C++ parallel algorithms and P2300

Published Proposal,

This version:
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


This paper provides the facilities to integrate [P2300R7] with C++ parallel algorithms

1. Motivation

C++ parallel algorithms, together with executions policies, were a good start for supporting parallelism in the C++ standard. The C++ standard execution policies represent "how" a particular algorithm should be executed; in other words, they set semantic requirements to user callable objects passed to parallel algorithms. However, there is no explicit way to specify what hardware an algorithm should be executed on.

In the absence of a better facility in the C++ standard library, custom execution policies combine semantics of both "how" and "where" the code should be executed as well a semantic restrictions on the user supplied callable. Examples can be seen in Thrust and oneDPL libraries.

[P2300R7] introduces the scheduler concept that represents an execution context. Compared to execution policies, scheduler is a more flexible abstraction for answering "where" the code should be executed, because a scheduler could be tightly connected to the platform it sends work to.

As [P2300R7] progresses towards likely standardization for C++26, we should answer the question how other parts of the C++ standard library would interoperate with schedulers, senders and/or receivers.

[P2214R2] outlined a plan to extend the Ranges library in C++23. This plan puts adding parallel overloads for range algorithms into "Tier 2", motivating that, among other factors, by the need to carefully consider how these algorithm overloads work when [P2300R7] lands in the standard. To the best of our knowledge, nobody has yet approached this question.

This paper is targeted to C++26 and proposes a way for standard C++ algorithms to utilize [P2300R7] facilities.

2. Design overview

2.1. Design goals

A key question that should be addressed is how the API of C++ algorithms, including parallel and range based algorithms, should be extended or modified to express the notion that a certain algorithm should run in a certain execution context. We strive for minimal, incremental API changes that preserve the overall usage experience as well as the core semantics of algorithms and execution policies. For example, the execution of algorithms should remain synchronous, i.e. complete all the work upon return.

However, given a wide variety of possible standard and 3rd-party execution contexts, it would be naive to expect all of them being capable of executing any C++ code. In particular, an execution context might not support certain execution policy semantics. The design should therefore allow execution semantics to be adjusted when possible, for example by using par instead of par_unseq but not vice versa.

Another important design goal is to allow implementers of a particular execution context to customize the implementation of standard algorithms for that context. We consider this a requirement so as to provide the best possible implementation for a given platform. At the same time, an algorithm should also have a default implementation, presumably expressed via other algorithms or basis routines (see § 5 Further exploration), allowing customization of only what is necessary to achieve optimal performance for a given execution context.

2.2. Combining a scheduler with a policy

To achieve the first goal, we propose extending the current approach of C++ parallel algorithms to allow a policy-aware scheduler that combines a policy and a representation of an execution context, in addition to the existing standard execution policies. This follows the existing practice of using a single argument to specify both "where" and "how" to execute an algorithm. It forces binding a policy with a context prior to the algorithm invocation, allowing for better handling of possible mismatches between the two in case the execution context cannot properly support the semantics of the policy, as well as for reuse of the resulting policy-aware scheduler instance.

An example declaration of std::for_each for the outlined approach would be:

template <policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, typename ForwardIterator, typename Function>
void for_each(Scheduler&& sched, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Function f);

A policy_aware_scheduler is obtained with the execute_on function applied to a desired scheduler and a desired execution policy. Eventually, invoking a parallel algorithm to execute by a scheduler looks like:

std::for_each(std::execute_on(scheduler, std::execution::par), begin(data), end(data), callable);

See § 4.3 policy_aware_scheduler and § 4.2 execute_on sections for more details.

2.2.1. Why scheduler

The proposed API is blocking by design and behaves similarly to C++17 parallel algorithms. That means, when an algorithm returns the execution is complete. The algorithm can internally utilize a complex dependency graph of sub-computations, and a scheduler allows to obtain as many senders as needed to implement such a graph.

If we imagine that the algorithm takes a sender, it is unclear what to do then because that sender could represent an arbitrary dependency chain built by the user, and all possible strategies of handling it we could imagine seem bad:

Furthermore, from the perspective of customization we are interested in an execution context that is exactly represented by a scheduler.

We believe the design does not prohibit adding other constrained functions that accepts and returns senders, should that be of interest; for example:

template <sender Sender, typename ForwardIterator, typename Function>
sender auto for_each(Sender s, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Function f);

Such sender algorithms would not have the problems outlined in the analysis above, because of no requirement to execute immediately. The dependency graph of the computation would continue the graph to which s belongs, and the returned sender would signal completion of the algorithm to any receiver bound to it. In this paper, however, we do not plan to further explore this direction.

