges for the purpose of ensuring a range/view broken down into its two iterators can be "glued" back together using an ADL-found function taking a tag, the range’s iterator, and the range’s sentinel.

1. Revision History

1.1. Revision 4 - June 15th, 2021

1.2. Revision 3 - April 15th, 2021

1.3. Revision 2 - January 13th, 2020

1.4. Revision 1 - November 24th, 2019

1.5. Revision 0 - August, 5th, 2019

2. Motivation

C++20 With Proposal
template <typename T>
using span = quickcpplib::span<T>;

std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
span<int> s{vec.data(), 5};
span<int> v = s | views::drop(1) | views::take(10)
           | views::drop(1) | views::take(10);
❌ - Compilation error
template <typename T>
using span = quickcpplib::span<T>;

std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
span<int> s{vec.data(), 5};
auto v = s | views::drop(1) | views::take(10)
           | views::drop(1) | views::take(10);

⚠️ - Compiles, but decltype(v) is ranges::take_view<ranges::drop_view<ranges::take_view<ranges::drop_view<span<int, dynamic_extent>>>>>

template <typename T>
using span = quickcpplib::span<T>;

std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
span<int> s{vec.data(), 5};
span<int> v = s | views::drop(1) | views::take(10)
           | views::drop(1) | views::take(10);
✔️ - Compiles and works with no extra template instantiations
template <typename T>
using span = quickcpplib::span<T>;

std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
span<int> s{vec.data(), 5};
auto v = s | views::drop(1) | views::take(10)
           | views::drop(1) | views::take(10);

✔️ - Compiles and works with no extra templates. decltype(v) is quickcpplib::span<int>

std::u8string name = "𐌀𐌖𐌋𐌄𐌑𐌉·𐌌𐌄𐌕𐌄𐌋𐌉𐌑 𐑡𐑹𐑡 ·𐑚𐑻𐑯𐑸𐑛 ·𐑖𐑷";
char16_t conversion_buffer[432];

std::u8string_view input(name);
std::span<char16_t> output(conversion_buffer, 432);

auto encoding_result = ztd::text::transcode(input, output);
// compiler error here !!
std::u8string_view unprocessed_code_units 
	= encoding_result.input;
std::span<char16_t> unconsumed_output 
	= encoding_result.output;
❌ - Compilation error
std::u8string name = "𐌀𐌖𐌋𐌄𐌑𐌉·𐌌𐌄𐌕𐌄𐌋𐌉𐌑 𐑡𐑹𐑡 ·𐑚𐑻𐑯𐑸𐑛 ·𐑖𐑷";
char16_t conversion_buffer[432];

std::u8string_view input(name);
std::span<char16_t> output(conversion_buffer, 432);

auto encoding_result = ztd::text::transcode(input, output);
auto unprocessed_code_units = encoding_result.input;
auto unconsumed_output = encoding_result.output;
⚠️ - Compiles, but decltype(unprocessed_code_units) is ranges::subrange<std::u8string_view::iterator, std::u8string_view::iterator> and decltype(unconsumed_output) is ranges::subrange<std::span<char16_t, std::dynamic_extent>::iterator, std::span<char16_t, std::dynamic_extent>::iterator>
std::u8string name = "𐌀𐌖𐌋𐌄𐌑𐌉·𐌌𐌄𐌕𐌄𐌋𐌉𐌑 𐑡𐑹𐑡 ·𐑚𐑻𐑯𐑸𐑛 ·𐑖𐑷";
char16_t conversion_buffer[432];

std::u8string_view input(name);
std::span<char16_t> output(conversion_buffer, 432);

auto encoding_result = ztd::text::transcode(input, output);
std::u8string_view unprocessed_code_units 
	= encoding_result.input;
std::span<char16_t> unconsumed_output 
	= encoding_result.output;
✔️ - Compiles and works, types match input.
std::u8string name = "𐌀𐌖𐌋𐌄𐌑𐌉·𐌌𐌄𐌕𐌄𐌋𐌉𐌑 𐑡𐑹𐑡 ·𐑚𐑻𐑯𐑸𐑛 ·𐑖𐑷";
char16_t conversion_buffer[432];

