Attribute [[discard]] and attributes on expressions

Published Proposal,

SG17, EWG, SG22
ISO/IEC 14882 Programming Languages — C++, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21


We propose a new standard attribute, [[discard]], to express the explicit intent of discarding the result of an expression. We also propose to allow attributes on expressions.

1. Changelog

2. Motivation and Scope

[P0068R0] (and its subsequent [P0189R1] and [P1301R4]) introduced the [[nodiscard]] attribute in C++17; [WG14-N2267] introduced the same attribute in C23.

The main use case for the [[nodiscard]] attribute is to mark functions (and types returned by functions) whose return value is deemed important, and discarding it can have important consequences.

Examples of such functions include:

A "discarded return value" is formally defined as a discarded-value expression in [expr.context]/2. They are:

Still: in some scenarios it is useful to expressely discard the result of an expression, without having the implementation generating a warning in that case. Examples include:

This paper proposes a standard way to express the user’s intent to discard the value of an expression. Such a way is currently missing, and workarounds are employed instead.

2.1. Existing discarding strategies

There are currently two main strategies for discarding a value returned from a [[nodiscard]] function without producing a warning by the implementation.

2.1.1. Cast to void

[dcl.attr.nodiscard]/4 states:

Appearance of a nodiscard call as a potentially-evaluated discarded-value expression ([expr.prop]) is discouraged unless explicitly cast to void. Implementations should issue a warning in such cases.

This means that an explicit cast to void can be used to suppress the nodiscard warning:

[[nodiscard]] int f();

f();         // warning here
(void) f();  // no warning
void(f());   // no warning

Using a cast to suppress the warning has several major shortcomings:

2.1.2. Assignment to std::ignore

It is possible to utilize std::ignore as a "sink" object:

[[nodiscard]] int f();

std::ignore = f(); // return value isn’t discarded => no warning

Nitpicking, at the moment std::ignore is a facility related to tuples and std::tie (see [tuple.creation]); the code above is not guaranteed to work, although it does work on all major implementations. [P2968R0] aims at standardizing the current behavior, and therefore give precise semantics to the code above.

This solution is also "blessed" by the C++ Core Guidelines ([ES.48]), which favor it over the cast to void.

Still, we claim that this solution has a number of shortcomings:

2.2. A new attribute

We find both strategies suboptimal, and therefore in this paper we are proposing a novel one: the [[discard]] attribute, that complements [[nodiscard]]:

[[nodiscard]] int f();

f();                              // warning here
[[discard("just testing")]] f();  // no warning

Compared with the previous solutions:

3. Design Decisions

3.1. Is [[discard]] an attribute on expressions or statements?

Since [[discard]] is really meant to be applied on function calls, which are expressions, it sounds natural that it should be described as an attribute that appertains to expressions. In principle this would also allow for it to be applied on subexpressions and have a "localized" effect:

//  do not warn for discarding the result of f() nor g(),
//  but warn for discarding a() and/or b():

a(), [[discard]] f(1, ([[discard]] g(), 2), 3), b();

Now, attributes on expressions are a novelty, because C++'s grammar does not yet support them. The grammar production for expression ([expr.comma]) is:

    expression , assignment-expression

The "obvious" modification of this production to introduce attributes could look like this:

    attribute-specifier-seqopt assignment-expression  // not proposed!
    expression , assignment-expression

However this modification clashes with the position where we can declare attributes on expression-statements productions ([stmt.pre], [stmt.expr]). This is the relevant production:

    attribute-specifier-seqopt expression-statement


    expressionopt ;     

In other words, in code like:

[[discard]] f();  // the *statement* is discarded!

the grammar is already ruling that the attribute appertains to the statement, not to the expression! We do not want to modify the statement productions, as that would be a source incompatible change (for instance, attributes that can only appertain to statements would now be rejected).

On the other hand, the snippet above shows what is going to be the most common usage of [[discard]]: applied to a statement that contains a function call. For this reason, we are proposing that the [[discard]] attribute should first and foremost be applicable to an expression-statement.

