Sender Algorithm Customization

Draft Proposal

Document #: P2999R3
Date: 2023-12-12
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: LEWG Library Evolution
Reply-to: Eric Niebler

1 Introduction

This paper proposes some design changes to P2300 to address some shortcomings in how algorithm customizations are found.

1.1 The Issue

The essence of the issue is this:

Many senders do not know on what execution context they will complete, so using solely that information to find customizations (as P2300R7 does) is unsatisfactory.

In [P2300R7], the sender algorithms (then, let_value, etc) are customization point objects that internally dispatch via tag_invoke to the correct algorithm implementation. Each algorithm has a default implementation that is used if no custom implementation is found.

Custom implementations of sender algorithms are found by asking the predecessor sender for its completion scheduler and using the scheduler as a tag for the purpose of tag dispatching. A completion scheduler is a scheduler that refers to the execution context on which that sender will complete.

A typical sender algorithm like then might be implemented as follows:

/// @brief A helper concept for testing whether an algorithm customization
///   exists
template <class AlgoTag, class SetTag, class Sender, class... Args>
concept has-customization =
  requires (Sender snd, Args... args) {

/// @brief The tag type and the customization point object type for the
///   `then` sender algorithm
struct then_t {
  template <sender Sender, class Fun>
    requires /* requirements here */
  auto operator()(Sender&& snd, Fun fun) const
    // If the predecessor sender has a completion scheduler, and if we can use
    // the completion scheduler to find a custom implementation for the `then`
    // algorithm, dispatch to that. Otherwise, dispatch to the default `then`
    // implementation.
    if constexpr (has-customization<then_t, set_value_t, Sender, Fun>)
      auto&& env = get_env(snd);
      return tag_invoke(*this,
      return then-sender<Sender, Fun>(std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::move(fun));

inline constexpr then_t then {};

This scheme has a number of shortcomings:

  1. A simple sender like just(42) does not know its completion scheduler. It completes on the execution context on which it is started. That is not known at the time the sender is constructed, which is when we are looking for customizations.

  2. For a sender like on( sch, then(just(), fun) ), the nested then sender is constructed before we have specified the scheduler, but we need the scheduler to dispatch to the correct customization of then. How?

  3. A composite sender like when_all(snd1, snd2) cannot know its completion scheduler in the general case. Even if snd1 and snd2 both know their completion schedulers – say, sched1 and sched2 respectively – the when_all sender can complete on either sched1 or sched2 depending on which of snd1 and snd2 completes last. That is a dynamic property of the program’s execution, not suitable for finding an algorithm customization.

In cases (1) and (2), the issue is that the information necessary to find the correct algorithm implementation is not available at the time we look for customizations. In case (3), the issue is that the algorithm semantics make it impossible to know statically to what algorithm customization scheme to dispatch.

The issue described in (2) above is particularly pernicious. Consider these two programs (where ex:: is a namespace alias for std::execution); the differences are highlighted:

Table 1: Algorithms customizations are found or not depending on subtle differences

// Describe some bulk work on a given scheduler
auto work(ex::scheduler auto sch, auto data) {
  return ex::transfer_just(sch, data)
    | ex::bulk(data.size(),
              [](int i, auto& data) {

my::thread_pool_scheduler thread_pool = /*...*/;

ex::sender auto task = work(thread_pool, data);

// Execute the work
// Describe some bulk work
auto work(auto data) {
  return ex::just(data)
    | ex::bulk(data.size(),
              [](int i, auto& data) {

my::thread_pool_scheduler thread_pool = /*...*/;

ex::sender auto task = work(data);

// Execute the bulk work on a thread pool
std::this_thread::sync_wait(ex::on(thread_pool, std::move(task)));

These two programs should be equivalent, but they are not. The author of the thread_pool_scheduler gave it a custom bulk implementation by defining:

namespace my {
  // customization of the bulk algorithm for the thread_pool_scheduler:
  template <ex::sender Sender, std::integral Shape, class Function>
  auto tag_invoke(ex::bulk_t,
                  thread_pool_scheduler sch,
                  Sender&& snd,
                  Shape shape,
                  Function fun) {
     * Do bulk work in parallel
     * ...

This overload is found only when the bulk sender’s predecessor completes on a thread_pool_scheduler, which is the case for the code on the left.

In the code to the right, however, the predecessor of the bulk operation is just(data), a sender that does not know where it will complete. As a result, the above customization of the bulk algorithm will not be found, and the bulk operation will execute serially on a single thread in the thread pool. That’s almost certainly not what the programmer intended.

This is clearly broken and badly in need of fixing.

Note: On the need for async algorithms customization

It is worth asking why async algorithms need customization at all. After all, the classic STL algorithms need no customization; they dispatch using a fixed concept hierarchy to a closed set of possible implementations.

The reason is because of the open and continually evolving nature of execution contexts. There is little hope of capturing every salient attribute of every interesting execution model – CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, etc., past, present, and future – in a fixed ontology around which we can build named concepts and immutable basis operations. Instead we do the best we can and then hedge against the future by making the algorithms customizable. For example, say we add an algorithm std::par_algo, but we allow that there may be an accelerator “out there” that may do par_algo more efficiently than the standard one, so we make par_algo customizable.

1.2 Revision history

1.2.1 R2

1.2.2 R1

1.2.3 R0

2 Proposed Design

2.1 Features and rationale

This section describes at a high level the salient features of the proposed design for sender algorithm customization, and their rationale. But in a nutshell, the basic idea is as follows:

For every invocation of a sender algorithm, the implementation looks for a customization twice: once immediately while the algorithm is constructing a sender to return, and once later when the resulting sender is connect-ed with a receiver.

It is the second look-up that is new. By looking for a customization at connect time, the dispatching logic is informed both by information from the predecessor sender(s) as well as from the receiver. It is the receiver that has information about the environment of the currently executing asynchronous operation, information that is key to picking the right customization in the cases we looked at above.

2.1.1 Dispatching via execution domain tags

As described above, the when_all sender doesn’t know its completion scheduler, so we cannot use the completion scheduler to find the when_all customization. Even if all its child senders advertise completion schedulers with the same type – say, static_thread_poolwhen_all itself can’t advertise a completion scheduler because it doesn’t know that they are all the same static_thread_pool.

In the case just described, consider that we can know the completion scheduler’s type but not its value. So at the very least, we need to add a query about the type of the scheduler apart from its value, for times when we know one but not the other.

Once we have done that, further generalizing the query from a scheduler type to an abstract tag type is a short hop. We call this abstract tag type an execution domain. Several different scheduler types may all want to use the same set of algorithm implementations; those schedulers can all use the same execution domain type for the purpose of dispatching.

If when_all’s child senders all share an execution domain, we know the execution domain of the when_all sender itself even if we don’t know which scheduler it will complete on. But that no longer prevents us from dispatching to the correct implementation.

This paper proposes the addition of a forwarding get_domain query in the std::execution namespace, and that the domain is used together with the algorithm tag to dispatch to the correct algorithm implementation.

Additionally, we proposed that the when_all algorithm only accepts a set of senders when they all share a common domain. Likewise for let_value and let_error, we require that there is only one possible domain on which their senders may complete.