std::u8string_view name_view(name);
std::span<char16_t> output(conversion_buffer, 432);

auto encoding_result = ztd::text::transcode(input, output);
auto unprocessed_code_units = encoding_result.input;
auto unconsumed_output = encoding_result.output;
✔️ - Compiles and works, where decltype(unprocessed_code_units) is std::u8string_view and decltype(unconsumed_output) is std::span<char16_t>.

Currently in C++, there is no Generic ("with a capital G") way to take a range apart with its iterators and put it back together. That is, the following code is not guaranteed to work:

template <typename Range>
auto operate_on_and_return_updated_range (Range&& range) {
	using uRange = std::remove_cvref_t<Range>;
	if (std::ranges::empty(range)) {
		// ⛔!
		// ... the below errors
		return uRange(std::forward<Range>(range));
	/* perform some work with the
	iterators or similar */
	auto first = std::ranges::begin(range);
	auto last = std::ranges::end(range);
	if (*first == u'\0xEF') {
		// ...
		std::advance(first, 3);
		// ...
	// ... algorithm finished,
	// return the "updated" range!

	// ⛔!
	// ... but the below errors
	return uRange(std::move(first), std::move(last));

int main () {
	std::string_view meow_view = "나는 유리를 먹을 수 있어요. 그래도 아프지 않아요";
	// this line will error in C++17, or in compatibility
	// libraries
	std::string_view sub_view
		= operate_on_and_return_updated_range(meow_view);
	return 0;

The current fix is to employ std::ranges::subrange<I, S, K> to return a generic subrange:

template <typename Range>
auto operate_on_and_return_updated_range (Range&& range) {
	using uRange = std::remove_cvref_t<Range>;
	using I = std::Iterator<uRange>;
	using S = std::Sentinel<uRange>;
	using Result = std::ranges::subrange<I, S>;
	if (std::ranges::empty(range)) {
		return Result(std::forward<Range>(range));
	// perform some work with the
	// iterators or similar
	auto first = std::ranges::begin(range);
	auto last = std::ranges::end(range);
	if (*first == u'\0xEF') {
		// ...
		std::advance(first, 3);
		// ...
	// ... algorithm finished,
	// return the "updated" range!

	// now it works!
	return Result(std::move(first), std::move(last));

int main () {
	std::string_view meow_view = "나는 유리를 먹을 수 있어요. 그래도 아프지 않아요";
	auto sub_view
		= operate_on_and_return_updated_range(meow_view);
	// decltype(sub_view) ==
	//   std::ranges::subrange<std::string_view::iterator,std::string_view::iterator>
	//   which is nowhere close to ideal.
	return 0;

This makes it work with any two pair of iterators, but quickly becomes undesirable from an interface point of view. If a user passes in a quickcpplib::span<T, Extent> or a llvm::StringRef that interface and information is entirely lost to the user of the above function. std::ranges::subrange<Iterator, Sentinel, Kind> does not -- and cannot/should not -- mimic the interface of the view it was created from other than what information comes from its iterators: it is the barebones idea of a pair-of-iterators/iterator-sentinel style of range. This is useful in the generic sense that if a library developer must work with iterators, they can always rely on creation of a std::ranges::subrange of the iterator and sentinel.

2.1. Preservation of Properties

Unfortunately, always using std::ranges::subrange decreases usability for end users. Users who have, for example a llvm::StringRef, would prefer to have the same type after calling an algorithm. These types have functions and code that are purpose-made for string_view-like code: losing that intent means needing to reconstruct that from the ground up all over again. There is little reason why the original type needs to be discarded if it supports being put back together from its iterators.