If that expression contains multiple discarded-value expressions (by means of operator comma), the attribute will apply to them all, suppressing all their possible warnings:

[[discard]] a(), b(), c();   // don’t generate discarding warnings

This leaves us with the more general case of discarding just an expression. This is a somehow "secondary" goal, that we are pursuing for completeness' sake, because the only practical applications of such a discarding mechanism that we can find exists in the context of using the builtin comma operator. We strongly believe that usages of the builtin comma operator should be frowned upon, except in corner cases where it’s unpractical to use alternatives.

Nonetheless, we propose to introduce attributes on expressions. To this end, in this paper we are exploring two different approaches.

3.2. Attributes on expressions: approach 1

Given the grammar clash described above, the only "room" we have left to attach an attribute to a general expression is on the right hand side of an expression. We can modify the expression production as follows:

    assignment-expression attribute-specifier-seqopt
    expression , assignment-expression

We can also special-case parenthesized expressions, so that their attribute applies to the inner expression.

With [[discard]], this would allow for instance this:

[[discard]] f();  // no warning, attribute on statement
f() [[discard]];  // ditto, equivalent, attribute on the expression

[[discard]] a(), b();  // no warnings, attribute on statement
a(), b() [[discard]];  // no warnings, attribute on the entire expression
a() [[discard]], b();  // no warning for a(), possible warning for b()

int x = (a() [[discard]], b()); // no warning; suppressed for a(), and b() isn’t discarded

struct S {
    S(int i) 
        : m_i((check(i) [[discard]], i)) {}   // no warning

    int m_i;

Note that, for the moment being, in this approach we are proposing attributes on the expression grammar production, and not attributes on all possible kinds of sub-expressions. We believe that complicating the grammar to allow for attributes "everywhere" is not worth the effort, because one can always wrap a subexpression in parenthesis in order to apply an attribute to it. However, we also believe that this approach does not impede such an extension in the future.

Here are some more examples:

int a[10]; 

a[1] = x + y [[attr]];    // attr applies to `a[1] = x + y`
a[2] = x + (y [[attr]]);  // attr applies to `y`
a[3] = ((x+y) [[attr]]);  // attr applies to `x+y`
a[4] = (x+y [[attr]]);    // attr applies to `x+y`

// Attributes can only be applied on expressions, and not (unparenthesized)
//   assignment-expressions, primary-expressions, etc.:
a[5] = x [[attr]] + y;    // ill-formed
a[i [[attr]] ] = 42;      // ill-formed
a[6] [[attr]] = 123;      // ill-formed

x [[attr]] = -1;          // ill-formed

int x = [[attr]] f();     // ill-formed
int y = f() [[attr]];     // ill-formed (the initializer wants an assignment-expression, not an arbitrary expression)
int z = (f() [[attr]]);   // OK: attr applies to `f()`

// We can apply attributes to arbitrary sub-expressions by parenthesizing them:
// attr1 applies to `x`
// attr2 applies to `y+2`
// attr3 applies to the whole expression
(x [[attr1]]) = (y+2 [[attr2]]) [[attr3]];

// attr1 applies to `c.foo()`
// attr2 applies to `*c`
// attr3 applies to the whole requires-expression
template <typename T> 
concept C = (requires (C c) {
    c.foo() [[attr1]];
    { (*c) [[attr2]] } -> convertible_to<bool>;
} [[attr3]]);

// attr1 applies to the statement
// attr2 applies to the closure’s function call operator
// attr3 applies to the closure’s function call operator’s type
// attr4 applies to the overall expression
[[attr1]] [] [[attr2]] () [[attr3]] {} () [[attr4]];

// attr applies to the closure’s function call operator, and not
// to the requires-expression in the requires-clause, as per
// [expr.prim.lambda.general]/3
[]<typename T> requires 
    requires (T t) { *t; }
        [[attr]] () {};

3.2.1. Problems

The proposed change conflicts with some existing grammar productions. We are aware of at least two.

  1. The production(s) for new expressions for arrays, added by [N3033] as resolution of [CWG951]. In [expr.new] there are the following productions:

        [ expressionopt ] attribute-specifier-seqopt
        noptr-new-declarator [ constant-expression ] attribute-specifier-seqopt

    with the attribute appertaining to the associated array type. This means that auto ptr = (new T[123] [[someattribute]]); is legitimate code today.