2.2.2. Alternative API

An alternative API might instead take both scheduler and execution_policy as function parameters.

template <scheduler Scheduler, execution_policy Policy, typename ForwardIterator, typename Function>
void for_each(Scheduler&& sched, Policy&& p, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Function f);

However, in our opinion it complicates the signature for no good reason. The algorithm implementation would still first need to check if the scheduler can work with the execution policy, just on a later stage comparing to the preferred approach. Such a check would have to be redirected to the scheduler and/or the policy itself, and so would anyway require either something like § 4.2 execute_on or a member function defined by schedulers or by execution policies.

2.2.3. Extensibility considerations

In the discussion of the [P2500R1], a question about extensibility of the proposed approach was asked. In case of a need to further parameterize execution of an algorithm, for example by a memory allocation mechanism, a data partitioning strategy, a NUMA domain, etc., how would this be done?

In our opinion, these and other execution parameters conceptually map to either "how" or "where" the execution is performed - and therefore, could likely be added as configuration options for either the policy or the scheduler. For example, the best way to allocate temporary data storage needed for execution of an algorithm usually depends on which device or platform the execution should happen, and therefore should be associated with the scheduler. Data partitioning strategies, on the other hand, associate more closely with execution policies, even though best performing strategies might vary for different platforms and devices. In any case, configuring schedulers and policies seems sufficient as the extensibility approach.

That said, we are open to hear about potential configuration parameters that do not match well to a policy nor to a scheduler, and change the policy_aware_scheduler concept to something more generic.

2.3. Parallel algorithms are customizable functions

In line with the second design goal, we use the notion of customizable functions for parallel algorithms. It is essentially the same notion as proposed in Language support for customisable functions § terminology, but without specific details. Similar to the algorithm function templates in namespace std::ranges, these cannot be found by argument-dependent lookup. In addition, these functions can be customized for a particular policy-aware scheduler. The implementation should invoke such a customization, if exists, otherwise execute a default generic implementation. That allows customizing every particular algorithm by scheduler vendors, if necessary.

This paper does not explore the exact customization mechanism that might eventually be used, but it should be consistent across all algorithms which may be customized by an execution context. The practical alternatives to consider are `std::execution` § spec-func.tag_invoke and [P2547R1]. Ideally we prefer to define the parallel algorithms in a way that does not depend on a particular customization mechanism, however that might not be practical due to the syntactic differences in how customizations are declared.

2.4. Covering both "classic" and range algorithms

[P2500R0] suggested to only extend the "classic" C++17 parallel algorithms with a policy-aware scheduler, without touching the C++20 constrained algorithms over ranges. Besides being limited in scope, that also has several drawbacks:

In the current revision, we instead propose to define customizable algorithms with scheduling support in namespace std::ranges Implementation-wise, that most likely means extending the existing function object types with new constrained overloads of operator(), which we think should not create any breaking changes. The algorithm functions in namespace std can then be supplemented with new overloads for policy_aware_scheduler that are required to call respective algorithms from std::ranges. This approach eliminates the drawbacks described above and also addresses the desire to support the execution semantics for the range-based algorithms. The consequence is that algorithms in std can be customized only via range-based algorithms. We think it is a reasonable tradeoff comparing to dozens of artificial customization points or potential ABI breaks.

2.4.1. Absence of serial range-based algorithms

We understand that some range-based algorithms do not exist even as serial ones today. For example <numeric> does not have respective algorithms in std::ranges. It is supposed to be addressed either by this or by a complementary paper.

2.5. Standard execution policies for range algorithms

Since this proposal addresses the problem of extending range algorithms to work with schedulers, we think it makes sense to address the lack of execution policy overloads for range algorithms as well. Such overloads can be safely added without any risk of conflict with the scheduler support, as an execution policy does not satisfy the requirements for a policy-aware scheduler, and vice versa.

At this point we do not, however, discuss how the appearance of schedulers may or should impact the execution rules for parallel algorithms specified in [algorithms.parallel.exec], and just assume that the same rules apply to the range algorithms with execution policies.

3. Proposed API

Note that std::ranges::for_each and std::for_each are used as references. When the design is ratified, it will be applied to all parallel algorithms.

All the examples are also based on the for_each algorithms.