2.1.2 Late (sender/receiver connection-time) customization

As described above, the sender algorithm customization points don’t have all the information they need to dispatch to the correct algorithm implementation in all cases. The solution is to look again for a customization when all the information is available. That happens when the sender is connect-ed to a receiver.

This paper proposes the addition of a transform_sender function that is called by the connect customization point to transform a sender prior to connecting it with the receiver. The correct sender transformation is found using a property read from the receiver’s environment.

The following comparison table shows how we propose to change the connect customization point (changes highlighted):

Table 2: The addition of transform_sender to connect
Before After
struct connect_t {
  template <receiver Receiver, sender_in<env_of_t<Receiver>> Sender>
    requires /* ... */
  auto operator()(Sender&& snd, Receiver&& rcv) const {

    // First, look for a customization of tag_invoke:
    if constexpr (tag_invocable<connect_t, Sender, Receiver>) {
      return tag_invoke(*this,
    // Next, see if the sender is co_await-able:
    else if constexpr (is-await-connectable<Sender, Receiver>) {
      /* ... */
struct connect_t {
  template <receiver Receiver, sender_in<env_of_t<Receiver>> Sender>
    requires /* ... */
  auto operator()(Sender&& snd, Receiver&& rcv) const {
    // Apply any sender tranformations using the receiver's domain:
    auto&& snd2 = transform_sender(get-domain-late(snd, get_env(rcv)),
    using Sender2 = decltype(snd2);

    // First, look for a customization of tag_invoke:
    if constexpr (tag_invocable<connect_t, Sender2, Receiver>) {
      return tag_invoke(*this,
    // Next, see if the sender is co_await-able:
    else if constexpr (is-await-connectable<Sender2, Receiver>) {
      /* ... */
}; Parity with coroutines

The use of transform_sender in connect it is analagous to the use of await_transform in co_await. Glossing over some details, in a coroutine the expression co_await expr is “lowered” to operator co_await(p.await_transform(expr)).await_suspend(handle-to-p), where p is a reference to coroutine’s promise. This gives the coroutine task type some say in how co_await expressions are evaluated.

The addition of transform_sender to P2300 satisfies the same need to customize the launch behavior of child async tasks. An expression like connect(sndr, detached-receiver) is “lowered” to connect(transform_sender(domain, sndr, get_env(detached-receiver)), detached-receiver), where domain is a property of the receiver’s environment. This gives the receiver some say in how connect expressions are evaluated. Recursive transformations

The author anticipates the need to sometimes apply a transformation recursively to all of a sender’s child senders. Such a generic recursive transformation might look something like this:

// my_domain applies a transformation recursively
auto my_domain::transform_sender(Sender&& snd, const Env& env) const {
  auto [tag, data, ...child] = snd;

  // Create a temporary sender with transformed children
  auto tmp = make-sender(
    ex::transform_sender(*this, child, env)...);

  // Use the transformed children to compute a domain
  // (they all must share a domain or it's an error)
  auto&& [x, y, ...child2] = tmp;
  auto domain2 = common-domain-of(child2...);

  // Use the predecessor domain to transform the temporary sender:
  return ex::transform_sender(domain2, move(tmp), env);

This works well until we apply this function to a sender that modifies the environment it passes to its child operations. Take the case of on(sch, snd): when it is connected to a receiver, it connects its child sender snd with a receiver whose environment has been modified to show that the current scheduler is sch (because on will start snd there).

But the implementation of my_domain::tranform_sender above does not update the environment when it is recursively transforming an on sender’s child. That means the child will be transformed with incorrect information about where it will be executing, which can change the meaning of the transformation. That’s not good. Something is missing.

We need a way to ask a sender to apply its transformation to an environment. That is, in addition to transform_sender we need transform_env that can be used to fix the code above as follows (differences highlighted):

// my_domain applies a transformation recursively
auto my_domain::transform_sender(Sender&& snd, const Env& env) const {
  auto [tag, data, ...child] = snd;

  // Apply any necessary transformations to the environment
  auto&& env2 = ex::transform_env(*this, snd, env);

  // Create a temporary sender with transformed children,
  // using the transformed environment from the line above
  auto tmp = make-sender(
    ex::transform_sender(*this, child, env2)...);

  // Use the transformed children to compute a domain
  // (they all must share a domain or it's an error)
  auto&& [x, y, ...child2] = tmp;
  auto domain2 = common-domain-of(child2...);

  // Use the predecessor domain to transform the temporary sender:
  return ex::transform_sender(domain2, move(tmp), env);

Now expressions can generically be transformed recursively.

2.1.3 Early (sender construction-time) customization

We can use transform_sender for early customization as well as late. The benefit of doing this is that only one set of customizations needs be written for each domain, rather than two (early and late).

This paper proposes that each algorithm constructs a default sender that implements the default behavior for that algorithm. It then passes that sender to transform_sender along with the sender’s domain. The result of transform_sender is what the algorithm returns.

The following comparison table shows how we propose to change the connect customization point:

Table 3: The proposed changes to the then customization point
Before After
struct then_t {
  template <sender Sender, class Fun>
    requires /* ... */
  auto operator()(Sender&& snd, Fun fun) const {
    // First, use the completion scheduler to look for a tag_invoke 
    if constexpr (has-customization<then_t, set_value_t, Sender, Fun>) {
      auto&& env = get_env(snd);
      return tag_invoke(*this,
    // Otherwise, use the default implementation:
    else {
      return then-sender<Sender, Fun>(std::forward<Sender>(snd),
struct then_t {
  template <sender Sender, class Fun>
    requires /* ... */
  auto operator()(Sender&& snd, Fun fun) const {
    // Get the domain from the predecessor sender:
    auto domain = get-domain-early(snd);

    // Create a `then` sender and ask the predecessor to
    // transform it if desired
    return transform_sender(
      then-sender<Sender, Fun>(std::forward<Sender>(snd),

Some algorithms are required to do some work eagerly in their default implementation (e.g., split, ensure_started). These algorithms must first create a dummy sender to pass to transform_sender. The “default” domain, which is used when no other domain has been specified, can transform these dummy senders and do their eager work in the process. The same mechanism is also useful to implement customizable sender algorithms whose default implementation merely lowers to a more primitive expression (e.g. transfer(snd,sch) becomes schedule_from(sch,snd), and transfer_just(sch, ts...) becomes just(ts...) | transfer(sch)).

For example, here is how the transfer_just customization point might look after the change:

Table 4: The proposed changes to the then customization point
Before After
struct transfer_just_t {
  template <scheduler Scheduler, class... Ts>
    requires /* ... */
  auto operator()(Scheduler sch, Ts&&... ts) const {
    // First, use the completion scheduler to look for a tag_invoke 
    if constexpr (
        transfer_just_t, set_value_t, Scheduler, Ts...>) {
      auto&& env = get_env(snd);
      return tag_invoke(*this,
    // Otherwise, use the default implementation:
    else {
      return just(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)
           | transfer(std::move(sch));
struct transfer_just_t {
  template <scheduler Scheduler, class... Ts>
    requires /* ... */
  auto operator()(Scheduler sch, Ts&&... ts) const {
    // Get the predecessor's domain
    auto domain = get-domain-early(snd);

    // Construct a transfer_just sender and transform it
    return transform_sender(
      make-sender(*this, tuple{std::move(sch),

  // default_domain::transform_sender dispatches here:
  template <class Sender, class Env>
  auto transform_sender(Sender&& snd, const Env& env) const {
    auto [tag, data] = std::forward<Sender>(snd);
    auto [sch, ...ts] = std::move(data);
    return just(std::move(ts)...)
         | transfer(std::move(sch));

Some algorithms are entirely eager with no lazy component, like sync_wait and start_detached. For these, “transforming” a sender isn’t what you want; you want to dispatch to an eager algorithm that will actually consume the sender. We can use domains to dispatch to the correct implementation for those as well. This paper proposes the addition of an apply_sender function.