    We are unsure about a use case for allowing attributes specifically on new expressions for arrays. (Rather than applying an attribute on the array type right into the new expression, can’t the same intent be better expressed by having an attribute on e.g. a type alias to the array type, while allowing the attribute in new to appertain to the expression?)

  2. The production(s) for conversion functions in [class.conv.fct], added by [N2761]. A primary-expression can contain a conversion-function-id as subexpression, and the associated grammar allows attributes at the end:

    ptr-declarator ( parameter-declaration-clause ) cv-qualifier-seqopt
      ref-qualifier-seqopt noexcept-specifieropt attribute-specifier-seqopt

    Here the attribute appertains to the function type ([dcl.fct]/1). For instance, this code is legitimate:

    struct S { operator int() const; };
    auto ptr = (&S::operator int [[attribute]]);

    A similar example is available in [P2173R1].

    An implementation-specific attribute can, in principle, be used to select a specific overload (since they apply to the type):

    // example and explanation courtesy of Richard Smith
    struct S { 
      operator int() [[vendor::attr1]] const;  // #1
      operator int() [[vendor::attr2]] const;  // #2
    auto ptr = (&S::operator int [[vendor::attr2]]); // select #2

How to solve these cases? Here we seek EWGI and EWG guidance.

A possible solution could be to simply enshrine that, in case of an ambiguity, the tie is resolved in favour of the status-quo.

If instead grammar changes for these productions are wanted, unfortunately we are unable to evaluate the real-world breakage that could result.

3.3. Attributes on expressions: approach 2

Instead of allowing attributes on any expression, we may just introduce them on parenthesized expressions. In this case we would have room on the left-hand side, as there’s a token (the open parenthesis) that separates the expression from anything preceding it.

This is the grammar change that is required:

    ( attribute-specifier-seqopt expression )

Here’s some examples of attributes on expressions that this approach allows for:

int a[10];

[[attr]] a[0] = x + y;    // attr applies to the statement
([[attr]] a[1]) = x + y;  // attr applies to `a[1]`
a[2] = x + y [[attr];     // ill-formed
a[3] = [[attr]] x + y;    // ill-formed
a[4] = ([[attr]] x) + y;  // attr applies to `x`
a[5] = ([[attr]] x + y);  // attr applies to `x + y`
([[attr]] a[6] = x + y);  // attr applies to `a[6] = x + y`

// attr1 applies to the whole requires-expression
// attr2 applies to `c.foo()`
// attr3 applies to `*c`
template <typename T> 
concept C = ([[attr1]] requires (C c) {
    ([[attr2]] c.foo());
    { ([[attr3]] *c) } -> convertible_to<bool>;

// attr1 applies to the statement
// attr2 applies to the overall expression
// attr3 applies to the closure’s function call operator
// attr4 applies to the closure’s function call operator’s type
[[attr1]] ([[attr2]] [] [[attr3]] () [[attr4]] {} ());

Specifically for attribute [[discard]], this approach leads to this syntax/semantics:

[[discard]] f();   // no warning, attribute on statement
([[discard]] f()); // no warning, attribute on expression
f() [[discard]];   // ill-formed

[[discard]] a(), b();     // no warnings, attribute on statement
([[discard]] a(), b());   // no warnings, attribute on the entire expression
([[discard]] a()), b();   // no warning for a(), possible warning for b()

int x = ([[discard]] a(), b()); // no warning; suppressed for a(), and b() isn’t discarded
int y = ([[discard]] a()), b(); // no warning; ditto

struct S {
    S(int i) 
        : m_i(([[discard]] check(i)), i)) {}   // no warning

    int m_i;

From purely an aesthetic point of view, having the attribute on the left-hand of the expression that it appertains to may feel more more "natural"; expressions are usually read left-to-right, and having the attribute at the very end (like in approach 1) may be surprising.