The break-it-apart-and-then-generic-subrange approach also discards any range-specific storage optimizations and layout considerations, leaving us with the most bland kind of range similar to the "pair of iterators" model. Consider, for example, llfio::span<T>. The author of the Low Level File IO (LLFIO) library, Niall Douglass, has spent countless days submitting pull requests and change requests to MSVC, GCC, and Clang’s standard libraries to ask them to change their structural layout to match things like the iovec of their platform or their asynchronous buffer span types. This optimization matters because it realizes the performance difference between having to individually transformed a container of spans to a more suitable type, or being able to simply memcpy the desired sequences of spans into the underlying asynchronous operations. If range operations were to be performed on the llfio::span<T> type, a std::ranges::subrange would hold, in most cases, two iterators rather than an iterator and a size. This completely eliminates the memcpy optimization. This is not the only place this happens, however: other types have different storages requirements that are not appropriately captured by their iterators in the most general sense, but may benefit from reconstruction and desired type information for the target range they should be constructed into.

2.2. Compile-Time and Interoperability

Compilation time goes up as well in the current paradigm. Users must spawn a fresh std::ranges::subrange<I, S, K> for every different set of iterator/sentinel/kind triplet, or handle deeply nested templates in templates as the input types. This makes it impossible to compile interfaces as dynamic libraries without having to explicitly materialize or manually cajole a std::ranges::subrange into something more palatable for the regular world.

There is also a problem where there are a wide variety of ranges that could conceivably meet this criterion, but do not. The author of this paper was not the only one to see utility for this. [p1739r4] does much the same that this paper does, without the introduction of a concept to formalize the behavior it presents. In particular, it selects views which can realistically have their return types changed to match the input range and operations being performed (or a similarly powerful alternative) by asking whether they can be called with a function called reconstruct from a subrange of the iterators with the expressions acted upon.

Therefore, this paper formalizes that concept and provides an opt-in, user-overridable way to return a related "reconstructed" type from an tag, an iterator, and a sentinel.

3. Design

The design is given in 3 concepts added to the standard:

template <class It, class Sen = It>
concept iterator_reconstructible_range =
(std::is_class_v<It> || std::is_class_v<Sen> || std::is_enum_v<It> || std::is_enum_v<Sen>)
&& requires (It first, Sen last) {

template <class R,
	class It = ranges::iterator_t<remove_reference_t<R>>,
	class Sen = ranges::sentinel_t<remove_reference_t<R>>>
concept reconstructible_range =
&& requires (It first, Sen last) {

template <class R, class Tag = remove_cvref_t<R>,
	class It = ranges::iterator_t<remove_reference_t<R>>,
	class Sen = ranges::sentinel_t<remove_reference_t<R>>>
concept range_reconstructible_range =
&& requires (R range, It first, Sen last) {

It is the formalization that a range can be reconstructed from its necessary components. The concepts are a means of implementing the desired Customization Point Object (CPO) which will be called std::ranges::reconstruct. The 3 forms allow for 3 levels of construction, here each one defers to the next version by removing one layer of "information" until finally following back to the "default" form:

This allows a developer to put a range back together at various levels of fidelity from its parts and pieces, giving us the ability to propagate the input type’s properties after modifying its iterators for some underlying work, algorithm or other effect. This concept is also the basis of the idea behind [p1739r4], which was accepted in a lesser form for C++20 with the intent of this paper following up on it.

3.1. Range? Why not "Borrowed Range"?

Previously, we required that the ranges being reconstructed modeled borrowed_range, since that was an accurate indicator that the iterators and sentinel could potentially outlive the range itself. This was to prevent some issues in a previous design that used constructors. Since that is no longer based on constructors and with no chance of false positives, we no longer need to include that limitation. borrowed_range is also too restrictive, as there are some cases where the resulting range is non-borrowed, but could be successfully reconstructed from some of its pieces. The concept is opt-in now by way of declaring an ADL-found reconstruct function, any type can effectively decide for itself whether it could reconstruct properly. Note that this opens up usages for things that, if we had used borrowed_range, would not have been reconstructible. Consider the following expression:

std::vector<int> vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
std::span<int> some_span(vec);
some_span | views::transform(f) | views::take(5)

This particular case is reconstructible as span<T> is reconstructible (and span<T> is reconstructible because it is already a properly borrowed type). The original transformation view can be reconstructed here without the need to keep the take_view intermediate wrapped around the two previous transformations, as the transform can be ignored on the first five elements by advancing the given some_span's begin() by 5 elements. A smart reconstruct call for take_view could conceivably do this.