4. API Overview

// Execution policy concept
template <typename ExecutionPolicy>
concept execution_policy = std::is_execution_policy_v<std::remove_cvref_t<ExecutionPolicy>>;

// Policy aware scheduler
template <typename S>
concept policy_aware_scheduler = scheduler<S> && requires (S s)
    typename S::base_scheduler_type;
    typename S::policy_type;
    { s.get_policy() } -> execution_policy;

// execute_on customization point
inline namespace /* unspecified */
inline constexpr /* unspecified */ execute_on = /* unspecified */;

// std::ranges::for_each as an parallel algorithm example. Others can be done similarly

// Policy-based API
template<execution_policy Policy, input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S, class Proj = identity,
         indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<I, Proj>> Fun>
  constexpr ranges::for_each_result<I, Fun>
    ranges::for_each(Policy&& policy, I first, S last, Fun f, Proj proj = {});
template<execution_policy Policy, input_range R, class Proj = identity,
         indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<iterator_t<R>, Proj>> Fun>
  constexpr ranges::for_each_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, Fun>
    ranges::for_each(Policy&& policy, R&& r, Fun f, Proj proj = {});

// Scheduler-based API
template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
         class Proj = identity, indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<I, Proj>> Fun>
  constexpr ranges::for_each_result<I, Fun>
    ranges::for_each(Scheduler sched, I first, S last, Fun f, Proj proj = {}) /*customizable*/;
template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_range R, class Proj = identity,
         indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<iterator_t<R>, Proj>> Fun>
  constexpr ranges::for_each_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, Fun>
    ranges::for_each(Scheduler sched, R&& r, Fun f, Proj proj = {}) /*customizable*/;

// "Classic" parallel algorithms with scheduler
template <policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, typename ForwardIterator, typename Function>
    for_each(Scheduler&& sched, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, Function f);

4.1. Possible implementations of a parallel algorithm

Depending on the particular customization mechanism we eventually select, a parallel algorithm can be implemented in one of the following ways.

The current design proposes that all APIs are customizable via one customization point, which is the overload that takes I and S (iterator and sentinel), and all other overloads are redirected to that customization point. We expect that implementers prefer customizing necessary algorithms just once with all associated overloads automatically covered. It is unclear at this point if there should be the flexibility of customizing every particular overload individually but we are open to exploring with interested parties where they think this might be useful.

4.1.1. Customizable with tag_invoke

// std::ranges::for_each possible implementation
namespace ranges
namespace __detail
struct __for_each_fn
    // ...
    // Existing serial overloads
    // ...

    template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
             class Proj = identity, indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<I, Proj>> Fun>
    constexpr for_each_result<I, Fun>
    operator()(Scheduler sched, I first, S last, Fun f, Proj proj = {}) const
        if constexpr (std::tag_invocable<__for_each_fn, Scheduler, I, S, Fun, Proj)
            std::tag_invoke(*this, sched, first, last, f, proj);
            // default implementation

    template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_range R, class Proj = identity,
             indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<iterator_t<R>, Proj>> Fun>
    constexpr for_each_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, Fun>
    operator()(Scheduler sched, R&& r, Fun f, Proj proj = {}) const
        return (*this)(sched, std::ranges::begin(r), std::ranges::end(r), f, proj);
}; // struct for_each
} // namespace __detail
inline namespace __for_each_fn_namespace
inline constexpr __detail::__for_each_fn for_each;
} // __for_each_fn_namespace
} // namespace ranges

A customization for that approach might look like:

namespace cuda
struct scheduler
    template<std::input_iterator I, std::sentinel_for<I> S,
            class Proj = std::identity, std::indirectly_unary_invocable<std::projected<I, Proj>> Fun>
    friend constexpr std::ranges::for_each_result<I, Fun>
    tag_invoke(std::tag_t<ranges::for_each>, scheduler, I first, S last, Fun f, Proj proj = {})
        // CUDA efficient implementation
        return std::ranges::for_each_result{last, f};

4.1.2. Customizable with language support

Here we assume that all std::ranges::for_each overloads, including ones that do not take a policy or a scheduler, are defined as customizable or final functions (in the sense of [P2547R1]). We have not explored if it is practical to change the existing implementations of range algorithms in such a way.

// std::ranges::for_each possible implementation
namespace ranges
    // ...
    // Existing serial overloads
    // ...

    template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
             class Proj = identity, indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<I, Proj>> Fun>
    constexpr for_each_result<I, Fun>
    for_each(Scheduler sched, I first, S last, Fun f, Proj proj = {}) customizable;

    template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_iterator I, sentinel_for<I> S,
             class Proj = identity, indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<I, Proj>> Fun>
    constexpr for_each_result<I, Fun>
    for_each(Scheduler&& sched, I first, S last, Fun f, Proj proj = {}) default
        // default implementation

    template<policy_aware_scheduler Scheduler, input_range R, class Proj = identity,
             indirectly_unary_invocable<projected<iterator_t<R>, Proj>> Fun>
    constexpr for_each_result<borrowed_iterator_t<R>, Fun>
    for_each(Scheduler sched, R&& r, Fun f, Proj proj = {})
        return std::ranges::for_each(sched, std::ranges::begin(r), std::ranges::end(r), f, proj);

4.2. execute_on

execute_on is the customization point that serves the purpose of tying a scheduler and an execution_policy.