On the other hand, this approach requires parenthesizing all the expressions that we want to mark with an attribute. Given the relatively rarity of such expressions, the trade-off of the extra syntax can be very acceptable. Again, compared with approach 1, it makes it more clear which sub-expressions are affected by the attribute.

Again, we seek EWGI and EWG guidance here.

We are not aware of any conflicts in the grammar for this approach (if there were, they would already by conflicting with the grammar for statements).

3.4. Can void be discarded?

Yes. We believe that such a situation can happen in practice, for instance in generic code, and such a restriction sounds therefore unnecessary and vexing.

3.5. What should happen if [[discard]] is applied to an expression which isn’t a discarded-value expression?

(Or, similarly, applied to an expression-statement whose expression isn’t discarded-value.)

For example, using the syntax from approach 1:

[[nodiscard]] int f();

// not *actually* discarding:
int a = (f() [[discard]]);

Should we accept or forbid these usages, as the attribute is meaningless (at best) or misleading (at worst)? For the moment being, we are proposing to accept the code, under the rationale that the attribute serves to suppress a [[nodiscard]] warning. Since the warning would not be generated, there is nothing to suppress. Implementations can still diagnose these usages as QoI.

There is also the broader issue of expressions marked as [[discard]] that contain discarded-value subexpressions:

// f()'s return value is discarded, but g()'s is not
int a = ((f(), g()) [[discard]]);

In the above example the attribute applies to the entire comma expression. Should the f() discarded-value subexpression be diagnosed? We propose that the warning should be suppressed even in this case, as the expression is part of a broader one marked as [[discard]] (in other words, that the user was OK with the idea of discarding values somewhere inside that expression).

4. Impact on the Standard

This proposal is a core language extension. It proposes:

No changes are required in the Standard Library.

5. Technical Specifications

All the proposed changes are relative to [N4958].

5.1. Proposed wording

There are some slight changes in wording depending on the approach chosen.

Approach 1 only: modify the grammar productions for expression in [expr.comma] and in [gram.expr] as shown:

    assignment-expression attribute-specifier-seqopt
    expression , assignment-expression

In [expr.comma], add a new paragraph after paragraph 1:

2. The optional attribute-specifier-seq appertains to the expression, unless the expression is a parenthesized expression ([expr.prim.paren]), in which case it appertains to the expression between the parentheses.

Approach 2 only: modify the grammar productions for primary-expression in [expr.prim] and in [gram.expr] as shown:

    ( attribute-specifier-seqopt expression )

In [expr.prim.paren], append a new paragraph:

2. The optional attribute-specifier-seq appertains to the expression, unless the expression is itself a parenthesized expression, in which case it appertains to the expression between the parentheses.

Modify [dcl.attr.grammar]/5 as shown:

  1. Each attribute-specifier-seq is said to appertain to some entity , expression or statement, identified by the syntactic context where it appears ([stmt.stmt], [dcl.dcl], [dcl.decl] , [LINK] ).

With LINK being "expr.comma" for approach 1 and "expr.prim" for approach 2.

In [cpp.cond] append a new row to Table 21 ([tab:cpp.cond.ha]):

Attribute Value
discard YYYYMML

with YYYYMML determined as usual.

In [dcl.attr.nodiscard] insert a new paragraph after 3:

4. A potentially-evaluated discarded-value expression ([expr.prop]) which is a nodiscard call and which is neither
  • explicitly cast to void ([expr.static.cast]), or

  • an expression (or subexpression thereof) marked with the discard attribute ([dcl.attr.discard]), or

  • an expression (or subexpression thereof) of an expression-statement marked with the discard attribute ([dcl.attr.discard])

is a discouraged nodiscard call.

Renumber and modify the existing paragraph 4 as shown:

4. 5. Recommended practice: Appearance of a nodiscard call as a potentially-evaluated discarded-value expression ([expr.prop]) discouraged nodiscard call is discouraged unless explicitly cast to void . Implementations should issue a warning in such cases. [...]

And renumber the rest of the paragraphs in [dcl.attr.nodiscard].