3.2. Multiple, Safe Reconstruction Points

Consider a hypothetical c_string_view type. It is impossible to, from normal const char* iterator pair ascertain the range is null-terminated and is thus a "C string". Therefore, a reconstruct for c_string_view would not return a c_string_view, but a normal string_view.

On the other hand, if there was a c_string_sentinel sentinel with a const char* iterator that was preserved through a series of actions and algorithms, that kind of information would allow us to return a c_string_view from a reconstruction operation.

The reconstruct extension point supports both of these scenarios:

class c_string_view {
	/* blah... */

	// reconstruct: with [const char*, const char*) iterators
	// no guarantee it’s null terminated: decay to string_view
	friend constexpr std::string_view reconstruct (
		const char* first, const char* last) noexcept {
		return std::string_view(first, last);

	// reconstruct: with static [const char*, c_string_sentinel)
	// static guarantee by type: return a c_string_view
	friend constexpr c_string_view reconstruct (
		const char* first, c_string_sentinel) noexcept {
		return c_string_view(first);

This is a level of flexibility that is better than the Revision 0 constructor-based design, and can aid in providing better static guarantees while decaying gracefully in other situations.

3.3. Opt-in?

Not all ranges can meet this requirement. Some ranges contain state which cannot be trivially propagated into the iterators, or state that cannot be reconstructed from the iterator/sentinel pair itself. However, most of the common ranges representing unbounded views, empty views, iterations viewing some section of non-owned storage, or similar can all be reconstructed from their iterator/iterator or iterator/sentinel pair.

For example std::ranges::single_view contains a exposition *semiregular-box* template type (ranges.semi.wrap) which holds a value to iterate over. It would not be possible to reconstruct the exact same range (e.g., iterators pointing to the exact same object) with the semi-regular wrapper. Ranges should have the ability to select this syntax without having it happen to their type implicitly, or as for more information.

This is why there are 3 levels to opt-in to support. If a user defines the 4-argument form which takes a (tag, range, iterator, sentinel) quadruplet, than they can use as much information may be available in the range, iterator, and sentinel to reproduce the original range. If they do not need that much information, they can opt-in to the 3-argument version which only takes the (tag, iterator, sentinel) triplet. And, finally, the most brief and sophisticated form is the (iterator, sentinel) form, which can reconstruct a range using information from only the iterator, only the sentinel, or both.

If the range opts-in to nothing, then there will always be a default return: std::ranges::subrange<Iterator, Sentinel>. This is effectively what any algorithm today already returns (sometimes it uses a hand-made pair type, likely because some iterator-pair usages may require the size to be stored and neither the iterator nor the sentinel can provide the size).

3.4. Applicability

There are many ranges to which this is applicable, but only a handful in the standard library need or satisfy this. If [p1391r2] and [p1394r2] are accepted (they were), then the two most important view types -- std::span<T, Extent> and std::basic_string_view<Char, Traits> -- will model the _spirit_ of the concept (but lack the customization point to make it generic). std::ranges::subrange<Iterator, Sentinel, Kind> already fits this as well. By formalizing concepts in the standard, we can dependably and reliably assert that these properties continue to hold for these ranges. We intend to add a constexpr friend reconstruct function to all of the non-ranges::subrange types.