The following table describes the differences between transform_sender and apply_sender:

Table 5: The differences between transform_sender and apply_sender
transform_sender apply_sender
  • always called with either a sender or a sender+env
  • always returns a sender
  • has a sensible default implementation: identity
  • useful for lazy or partly lazy algorithms (e.g., then, ensure_started)
  • called with a sender and an arbitrary set of additional arguments
  • can return anything
  • has no sensible default implementation
  • useful for fully eager algorithms (e.g., start_detached, sync_wait)

To permit third parties to author customizable sender algorithms with partly or fully eager behavior, the mechanism by which the default domain finds the default transform_sender and apply_sender implementations shall be specified: they both dispatch to similarly named functions on the tag type of the input sender; i.e., default_domain().transform_sender(snd, env) is equal to tag_of_t<decltype(snd)>().transform_sender(snd, env).

2.1.4 Decomposable senders

For the transform_sender customization point to be useful, we need a way to access the constituent pieces of a sender and re-assemble it from (possibly transformed) pieces. Senders, like coroutines, generally begin in a “suspended” state; they merely curry their algorithm’s arguments into a subsequent call to connect. These “suspended” senders are colloquially known as lazy senders.

Each lazy sender has an associated algorithm tag, a (possibly empty) set of auxiliary data and a (possibly empty) set of child senders; e.g., the sender returned from then(snd, fun) has then_t as its tag, the set [fun] as its auxiliary data, and [snd] as its set of child senders, while just(42, 3.14) has just_t as its tag, [42, 3.14] as its data set and [] as its child set.

This paper proposes to use structured bindings as the API for decomposing a lazy sender into its tag, data, and child senders:

auto&& [tag, data, ...children] = snd;

[P1061R5], currently in Core wording review for C++26, permits the declaration of variadic structured bindings like above, making this syntax very appealing.

Not all senders are required to be decomposable, although all the “standard” lazy senders shall be. There needs to be a syntactic way to distinguish between decomposable and ordinary,non-decomposable senders (decomposable senders subsuming the sender concept).

There is currently no trait for determining whether a type can be the initializer of a structured binding. However, EWG has already approved [P2141R1] for C++26, and with it such a trait could be built, giving us a simple way to distinguish between decomposable and non-decomposable senders.

If P2141 is not adopted for C++26, we will need some other syntactic way to opt-in. One possibility is to require that the sender type’s nested is_sender type shall have some known, standard tag type as a base class to signify that that sender type can be decomposed. Recomposing senders

After decomposing a sender, it is often desirable to re-compose it from its modified constituents. No separate API for reconstituting senders is necessary though. It is enough to construct a decomposable sender of some arbitrary type and then pass it to transform_sender with an execution domain to place it in its final form.

Consider the case where my_domain::transform_sender() is passed your_sender<Children...>. It unpacks it into its tag/data/children constituents and munges the children somehow. It then wants to reconstruct a your_sender from the munged children. Instead, it constructs arbitrary-sender{tag, data, munged_children} and passes it to execution::transform_sender() along with your_domain, the domain associated with your_sender. That presumably will transform the arbitrary-sender back into a your_sender.

2.2 Why have both early and late customization?

The full information necessary to dispatch to the correct algorithm implementation isn’t available until the execution environment is known, when we are connect-ing a sender to a receiver. Adding a connect-time search for a customization is sensible. One might wonder whether it is necessary to keep the early construction-time customization search.

With senders that can be de- and re-composed, it is true that any transformation that can be applied at sender construction time can be expressed instead as a tree transformation at connect time, so strictly speaking the early customization phase is unnecessary. There are technical and proceedural reasons to keep the early customization phase, however. Here we list a few.

  1. Some transformations are more easily and efficiently applied at sender construction time. Let’s consider a simple pipeline like the following:

    auto snd = on( io_sched, fetch_data() )
              | transfer( cpu_sched )
              | then( compute );

    When constructing the outermost then sender, the information about where it will execute is readily available: the left operand of the | then(..) expression has perfect information that the then algorithm can use immediately to pick the correct algorithm implementation.

    Had we deferred the customization until connect time, we are presented with a problem: when we are connect-ing the then sender, the information about where it will execute is buried within the expression tree. connect would have to introspect the tree to compute the information, which is far more complicated.

  2. Domain-specific eager transformations can create fluid interfaces. Users might choose to apply an eager transformation to decorate the “standard” senders in ways that make them more useful for their purposes. They might add members, adapt them to more easily interoperate with another framework, add a co_await operator, or add implicit conversions. They might even choose to pass each sender through ensure_started to get work executing before the task graph is fully built.

  3. Removing eager execution presents procedural difficulties. Support for eager execution via customization was needed for consensus in SG1. Any attempt to remove eager execution would bounce P2300 back to SG1 where the removal is likely to be met unfavorably. And in order for that to happen, someone would have to write and champion a paper proposing the removal, and it is unclear who would do that work.

2.3 An example of early and late customizations

In this section, we work through an example of a sender expression with multiple transitions between two domains. We show the interactions between a predecessor sender’s completion scheduler, and a receiver’s scheduler. In the end, we’ll see that customized senders will run on the scheduler corresponding to the domain that created them.

First, we define two domains: domainA and domainB, and we give each a customization of the then() algorithm that replaces the default then sender with a custom one that prints tracing messages to cout.

struct domainA {
  template <sender Sender, class... Env>
    requires same_as<ex::tag_of_t<Sender>, ex::then_t>
  auto transform_sender(Sender&& snd, const Env&... env) const {
    std::cout << "hello from domain A transform_sender, "
              << (sizeof...(env) ? "late" : "early") << '\n';
    auto [tag, fun, child] = (Sender&&) snd;
    return trace_then_sender(std::move(child), std::move(fun), "A");

domainB is defined similarly. Note that this transform_sender member is constrained to only accept then senders, and that it replaces the default then sender with a custom one. We use the presence or absence of the second parameter, env, to tell whether this transformation is being done early or late and print that to cout.