A possible implementation is:

namespace __detail
class __policy_aware_scheduler_adaptor; // exposition-only

struct __execute_on_fn {
    template <typename Scheduler, execution_policy Policy>
    auto operator()(Scheduler sched, Policy policy) const
        if constexpr (std::tag_invocable<__execute_on_fn, Scheduler, Policy>)
            return std::tag_invoke(*this, sched, policy);
            return __policy_aware_scheduler_adaptor(sched, std::execution::seq); 
}; // __execute_on_fn
} // namespace __detail

inline namespace __execute_on_fn_namespace
inline constexpr __detail::__execute_on_fn execute_on;
} // __execute_on_fn_namespace

Unless specially restricted, scheduler types which will be defined in the standard should be capable and therefore required to support all the standard execution policies. For these schedulers, falling back to sequential execution for any unknown 3rd party policy may also be desirable.

Generally, however, it is up to the scheduler to decide whether to provide a fallback for unknown and unsupported policies or not, and if yes, to define what this fallback is doing. For example, SYCL-based or CUDA-based schedulers cannot fallback to sequential execution because it is generally impossible. Such a scheduler might represent an accelerator where sequential execution is not supported. Executing sequentially on a CPU might be incorrect too if the data is allocated on another device and inaccessible for the CPU.

Based on the above, we propose that:

A customization might look like:

// tag_invoke based customization
namespace sycl 
    template <typename ExecutionPolicy>
    constexpr auto is_par_unseq_v; // exposition-only

    class __policy_aware_scheduler_adaptor; // exposition-only

    struct scheduler {
        template <std::execution_policy Policy>
        friend auto tag_invoke(std::tag_t<std::execute_on>, scheduler sched, Policy policy)
            static_assert(is_par_unseq_v<Policy>, "SYCL scheduler currently supports par_unseq policy only");
            return __policy_aware_scheduler_adaptor{sched, std::forward<Policy>(policy)};

4.3. policy_aware_scheduler

policy_aware_scheduler is a concept that represents an entity that combines scheduler and execution_policy. It allows to get both execution policy type and execution policy object from the policy_aware_scheduler returned by execute_on call.

Note: policy_type and execution_policy object are not necessarily the same which execute_on was called with.

template <typename S>
concept policy_aware_scheduler = scheduler<S> && requires (S s) {
    typename S::base_scheduler_type;
    typename S::policy_type;
    { s.get_policy() } -> execution_policy;

See § 4.4 execution_policy concept for more details about execution_policy concept.

Customizations of the parallel algorithms can reuse the existing implementation (e.g., TBB-based, SYCL-based, CUDA-based) of parallel algorithms with ExecutionPolicy template parameter for "known" base_scheduler_type type.

4.4. execution_policy concept

The execution policy concept is necessary if we want to constrain the return type of the s.get_policy() method for policy_aware_scheduler.

Since the scheduler tells "where" algorithms are executed and policies tell "how" algorithms are executed, we consider the set of policies currently defined in the std::execution namespace to be sufficient. So, the concept definition could look like:

template <typename ExecutionPolicy>
concept execution_policy = std::is_execution_policy_v<std::remove_cvref_t<ExecutionPolicy>>;

We are open to make it more generic to allow adding custom policies for a particular scheduler, if somebody sees the value in it. For that case we either need to allow specializing std::is_execution_policy or to define another trait.

5. Further exploration

The authors plan to explore how to specify a set of basic functions (a so-called "parallel backend") which parallel algorithms can be expressed with. It might be proposed in a separate paper based on the analysis.

6. Revision History

6.1. R1 => R2

6.2. R0 => R1

7. Acknowledgements


Normative References

Eric Niebler, Michał Dominiak, Georgy Evtushenko, Lewis Baker, Lucian Radu Teodorescu, Lee Howes, Kirk Shoop, Michael Garland, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. `std::execution`. 21 April 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2300r7
Lewis Baker, Corentin Jabot, Gašper Ažman. Language support for customisable functions. 16 July 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2547r1

Informative References

Barry Revzin, Conor Hoekstra, Tim Song. A Plan for C++23 Ranges. 18 February 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2214r2
Ruslan Arutyunyan. C++17 parallel algorithms and P2300. 15 October 2022. URL: https://wg21.link/p2500r0
Ruslan Arutyunyan, Alexey Kukanov. C++ parallel algorithms and P2300. 17 May 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2500r1