There are also upcoming ranges from [range-v3] and elsewhere that could model this concept:

And there are further range adaptor closure objects that could make use of this concept:

Note that these changes will greatly aid other algorithm writers who want to preserve the same input ranges. In the future, the standard may provide an ranges::reconstruct(...) algorithm for these types.

4. Deployment Experience

This change was motivated by Hannes Hauswedell’s [p1739r4] and became very important for the ranges work done with text encoding. There is a C++17 implementation at the soasis/text repository here, which is mimicking the interface needed for [p1629r1]. It is meant to solve the deployment issues with P1739’s merging into the Standard.

5. Impact

As a feature that is opt-in thanks to the ranges::reconstruct Customization Point Object design, no currently created range or previously made range is affected.

Furthermore, this is a new and separate set of concepts. It is not to be added to the base Range concept, or added to any other concept. It is to be applied separately to the types which can reasonably support it for the benefit of algorithms and code which can enhance the quality of their implementation.

Finally, Hannes Hauswedell’s [p1739r4] with the explicit intention to mark certain ranges as reconstructible by hardcoding their behavior into the standard and come back with an opt-in fix during the C++23 cycle. This paper completes that promise.s

6. Proposed Changes

The following wording is relative to the latest C++ Draft paper.

6.1. Feature Test Macro

This paper results in a concept to help guide the further development of standard ranges and simplify their usages in generic contexts. There is one proposed feature test macro, __cpp_lib_reconstructible_range, which is to be input into the standard and then explicitly updated every time a reconstruct from a is added to reflect the new wording. We hope that by putting this in the standard early, most incoming ranges will be checked for compatibility with pair_reconstructible_range and reconstructible_range.

6.2. Intent

The intent of this wording is to provide greater generic coding guarantees and optimizations by allowing for a class of ranges and views that model the new exposition-only definitions of a reconstructible range:

6.3. Proposed Library Wording

6.3.1. Add a feature test macro __cpp_lib_reconstructible_range.

6.3.2. Insert into §24.2 Header <ranges> Synopsis [ranges.syn] a new customization point object in the inline namespace:

namespace std::ranges {
inline namespace unspecified {

nline constexpr nspecified reconstruct = unspecified;


6.3.3. Insert into §24.4.2 Ranges [range.range]'s after paragraph 7, one additional paragraph:

8 The concepts iterator_reconstructible_range, reconstructible_range and range_reconstructible_range concepts describe the requirements on ranges that are efficiently constructible from certain iterator and sentinel types, alongside possible additional information from the range itself.
template <class It, class Sen = It>
	concept iterator_reconstructible_range =
	(std::is_class_v<It> || std::is_class_v<Sen>
		|| std::is_enum_v<It> || std::is_enum_v<Sen>)
	&& requires (It first, Sen last) {

template <class R,
	class It = ranges::iterator_t<remove_reference_t<R>>,
	class Sen = ranges::sentinel_t<remove_reference_t<R>>>
	concept reconstructible_range =
	&& requires (It first, Sen last) {

template <class R, class Tag = remove_cvref_t<R>,
	class It = ranges::iterator_t<remove_reference_t<R>>,
	class Sen = ranges::sentinel_t<remove_reference_t<R>>>
	concept range_reconstructible_range =
	&& requires (R range, It first, Sen last) {

9 Let r be a range with type R and T be some type.

9.1 — Let it_sen_re_range be the result of ranges::reconstruct(ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r)) if such an expression is well-formed. r models ranges::iterator_reconstructible_range if
ranges::begin(r) == ranges::begin(it_sen_re_range) is true, and
ranges::end(r) == ranges::end(it_sen_re_range) is true.
9.2 — Let re_range be the result of ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<remove_cvref_t<T>>, ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r)) if such an expression is well-formed. r models ranges::reconstructible_range if
ranges::begin(r) == ranges::begin(re_range) is true, and
ranges::end(r) == ranges::end(re_range) is true.
9.3 — Let range_re_range be the result of ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<remove_cvref_t<T>>, r, ranges::begin(r), ranges::end(r)), if such an expression is well-formed. Then range_re_range models ranges::range_reconstructible_range if
ranges::begin(r) == ranges::begin(range_re_range) is true, and
ranges::end(r) == ranges::end(range_re_range) is true.