Let’s assume the existence of an execution context that lets us schedule work onto a worker thread and that is parameterizable with an execution domain. We create two such contexts and give each one a name that gets stored in thread-local storage.

thread_local std::string thread_name{};

int main() {
  thread_context<domainA> ctxA("A");
  thread_context<domainB> ctxB("B");

  auto schedA = ctxA.get_scheduler();
  auto schedB = ctxB.get_scheduler();

  auto hello = [] { std::cout << "  running on thread " << thread_name << '\n'; };


Next, let’s create a sender with a transition to one of the thread execution contexts. Each line is annotated with information about the currenly active domain.

auto work =
    ex::just()           // no domain here
  | ex::then(hello)      // no domain here
  | ex::transfer(schedA) // transition into domain A
  | ex::then(hello);     // "hello from domain A transform_sender, early"
                         //    (using predecessor's domain via completion scheduler)

This statement causes:

hello from domain A transform_sender, early

to be printed to cout. This is because the then that follows transfer(schedA) gets transformed by the transform_sender of domainA, the domain associated with the completion scheduler of transfer(schedA); i.e., schedA.

Next, we launch this work on thread context “B” and wait for it to complete:

ex::sync_wait( ex::on( schedB, work ) );

The composite sender passed to sync_wait has an on sender that is outermost. Stored immidiately within that is the trace_then_sender, amd within that the transfer, then, and just senders, with just being innermost.

sync_wait calls connect on the on sender, passing it a receiver. It is the job of on to launch its child on schedB. It tells its child where it is executing by putting schedB in the environment of the receiver that on connects it with. So, when the trace_then_sender gets connected, it sees schedB as the current scheduler in the receiver’s environment.

The connect customization point is responsible for applying any late customization by using the current execution domain to find the correct implementation. The trace_then_sender presents connect with a connundrum: the domain in the receiver is domainB, but the domain of the predecessor sender (ex::transfer(schedA)) is domainA. So which should connect use?

The answer is domainA, the domain from the predecessor sender. Looking at the expression, we can see that the outermost then will be executed on schedA, so using domainA to find the right implementation is correct. The rule is: domain information from the predecessor(s) trumps domain information from the receiver.

So we use domainA to transform the trace_then_sender. But domainA doesn’t have a transform_sender that accepts trace_then_sender; it is passed through unchanged and then connect-ed.

That in turn causes transfer(schedA) to be connected with a trace_then_receiver. There is no need to update the receiver’s scheduler; transfer runs its contunuation on schedA. Its child is started on schedB so we leave the environment alone.

The transfer sender then connects its child, which is a then sender. The current domain is still domainB because the scheduler in the receiver’s environment is still schedB. The connect customization point uses domainB to transform the then sender, and the following is printed on the terminal:

hello from domain B transform_sender, late

The then sender gets transformed into a trace_then_sender, which remembers that it was created by domainB. That sender is then connected, which causes the just sender to be connected, and finally the operation state is fully constructed. The on operation state is outermost and the just operation state is innermost.

sync_wait then calls start on the on operation state, which causes execution to transition to thread “B”. There, all the nested operation states are started in turn, with the just operation state being started last.

Being the last started, it is the first to complete. That causes its parent operation to complete, its parent being the trace_then_sender that was created by domainB. set_value is invoked on trace_then_receiver. The trace_then_receiver has a set_value customization that looks like this:

void tag_invoke(ex::set_value_t, trace_then_receiver&& self) noexcept {
  std::cout << "then sender from domain " << << '\n';;

The following is printed to cout:

then sender from domain B
  running on thread B

So we see that we have run “B”’s trace_then_sender on thread “B”, which is exactly the point.

Next to complete is the transfer to schedA, which causes execution to hop over to thread “A”. The trace_then_sender created by domainA completes next, causing the following to be printed:

then sender from domain A
  running on thread A

So we have run “A”’s trace_then_sender on thread “A”. As it should be.

Finally, the on sender completes, which signals completion to the main thread and sync_wait returns.

In summary, the rules governing the active domain both at sender construction time and at sender connection time work together to ensure that when an algorithm is executing on a particular scheduler, it is the correct algorithm implementation that is getting executed. The dispatching is controled by the active domain, which is used to transform senders into ones that implement the algorithm correctly for the current execution context.

The code for this example can be found in this gist, which was compiled against this revision of stdexec, the std::execution reference implementation.

2.4 Summary of proposed changes

In condensed form, here are the changes this paper is proposing:

  1. Add a default_domain type for use when no other domain is determinable.

  2. Add a new get_domain(env) -> domain-tag forwarding query.

  3. A sender can publish up to 3 different completion schedulers. They can all be different, but they must all agree about the current execution domain. This paper proposes adding that as a requirement to the sender concept.

  4. Add a new transform_sender(domain, sender [, env]) -> sender API. This function is not itself customizable, but it will be used for both early customization (at sender construction-time) and late customization (at sender/receiver connection-time).

    Early customization:

    • called from within each sender algorithm’s customization point object
    • replaces the current mechanism of tag-dispatching to a sender factory function using the completion scheduler as a tag
    • called without an environment argument
    • domain is derived from the sender by trying the following in order:
      1. get_domain(get_env(sender))
      2. completion-domain(sender), where completion-domain is the domain shared by all of the sender’s completion signatures.
      3. default_domain()

    Late customization:

    • called from the connect customization point object before tag-dispatching with connect_t to tag_invoke
    • called with the receiver’s environment
    • domain is derived from the sender and the receiver by trying the following in order:
      1. get_domain(get_env(sender))
      2. completion-domain(sender),
      3. get_domain(get_env(receiver))
      4. get_domain(get_scheduler(get_env(receiver)))
      5. default_domain()

    transform_sender(domain, sender [, env]) returns the first of these that is well-formed:

    • domain.transform_sender(sender [, env])
    • default_domain().transform_sender(sender [, env])
    • sender

    If the sender returned from transform_sender has a different type than the one passed to it, transform_sender invokes itself recursively.

  5. Add a transform_env(domain, sender, env) -> env’ API in support of generic recursive sender transformations. The domain argument is determined from sender and env as for transform_sender.

    transform_env(domain, sender, env) returns the first of these that is well-formed:

    • domain.transform_env(sender, env)
    • default_domain().transform_env(sender, env)
  6. The standard, “lazy” sender types (i.e., those returned from sender factory and adaptor functions) return sender types that are decomposable using structured bindings into its [tag, data, …children] components.

  7. A call to the when_all algorithm should be ill-formed unless all of the sender arguments have the same domain type (as determined for senders above). The resulting when_all sender should publish that domain via the sender’s environment.

  8. The receiver that the on(sch, snd) algorithm uses to connect snd should have sch as the current scheduler in its environment.

  9. The sender factories just, just_error, and just_stopped need their tag types to be specified. Name them just_t, just_error_t, and just_stopped_t.

  10. In the algorithm let_value(snd, fun), if the predecessor sender snd has a completion domain, then the receiver connected to the secondary sender (the one returned from fun when called with snd’s results) shall expose that domain as the current one in the receiver’s environment.

    In other words, if the predecessor sender snd completes with values vs..., then the result of fun(vs...) will be connected to a receiver rcv such that get_domain(get_env(rcv)) is equal to completion-domain(snd).

    The same is true also of the completion scheduler, if the predecessor has one.

    So for let_value, likewise also for let_error and let_stopped, using set_error_t and set_stopped respectively when querying for the predecessor sender’s completion scheduler and domain.

  11. The schedule_from(sch, snd) algorithm should return a sender snd2 such that get_domain(get_env(snd2)) is equal to get_domain(sch).