Modify the Example 1 as shown (including only the lines for the chosen approach):

struct [[nodiscard]] my_scopeguard { /* ... */ };
struct my_unique {
  my_unique() = default;                                // does not acquire resource
  [[nodiscard]] my_unique(int fd) { /* ... */ }         // acquires resource
  ~my_unique() noexcept { /* ... */ }                   // releases resource, if any
  /* ... */
struct [[nodiscard]] error_info { /* ... */ };
error_info enable_missile_safety_mode();
void launch_missiles();
void test_missiles() {
  my_scopeguard();              // warning encouraged
  (void)my_scopeguard(),        // warning not encouraged, cast to void
    launch_missiles();          // comma operator, statement continues
  my_unique(42);                // warning encouraged
  my_unique();                  // warning not encouraged

  enable_missile_safety_mode(); // warning encouraged

  [[discard]] my_unique(123);              // warning not encouraged
  [[discard("testing")]] my_unique(-1);    // warning not encouraged
  [[discard]] my_unique();                 // warning not encouraged
  [[discard]] my_unique(), 
    enable_missile_safety_mode();          // warning not encouraged
  // approach 1:  
  my_scopeguard() [[discard]],
    launch_missiles();                     // warning not encouraged
  my_scopeguard() [[discard]],             // warning not encouraged
    my_unique(42);                         // warning encouraged 
  // approach 2:  
  ([[discard]] my_scopeguard()),
    launch_missiles();                     // warning not encouraged
  ([[discard]] my_scopeguard()),           // warning not encouraged
    my_unique(42);                         // warning encouraged 
error_info &foo();
void f() { foo(); }             // warning not encouraged: not a nodiscard call, because neither
                                // the (reference) return type nor the function is declared nodiscard

Add a new subclause at the end of [dcl.attr], with the following content:

??? Discard attribute [dcl.attr.discard]
  1. The attribute-token discard may be applied to an expression or to an expression-statement. An attribute-argument-clause may be present and, if present, shall have the form:

( unevaluated-string )
  1. Recommended practice: Implementations should suppress the warning associated with a nodiscard call ([dcl.attr.nodiscard]) if such a call is an expression (or subexpression thereof) marked as discard, or an expression (or subexpression thereof) of an expression-statement marked as discard. The value of a has-attribute-expression for the discard attribute should be 0 unless the implementation can suppress such warnings.

    The unevaluated-string in a discard attribute-argument-clause is ignored.

    [Note 1: the string is meant to be used in code reviews, by static analyzers and in similar scenarios. — end note]

6. Acknowledgements

Thanks to KDAB for supporting this work.

All remaining errors are ours and ours only.


Informative References

Sean Hunt. Problems with attribute-specifiers. 5 August 2009. CD2. URL: https://wg21.link/cwg951
Bjarne Stroustrup; Herb Sutter. C++ Core Guidelines, ES.48: Avoid casts. URL: https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines#Res-casts
J. Maurer, M. Wong. Towards support for attributes in C++ (Revision 6). 18 September 2008. URL: https://wg21.link/n2761
Daveed Vandevoorde. Core issue 951: Various Attribute Issues. 5 February 2010. URL: https://wg21.link/n3033
Thomas Köppe. Working Draft, Programming Languages — C++. 14 August 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/n4958
Andrew Tomazos. Proposal of [[unused]], [[nodiscard]] and [[fallthrough]] attributes. 3 September 2015. URL: https://wg21.link/p0068r0
Andrew Tomazos. Wording for [[nodiscard]] attribute. 29 February 2016. URL: https://wg21.link/p0189r1
JeanHeyd Meneide, Isabella Muerte. [[nodiscard("should have a reason")]]. 5 August 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1301r4
Peter Sommerlad. [[nodiscard]] for constructors. 19 July 2019. URL: https://wg21.link/p1771r1
Daveed Vandevoorde, Inbal Levi, Ville Voutilainen. Attributes on Lambda-Expressions. 9 December 2021. URL: https://wg21.link/p2173r1
Peter Sommerlad. Make std::ignore a first-class object. 7 September 2023. URL: https://wg21.link/p2968r0
Aaron Ballman. The nodiscard attribute. URL: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2267.pdf