6.3.4. Insert a new sub-clause "§24.3.13 ranges::reconstruct [range.prim.recons]", after "§24.3.12 ranges::cdata [range.prim.cdata]":

24.3.12     ranges::reconstruct [range.prim.recons]

1 The name reconstruct denotes a customization point object.

2 The expression ranges::reconstruct(I, S) for some sub-expressions I and S is expression-equivalent to:

(2.1) reconstruct(std::forward<decltype(I)>(I), std::forward<decltype(S)>(S)) if either remove_cvref_t<decltype(I)> or remove_cvref_t<decltype(S)> are class or enumeration types, it is a valid expression, and decltype(I), and decltype(S) model iterator_reconstructible_range.
(2.2) Otherwise, ranges::subrange<remove_cvref_t<decltype(I)>, remove_cvref_t<decltype(S)>>(std::forward<decltype(I)>(I), std::forward<decltype(S)>(S)) if it is a valid expression.
(2.3) Otherwise, ranges::reconstruct(I, S) is ill-formed.

3 The expression ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<R>, I, S) for some type R and some sub-expressions I and S is expression-equivalent to:

(2.1) reconstruct(in_place_type<R>, std::forward<decltype(I)>(I), std::forward<decltype(S)>(S)) if it is a valid expression and R, decltype(I), and decltype(S) model reconstructible_range.
(2.2) Otherwise, ranges::reconstruct(std::forward<decltype(I)>(I), std::forward<decltype(S)>(S)).

4 The expression ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<R>, SR, I, S) for some type R, and some sub-expressions SR, I, and S is expression-equivalent to:

(2.1) reconstruct(in_place_type<R>, std::forward<decltype(SR)>(SR), std::forward<decltype(I)>(I), std::forward<decltype(S)>(S)) if it is a valid expression and decltype(SR), R, decltype(I), and decltype(S) model range_reconstructible_range.
(2.2) Otherwise, ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<R>, std::forward<decltype(I)>(I), std::forward<decltype(S)>(S)).

6.3.5. Add to "§ General" [string.view.template.general] a friend function ADL extension point for basic_string_view:

	// [string.view.reconstruct]
	friend constexpr basic_string_view
	reconstruct(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) noexcept;

6.3.6. Add a new subclause "§21.4.��� Range Reconstruction" [string.view.reconstruct] in §21.4:

21.4.���     Range Reconstruction [string.view.reconstruct]

	friend constexpr basic_string_view
	reconstruct(in_place_type_t<basic_string_view>, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) noexcept;

1 Returns: basic_string(std::move(first), std::move(last)).

6.3.7. Add to "§ Overview" [span.overview] a friend function ADL extension point for span:

	// [span.reconstruct]
	template <class It, class End>
		friend constexpr auto
		reconstruct(in_place_type_t<span>, It first, End last) noexcept;

6.3.8. Add a new subclause "§22.7.3.���� Range Reconstruction" [span.reconstruct] in §22.7.3:

22.7.3.����     Range Reconstruction [span.reconstruct]

	template <class It, class End>
		friend constexpr auto
		reconstruct(in_place_type_t<span>, It first, End last) noexcept;

1 Constraints: Let U be remove_­reference_­t<iter_­reference_­t<It>>.

(1.1)is_­convertible_­v<U(*)[], element_­type(*)[]> is true. [Note: The intent is to allow only qualification conversions of the iterator reference type to element_­type. — end note]
(1.2)It satisfies contiguous_­iterator.
(1.3)End satisfies sized_­sentinel_­for<It>.
(1.4)is_­convertible_­v<End, size_­t> is false.

2 Let MaybeExtent be an implementation-defined constant expression of type size_t. If it is not equal to dynamic_extent, then MaybeExtent shall be a value equal to distance(first, last).