  12. The following customizable algorithms, whose default implementations must do work before returning the result sender, will have their work performed in overloads of default_domain::transform_sender:

    • split
    • ensure_started
  13. The following customizable algorithms, whose default implementations are trivially expressed in terms of other more primitive operations, will be lowered into their primitive forms by overloads of default_domain::transform_sender:

    • transfer
    • transfer_just
    • transfer_when_all
    • transfer_when_all_with_variant
    • when_all_with_variant
  14. In the algorithm let_value(snd, fun), all of the sender types that the input function fun might return – the set of potential result senders – must all have the same domain; otherwise, the call to let_value is ill-formed.

    Ideally, the let_value sender would report the result senders’ domain as its domain, however we don’t know the set of completions until the let_value sender is connected to a receiver; hence, we also don’t know the set of potential result senders or their domains. Instead, we require that all the result senders share an execution domain with the predecessor sender. If they differ, connect is ill-formed.

    For example, consider the following sender:

    auto snd =
      | transfer(schA)
      | let_value([](auto schB){ return schedule(schB); })

    This reads the current scheduler from the receiver, transfers execution to schA, and then (indirectly, through let_value) transitions onto the scheduler read from the receiver (schB). This sender can be connect-ed only to receivers Rcv for which the scheduler get_scheduler(get_env(Rcv)) has the same execution domain as that of schA.

    Likewise for let_error and let_stopped.

    This solution is not ideal. I am currently working on a more flexible solution, but I’m not yet sufficiently confident in it to propose it here.

  15. Add a new apply_sender(domain, tag, sender, args...) -> result API. Like transform_sender, this function is not itself customizable, but it will be used to customize sender consuming algorithms such as start_detached and sync_wait.

    • called from within each consuming sender algorithm’s customization point object
    • replaces the current mechanism of tag-dispatching to a custom implementation using the completion scheduler as a tag
    • called the sender’s execution domain, the algorithm’s tag, the sender, and any additional algorithm arguments
    • domain is determined as for transform_sender

    apply_sender(domain, tag, sender, args...) returns the first of these that is well-formed:

    • domain.apply_sender(tag, sender, args...)
    • default_domain().apply_sender(tag, sender, args...)
  16. The following customizable sender-consuming algorithms will have their default implementations in overloads of default_domain::apply_sender:

    • start_detached
    • sync_wait

3 Implementation Experience

Has it been implented? YES. The design changes herein proposed are implemented in the main branch of [stdexecgithub], the reference implementation. The bulk of the changes including get_domain, transform_sender, and the changes to connect have been shipping since this commit on August 3, 2023 which changed the static_thread_pool scheduler to use transform_sender to parallelize the bulk algorithm.

4 Proposed Wording

The following proposed changes are relative to [P2300R7].

[ Editor's note: Change §11.4 [exec.syn] as follows: ]

  // [exec.queries], queries
  enum class forward_progress_guarantee;
  namespace queries { // exposition only
    struct get_domain_t;
    struct get_scheduler_t;
    struct get_delegatee_scheduler_t;
    struct get_forward_progress_guarantee_t;
    template<class CPO>
      struct get_completion_scheduler_t;

  using queries::get_domain_t;
  using queries::get_scheduler_t;
  using queries::get_delegatee_scheduler_t;
  using queries::get_forward_progress_guarantee_t;
  using queries::get_completion_scheduler_t;
  inline constexpr get_domain_t get_domain{};
  inline constexpr get_scheduler_t get_scheduler{};
  inline constexpr get_delegatee_scheduler_t get_delegatee_scheduler{};
  inline constexpr get_forward_progress_guarantee_t get_forward_progress_guarantee{};
  template<class CPO>
    inline constexpr get_completion_scheduler_t<CPO> get_completion_scheduler{};

  // [exec.domain.default], domains
  struct default_domain;

[ Editor's note: … and … ]

  template<class Snd, class Env = empty_env>
      requires sender_in<Snd, Env>
    inline constexpr bool sends_stopped = see below;

  template <sender Sender>
    using tag_of_t = see below;

  // [exec.snd.transform], sender transformations
  template <class Domain, sender Sender>
    constexpr sender decltype(auto) transform_sender(Domain dom, Sender&& snd);

  template <class Domain, sender Sender, queryable Env>
    constexpr sender decltype(auto) transform_sender(Domain dom, Sender&& snd, const Env& env);

  template <class Domain, sender Sender, queryable Env>
    constexpr decltype(auto) transform_env(Domain dom, Sender&& snd, Env&& env) noexcept;

  // [exec.snd.apply], sender algorithm application
  template <class Domain, class Tag, sender Sender, class... Args>
    constexpr decltype(auto) apply_sender(Domain dom, Tag, Sender&& snd, Args&&... args) noexcept(see below);

  // [exec.connect], the connect sender algorithm
  namespace senders-connect { // exposition only
    struct connect_t;
  using senders-connect::connect_t;
  inline constexpr connect_t connect{};

[ Editor's note: … and … ]

  // [exec.factories], sender factories
  namespace senders-factories { // exposition only
    struct just_t;
    struct just_error_t;
    struct just_stopped_t;
    struct schedule_t;
    struct transfer_just_t;
  using sender-factories::just_t;
  using sender-factories::just_error_t;
  using sender-factories::just_stopped_t;
  inline constexpr unspecifiedjust_t just{};
  inline constexpr unspecifiedjust_error_t just_error{};
  inline constexpr unspecifiedjust_stopped_t just_stopped{};

[ Editor's note: After §11.5.4 [exec.get.stop.token], add the following new subsection: ]

§11.5.? execution::get_domain [exec.get.domain]

  1. get_domain asks an object for an associated execution domain tag.

  2. The name get_domain denotes a query object. For some subexpression o, get_domain(o) is expression-equivalent to mandate-nothrow-call(tag_invoke, get_domain, as_const(o)), if this expression is well-formed.

  3. std::forwarding_query(execution::get_domain) is true.

  4. get_domain() (with no arguments) is expression-equivalent to execution::read(get_domain) ([]).

[ Editor's note: To section §11.6 [exec.sched], insert a new paragraph between 6 and 7 as follows: ]

  1. For a given scheduler expression sch, if the expression get_domain(sch) is well-formed, then the expression get_domain(get_env(schedule(sch))) is also well-formed and has the same type.

[ Editor's note: To section §11.9.1 [exec.snd.concepts], after paragraph 4, add two new paragraphs as follows: ]

  1. Let snd be an expression such that decltype((snd)) is Snd. The type tag_of_t<Snd> is as follows:

    • If the declaration auto&& [tag, data, ...children] = snd; would be well-formed, tag_of_t<Snd> is an alias for decltype(auto(tag)).

    • Otherwise, tag_of_t<Snd> is ill-formed.

    [ Editor's note: There is no way in standard C++ to determine whether the above declaration is well-formed without causing a hard error, so this presumes compiler magic. However, the author anticipates the adoption of [P2141R1], which makes it possible to implement this purely in the library. P2141 has already been approved by EWG for C++26. ]

  2. Let sender-for be an exposition-only concept defined as follows:

    template <class Sender, class Tag>
    concept sender-for =
      sender<Sender> &&
      same_as<tag_of_t<Sender>, Tag>;

[ Editor's note: After §11.9.2 [exec.awaitables], add the following new subsections: ]

§11.9.? execution::default_domain [exec.domain.default]

struct default_domain {
  template <sender Sender>
    static constexpr sender decltype(auto) transform_sender(Sender&& snd) noexcept(see below);

  template <sender Sender, queryable Env>
    static constexpr sender decltype(auto) transform_sender(Sender&& snd, const Env& env) noexcept(see below);

  template <sender Sender, queryable Env>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) transform_env(Sender&& snd, Env&& env) noexcept;

  template <class Tag, sender Sender, class... Args>
    static constexpr decltype(auto) apply_sender(Tag, Sender&& snd, Args&&... args) noexcept(see below);

§11.9.?.1 Static members [exec.domain.default.statics]

template <sender Sender>
  constexpr sender decltype(auto) default_domain::transform_sender(Sender&& snd) noexcept(see below);

Returns: tag_of_t<Sender>().transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd)) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, std::forward<Sender>(snd).

Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to:


if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, true;

template <sender Sender, queryable Env>
  constexpr sender decltype(auto) default_domain::transform_sender(Sender&& snd, const Env& env) noexcept(see below);

Returns: tag_of_t<Sender>().transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), env) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, std::forward<Sender>(snd).

Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to:

noexcept(tag_of_t<Sender>().transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), env))

if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, true;

template <sender Sender, queryable Env>
  constexpr decltype(auto) default_domain::transform_env(Sender&& snd, Env&& env) noexcept;

Returns: tag_of_t<Sender>().transform_env(std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Env>(env)) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, static_cast<Env>(std::forward<Env>(env)).

Mandates: The selected expression in Returns: is not potentially throwing.

template <class Tag, sender Sender, class... Args>
  static constexpr decltype(auto) default_domain::apply_sender(Tag, Sender&& snd, Args&&... args) noexcept(see below);

Returns: Tag().apply_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Args>(args)...) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, this function shall not participate in overload resolution.

Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to:

noexcept(Tag().apply_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Args>(args)...))

§11.9.? execution::transform_sender [exec.snd.transform]

template <class Domain, sender Sender>
  constexpr sender decltype(auto) transform_sender(Domain dom, Sender&& snd);

template <class Domain, sender Sender, class Env>
  constexpr sender decltype(auto) transform_sender(Domain dom, Sender&& snd, const Env& env);

Returns: Let ENV be a parameter pack consisting of the single expression env for the second overload and an empty pack for the first. Let snd2 be the expression dom.transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), ENV…) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, default_domain().transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), ENV...). If snd2 and snd have the same type ignoring cv qualifiers, returns snd2; otherwise, transform_sender(dom, snd2, ENV...).

template <class Domain, sender Sender, queryable Env>
  constexpr decltype(auto) transform_env(Domain dom, Sender&& snd, Env&& env) noexcept;

Returns: dom.transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Env>(env)) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, default_domain().transform_sender(std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Env>(env)).

§11.9.? execution::apply_sender [exec.snd.apply]

template <class Domain, class Tag, sender Sender, class... Args>
  constexpr decltype(auto) apply_sender(Domain dom, Tag, Sender&& snd, Args&&... args) noexcept(see below);

Returns: dom.apply_sender(Tag(), std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Args>(args)...) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, default_domain().apply_sender(Tag(), std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Args>(args)...) if that expression is well-formed; otherwise, this function shall not participate in overload resolution.

Remarks: The exception specification is equivalent to:

noexcept(dom.apply_sender(Tag(), std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Args>(args)...))

if that expression is well-formed; otherwise,

noexcept(default_domain().apply_sender(Tag(), std::forward<Sender>(snd), std::forward<Args>(args)...))

[ Editor's note: Add a paragraph to §11.9 [exec.snd] ]

  1. This section makes use of the following exposition-only entities.

    1. template <class Default = default_domain, class Sender>
      constexpr auto completion-domain(const Sender& snd) noexcept;

      Effects: Let COMPL-DOMAIN(T) be the type of the expression get_domain(get_completion_scheduler<T>(get_env(snd))). If COMPL-DOMAIN(set_value_t, snd), COMPL-DOMAIN(set_error_t, snd), and COMPL-DOMAIN(set_stopped_t, snd) all share a common type [meta.trans.other] (ignoring those types that are ill-formed), then completion-domain<Default>(snd) is a default-constructed prvalue of that type. Otherwise, if all of those types are ill-formed, completion-domain<Default>(snd) is a default-constructed prvalue of type Default. Otherwise, completion-domain<Default>(snd) is ill-formed.

    2. template <class Tag, class Env, class Default>
      constexpr decltype(auto) query-with-default(Tag, const Env& env, Default&& value) noexcept(see below);

      Effects: Equivalent to:

      return Tag()(env); if that expression is well-formed,

      return static_cast<Default>(std::forward<Default>(value)); otherwise.

      Remarks: The expression in the noexcept clause is:

      is_invocable_v<Tag, const Env&> ? is_nothrow_invocable_v<Tag, const Env&>
                                      : is_nothrow_constructible_v<Default, Default>
    3. template <class Sender>
      constexpr auto get-domain-early(const Sender& snd) noexcept;

      Effects: Equivalent to the first of the following that is well-formed:

      return get_domain(get_env(snd));

      return completion-domain(snd);

      return default_domain();

    4. template <class Sender, class Env>
      constexpr auto get-domain-late(const Sender& snd, const Env& env) noexcept;

      Effects: Equivalent to:

      — If sender-for<Sender, transfer_t> is true, then return query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()) where sch is the scheduler that was used to construct snd,

      — Otherwise, return get_domain(get_env(snd)); if that expression is well-formed,

      — Otherwise, return completion-domain<X>(snd); if that expression is well-formed and its type is not X where X is an unspecified type,

      — Otherwise, return get_domain(env); if that expression is well-formed,

      — Otherwise, return get_domain(get_scheduler(env)); if that expression is well-formed,

      — Otherwise, return default_domain();.

      [ Note: The transfer algorithm is unique in that it ignores the execution domain of its predecessor, using only its destination scheduler to select a customization.end note ]

    5. template <class... T>
      struct product-type {
        T0 t0;      // exposition only
        T1 t1;      // exposition only
        Tn-1 tn-1;   // exposition only

      [ Note: An expression of type product-type is usable as the initializer of a structured binding declaration [dcl.struct.bind].end note ]

    6. template <semiregular Tag, movable-value Data = see below, sender... Child>
      constexpr auto make-sender(Tag, Data&& data, Child&&... child);

      Remarks: The default template argument for the Data template parameter names and unspecified empty trivial class type.

      Returns: A prvalue of type basic-sender<Tag, decay_t<Data>, decay_t<Child>...> where the tag member has been default-initialized and the data and childn... members have been direct initialized from their respective forwarded arguments, where basic-sender is the following exposition-only class template except as noted below:

      template <class Tag, class Data, class... Child> // arguments are not associated entities ([lib.tmpl-heads])
      struct basic-sender : unspecified {
        using is_sender = unspecified;
        [[no_unique_address]] Tag tag;  // exposition only
        Data data;          // exposition only
        Child0 child0;      // exposition only
        Child1 child1;      // exposition only
        Childn-1 childn-1;   // exposition only

      — It is unspecified whether instances of basic-sender can be aggregate initialized.