3 Returns: span<ElementType, MaybeExtent>(std::move(first), std::move(last)).

4 Remarks: the return type may be promoted to a span with a static extent if the implementation is capable of deriving such information from the given iterator and sentinel.

6.3.9. Add to "§ General" [range.subrange.general] a friend function ADL extension point for subrange:

	friend constexpr auto
	reconstruct(in_place_type_t<subrange>, I first, E last) noexcept;

6.3.10. Add a new subclause "§24.5.4.���� Range Reconstruction" [range.subrange.reconstruct] in §24.5.4:

22.7.3.����     Range Reconstruction [range.subrange.reconstruct]

	friend constexpr subrange
	reconstruct(in_place_type_t<subrange>, I first, S last) noexcept(see-below);

1 Returns: subrange(std::move(first), std::move(last)).

2 Throws: Anything from evaluating the Returns. Otherwise, nothing.

6.3.11. Add to "§ Class template iota_view" [range.iota] a friend function ADL extension point for iota_view:

	friend constexpr iota_view
	reconstruct(iterator first, sentinel last) noexcept;

6.3.12. Add one new paragraph to "§ Class template iota_view" [range.iota]:

	friend constexpr iota_view
	reconstruct(iterator first, sentinel last) noexcept;

�� Returns: iota_view(std::move(first), std::move(last)).

6.3.13. Add to "§ Class template empty_view" [range.empty.view] a friend function ADL extension point for empty_view:

	friend constexpr empty_view
	reconstruct(iterator, sentinel) noexcept {
		return empty_view();

6.3.14. Add to "§ Class template transform_view" [range.transform.view] a friend function ADL extension point for transform_view:

	friend constexpr transform_view
	reconstruct(iterator, sentinel) noexcept(see-below);

6.3.15. Add new paragraphs to "§ Class template transform_view" [range.transform]:

	friend constexpr transform_view
	reconstruct(iterator first, sentinel last) noexcept(see-below);

�� Constraints: V models reconstructible_range.

�� Returns: transform_view(ranges::reconstruct(std::move(first).current, std::move(last).end), *first.parent->fun_).

��� Throws: Anything from evaluating the Returns. Otherwise, nothing.

	friend constexpr transform_view
	reconstruct(in_place_type_t<transform_view>, transform_view original,
		iterator first, sentinel last) noexcept(see-below);

�� Constraints: V models reconstructible_range.

�� Returns: transform_view(ranges::reconstruct(std::move(first).current, std::move(last).end), std::move(*original.fun_)).

��� Throws: Anything from evaluating the Returns. Otherwise, nothing.

6.3.16. Modify "§ Overview " [range.take.overview] for views::take's paragraph 2:

2 The name views::take denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Let E and F be expressions, let T be remove_­cvref_­t<decltype((E))>, and let D be range_­difference_­t<decltype((E))>. If decltype((F)) does not model convertible_­to<D>, views::take(E, F) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression views​::​take(E, F) is expression-equivalent to:

(2.1) — If T is a specialization of ranges::empty_­view ([range.empty.view]), then ((void) F, decay-copy(E)).
(2.2) — Otherwise, if T models random_­access_­range and sized_­range and is
(2.2.1) — a specialization of span ([views.span]) where T::extent == dynamic_­extent,
(2.2.2) — a specialization of basic_­string_­view ([string.view]),
(2.2.3) — a specialization of ranges::iota_­view ([range.iota.view]), or
(2.2.4) — a specialization of ranges::subrange ([range.subrange]),
then T{ranges::begin(E), ranges::begin(E) + min<D>(ranges::size(E), F)}, except that E is evaluated only once.
(2.3) — Otherwise, ranges::take_­view{E, F}.