      — The unspecified base type has no non-static data members. It may define member functions or hidden friend functions ([hidden.friends]).

      [ Note: An expression of type basic-sender is usable as the initializer of a structured binding declaration [dcl.struct.bind].end note ]

[ Editor's note: To § [exec.just], add a paragraph 6 as follows: ]

  1. When used as the initializer of a structured binding declaration, expressions of type just-sender<Tag, Ts...> behave as do expressions of type basic-sender<Tag, product-type<Ts...>>.

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.transfer.just] as follows (some identifiers in this section have had their names changed for the sake of clarity; the name changes have not been marked up): ]

  1. The name transfer_just denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression sch and pack of subexpressions vs, let Sch be decltype((sch)) and let Vs be the template parameter pack decltype((vs)).... If Sch does not satisfy scheduler, or any type V in Vs does not satisfy movable-value, transfer_just(sch, vs...) is ill-formed. Otherwise, transfer_just(sch, vs...) is expression-equivalent to:

      query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()),
      make-sender(transfer_just, product-type{sch, vs...}));
    1. tag_invoke(transfer_just, sch, vs...), if that expression is valid.
  2. Let as be a pack of rvalue subexpressions of types decay_t<Vs>... referring to objects direct-initilized from vs. If the function selected by tag_invokea sender out_snd returned from transfer_just(sch, vs...) is connected with a receiver rcv with environment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, Env) does not return a sender whose asynchronous operations execute value completion operations on an execution agent belonging to the execution resource associated with sch, with value result datums as, the behavior of calling transfer_just(sch, vs...) connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

    • Mandates: sender_of<RSnd, set_value_t(decay_t<Vs>...), Env>, where RSnd is the type of the tag_invoke expression above transfer_just(sch, vs...), and Env is the type of an environment.
  1. Otherwise, transfer(just(vs...), sch).
  1. For some subexpression sch and pack of subexpressions vs, let out_snd be a subexpression referring to an object returned from transform_just(sch, vs...) or a copy of such. Then get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(out_snd)) == sch is true, get_completion_scheduler<set_stopped_t>(get_env(out_snd)) == sch is true, and get_domain(get_env(out_snd)) is expression-equivalent to get_domain(sch).

  2. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, transfer_just_t> is false, then the expression transfer_just_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data] = snd;
    auto& [sch, ...vs] = data;
    return transfer(just(std::move(vs)...), std::move(sch));

    [ Note: This causes the transform_just(sch, vs...) sender to become transform(just(vs...), sch) when it is connected with a receiver whose execution domain does not customize transform_just.end note ]

[ Editor's note: Update § [exec.on] as follows: ]

  1. on adapts an input sender into a sender that will start on an execution agent belonging to a particular scheduler’s associated execution resource.

  2. Let replace-scheduler(env, sch) be an expression denoting an object env2 such that get_scheduler(env2) returns a copy of sch, get_domain(env2) is expression-equivalent to get_domain(sch), and tag_invoke(tag, env2, args...) is expression-equivalent to tag(env, args...) for all arguments args... and for all tag whose type satisfies forwarding-query and is not get_scheduler_t or get_domain_t.

  3. The name on denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and snd, let Sch be decltype((sch)) and Snd be decltype((snd)). If Sch does not satisfy scheduler, or Snd does not satisfy sender, on(sch, snd) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression on(sch, snd) is expression-equivalent to:

      query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()),
      make-sender(on, sch, snd));
    1. tag_invoke(on, sch, snd), if that expression is valid. If the function selected aboveIf a sender out_snd returned from on(sch, snd) is connected with a receiver rcv with environment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, env) does not return a sender that starts snd on an execution agent of the associated execution resource of sch when started, the behavior of calling on(sch, snd)connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
  4. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, on_t> is false, then the expression on_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it returns Otherwise, constructs a sender snd1 . Whensuch that when snd1 is connected with some receiver out_rcv, it:

    1. Constructs a receiver rcv such that:

      1. When set_value(rcv) is called, it calls connect(snd, rcv2), where rcv2 is as specified below, which results in op_state3. It calls start(op_state3). If any of these throws an exception, it calls set_error on out_rcv, passing current_exception() as the second argument.

      2. set_error(rcv, err) is expression-equivalent to set_error(out_rcv, err).

      3. set_stopped(rcv) is expression-equivalent to set_stopped(out_rcv).

      4. get_env(rcv) is expression-equivalent to get_env(out_rcv).

    2. Calls schedule(sch), which results in snd2. It then calls connect(snd2, rcv), resulting in op_state2.

    3. op_state2 is wrapped by a new operation state, op_state1, that is returned to the caller.

    4. rcv2 is a receiver that wraps a reference to out_rcv and forwards all completion operations to it. In addition, get_env(rcv2) returns replace-scheduler(env, sch).

    5. When start is called on op_state1, it calls start on op_state2.

    6. The lifetime of op_state2, once constructed, lasts until either op_state3 is constructed or op_state1 is destroyed, whichever comes first. The lifetime of op_state3, once constructed, lasts until op_state1 is destroyed.

  5. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, on_t> is false, then the expression on_t().transform_env(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, let sch be the scheduler used to construct snd. on_t().transform_env(snd, env) is equal to replace-scheduler(env, sch).

  6. Given subexpressions snd1 and env, where snd1 is a sender returned from on or a copy of such, let Snd1 be decltype((snd1)). Let Env2 be decltype((replace-scheduler(env, sch))). Then the type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, snd1, env) shall be:

      copy_cvref_t<Snd1, Snd>,

    where no-value-completions<As...> names the type completion_signatures<> for any set of types As....

[ Editor's note: Update § [exec.transfer] as follows: ]

  1. transfer adapts a sender into a sender with a different associated set_value completion scheduler. [ Note: It results in a transition between different execution resources when executed.end note ]

  2. The name transfer denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and snd, let Sch be decltype((sch)) and Snd be decltype((snd)). If Sch does not satisfy scheduler, or Snd does not satisfy sender, transfer(snd, sch) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression transfer(snd, sch) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-sender(transfer, sch, snd));
    1. tag_invoke(transfer, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd, sch), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(transfer, snd, sch), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    3. Otherwise, schedule_from(sch, snd).