(2.1) — If T is a specialization of ranges::empty_­view ([range.empty.view]), then ((void) F, decay-copy(E)).
(2.2) — Otherwise, if T models both random_­access_­range and sized_­range, and T:
(2.2.1) — models range_reconstructble_range, or
(2.2.2) — models reconstructble_range, or
(2.2.3) — has an iterator_t<T> and a sentinel_t<T> that models iterator_reconstructible_range,
then ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<T>, E, ranges::begin(E), ranges::begin(E) + min<D>(ranges::size(E), F)), except that E is evaluated only once.
(2.3) — Otherwise, ranges::take_­view{E, F}.

6.3.17. Modify "§ Overview " [range.drop.overview] for views::drop's paragraph 2:

2 The name views::drop denotes a range adaptor object ([range.adaptor.object]). Let E and F be expressions, let T be remove_­cvref_­t<decltype((E))>, and let D be range_­difference_­t<decltype((E))>. If decltype((F)) does not model convertible_­to<D>, views::drop(E, F) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression views::drop(E, F) is expression-equivalent to:

(2.1) — If T is a specialization of ranges::empty_­view ([range.empty.view]), then ((void) F, decay-copy(E)).
(2.2) — Otherwise, if T models random_­access_­range and sized_­range and is
(2.2.1) — a specialization of span ([views.span]) where T::extent == dynamic_­extent,
(2.2.2) — a specialization of basic_­string_­view ([string.view]),
(2.2.3) — a specialization of ranges::iota_­view ([range.iota.view]), or
(2.2.4) — a specialization of ranges::subrange ([range.subrange]),
then T{ranges::begin(E) + min<D>(ranges::size(E), F), ranges::end(E)}, except that E is evaluated only once.
(2.3) — Otherwise, ranges::drop_­view{E, F}.

(2.1) — If T is a specialization of ranges::empty_­view ([range.empty.view]), then ((void) F, decay-copy(E)).
(2.2) — Otherwise, if T models both random_­access_­range and sized_­range, and T:
(2.2.1) — models range_reconstructble_range, or
(2.2.2) — models reconstructble_range, or
(2.2.3) — has an iterator_t<T> and a sentinel_t<T> that models iterator_reconstructible_range,
then ranges::reconstruct(in_place_type<T>, E, ranges::begin(E) + min<D>(ranges::size(E), F), ranges::end(E)), except that E is evaluated only once.
(2.3) — Otherwise, ranges::drop_­view{E, F}.

7. Acknowledgements

Thanks to Corentin Jabot, Christopher DiBella, and Hannes Hauswedell for pointing me to [p1035r7] and [p1739r4] to review both papers and combine some of their ideas in here. Thanks to Eric Niebler for prompting me to think of the generic, scalable solution to this problem rather than working on one-off fixes for individuals views.

Thank you to Oktal, Anointed of ADL, Blessed Among Us, and Morwenn, the ever-watching Code Guardian for suggesting improvements to the current concept form.



Informative References

Richard Smith. Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++. 8 October 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/n4835
H. Carter Edwards, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Daniel Sunderland, D. S. Hollman, Christian Trott, Mauro Bianco, Ben Sander, Athanasios Iliopoulos, John Michopoulos, Mark Hoemmen. mdspan: A Non-Owning Multidimensional Array Reference. 20 January 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p0009r9
Christopher Di Bella, Casey Carter, Corentin Jabot. Input Range Adaptors. 2 August 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1035r7
Steve Downey. A view of 0 or 1 elements: view::maybe. 17 June 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1255r4
Corentin Jabot. Range constructor for std::string_view. 17 June 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1391r2
Corentin Jabot, Casey Carter. Range constructor for std::span. 17 June 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1394r2
JeanHeyd Meneide. Transcoding the world - Standard Text Encoding. 2 March 2020. URL: https://wg21.link/p1629r1
Hannes Hauswedell. Avoid template bloat for safe_ranges in combination with 'subrange-y' view adaptors.. 1 March 2020. URL: https://wg21.link/p1739r4
Eric Niebler; Casey Carter. range-v3. June 11th, 2019. URL: https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3