If the function selected aboveIf a sender out_snd returned from transfer(snd, sch) is connected with a receiver rcv with environment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, env) does not return a sender whichthat is a result of a call to transform_sender(_get-domain-late_(out_snd, env),schedule_from(sch, snd2), env), where snd2 is a sender whichthat sends values equivalentequal to those sent by snd, the behavior of calling transfer(snd, sch) connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

  1. For a sender out_snd returned from transfer(snd, sch), get_env(out_snd) shall return a queryable object q such that get_domain(q) is expression-equivalent to get_domain(sch) and get_completion_scheduler<CPO>(q) returns a copy of sch, where CPO is either set_value_t or set_stopped_t. The get_completion_scheduler<set_error_t> query is not implemented, as the scheduler cannot be guaranteed in case an error is thrown while trying to schedule work on the given scheduler object. For all other query objects Q whose type satisfies forwarding-query, the expression Q(q, args...) shall be equivalent to Q(get_env(snd), args...).
  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, transfer_t> is false, then the expression transfer_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data, child] = snd;
    return schedule_from(std::move(data), std::move(child));

    [ Note: This causes the transfer(snd, sch) sender to become schedule_from(sch, snd) when it is connected with a receiver whose execution domain does not customize transfer.end note ]

[ Editor's note: Update § [exec.schedule.from] as follows: ]

  1. schedule_from schedules work dependent on the completion of a sender onto a scheduler’s associated execution resource. [ Note: schedule_from is not meant to be used in user code; it is used in the implementation of transfer.end note ]

  2. The name schedule_from denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and snd, let Sch be decltype((sch)) and Snd be decltype((snd)). If Sch does not satisfy scheduler, or Snd does not satisfy sender, schedule_from(sch, snd) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression schedule_from(sch, snd) is expression-equivalent to:

      query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()),
      make-schedule-from-sender(sch, snd));
    where make-schedule-from-sender(sch, snd) is expression-equivalent to make-sender(schedule_from, sch, snd) and returns a sender object snd2 that behaves as follows:
    1. tag_invoke(schedule_from, sch, snd), if that expression is valid. If the function selected by tag_invoke does not return a sender that completes on an execution agent belonging to the associated execution resource of sch and completing with the same async result ([async.ops]) as snd, the behavior of calling schedule_from(sch, snd) is undefined.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.

    1. Otherwise, constructs a sender snd2. When snd2 is connected with some receiver out_rcv, it:

      1. Constructs a receiver rcv such that when a receiver completion operation Tag(rcv, args...) is called, it decay-copies args... into op_state (see below) as args'args2... and constructs a receiver rcv2 such that:

        1. When set_value(rcv2) is called, it calls Tag(out_rcv, std::move(args'args2)...).

        2. set_error(rcv2, err) is expression-equivalent to set_error(out_rcv, err).

        3. set_stopped(rcv2) is expression-equivalent to set_stopped(out_rcv).

        4. get_env(rcv2) is equal to get_env(rcv).

        It then calls schedule(sch), resulting in a sender snd3. It then calls connect(snd3, rcv2), resulting in an operation state op_state3. It then calls start(op_state3). If any of these throws an exception, it catches it and calls set_error(out_rcv, current_exception()). If any of these expressions would be ill-formed, then Tag(rcv, args...) is ill-formed.

      2. Calls connect(snd, rcv) resulting in an operation state op_state2. If this expression would be ill-formed, connect(snd2, out_rcv) is ill-formed.

      3. Returns an operation state op_state that contains op_state2. When start(op_state) is called, calls start(op_state2). The lifetime of op_state3 ends when op_state is destroyed.

    2. [ Editor's note: This para is taken from the removed para (1) above. ] If the function selected by tag_invokeIf a sender out_snd returned from schedule_from(sch, snd) is connected with a receiver rcv with environmment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, env) does not return a sender that completes on an execution agent belonging to the associated execution resource of sch and completing with the same async result ([async.ops]) as snd, the behavior of calling schedule_from(sch, snd) connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

    3. Given subexpressions snd2 and env, where snd2 is a sender returned from schedule_from or a copy of such, let Snd2 be decltype((snd2)) and let Env be decltype((env)). Then the type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, snd2, env) shall be:

        copy_cvref_t<Snd2, Snd>,

      where potentially-throwing-completions, no-completions, value-completions, and error-completions are defined as follows:

      template <class... Ts>
      using all-nothrow-decay-copyable =
        boolean_constant<(is_nothrow_constructible_v<decay_t<Ts>, Ts> && ...)>
      template <class... Ts>
      using conjunction = boolean_constant<(Ts::value &&...)>;
      using potentially-throwing-completions =
          error_types_of_t<copy_cvref_t<Snd2, Snd>, Env, all-nothrow-decay-copyable>::value &&
            value_types_of_t<copy_cvref_t<Snd2, Snd>, Env, all-nothrow-decay-copyable, conjunction>::value,
      template <class...>
      using no-completions = completion_signatures<>;
      template <class... Ts>
      using value-completions = completion_signatures<set_value_t(decay_t<Ts>&&...)>;
      template <class T>
      using error-completions = completion_signatures<set_error_t(decay_t<T>&&)>;
  1. For a sender out_snd returned from schedule_from(sch, snd), get_env(out_snd) shall return a queryable object q such that get_domain(q) is expression-equivalent to get_domain(sch) and get_completion_scheduler<CPO>(q) returns a copy of sch, where CPO is either set_value_t or set_stopped_t. The get_completion_scheduler<set_error_t> query is not implemented, as the scheduler cannot be guaranteed in case an error is thrown while trying to schedule work on the given scheduler object. For all other query objects Q whose type satisfies forwarding-query, the expression Q(q, args...) shall be equivalent to Q(get_env(snd), args...).

[ Editor's note: Update § [exec.then] (with analogous changes to § [exec.upon.error] and § [exec.upon.stopped]) as follows: ]

  1. then attaches an invocable as a continuation for an input sender’s value completion operation.

  2. The name then denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions snd and f, let Snd be decltype((snd)), let F be the decayed type of f, and let f’f2 be an xvalue referring to an object decay-copied from f. If Snd does not satisfy sender, or F does not model movable-value, then(snd, f) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression then(snd, f) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-then-sender(f, snd));
    where make-then-sender(f, snd) is expression-equivalent to make-sender(then, f, snd) and returns a sender object snd2 that behaves as follows:
    1. tag_invoke(then, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd, f), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(then, snd, f), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.

    1. Otherwise, constructs a sender snd2. When snd2 is connected with some receiver out_rcv, it:

      1. Constructs a receiver rcv such that:

        1. When set_value(rcv, args...) is called, let v be the expression invoke(f’f2, args...). If decltype(v) is void, evaluates the expression
          (v, set_value(out_rcv)); otherwise, set_value(out_rcv, v). If any of these throw an exception, it catches it and calls set_error(out_rcv, current_exception()). If any of these expressions would be ill-formed, the expression set_value(rcv, args...) is ill-formed.

        2. set_error(rcv, err) is expression-equivalent to set_error(out_rcv, err).

        3. set_stopped(rcv) is expression-equivalent to set_stopped(out_rcv).

      2. Returns an expression-equivalent to connect(snd, rcv).

      3. Let compl-sig-t<Tag, Args...> name the type Tag() if Args... is a template paramter pack containing the single type void; otherwise, Tag(Args...). Given subexpressions out_snd and env where out_snd is a sender returned from then or a copy of such, let OutSnd be decltype((out_snd)) and let Env be decltype((env)). The type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, out_snd, env) shall be equivalent to:

          copy_cvref_t<OutSnd, Snd>, Env, set-error-signature,
            set-value-completions> ;

        where set-value-completions is an alias forthe alias template:

        template<class... As>
          set-value-completions =
            completion_signatures<compl-sig-t<set_value_t,SET-VALUE-SIG(invoke_result_t<F, As...>)>>

        and set-error-signature is an alias for completion_signatures<set_error_t(exception_ptr)> if any of the types in the type-list named by value_types_of_t<copy_cvref_t<OutSnd, Snd>, Env, potentially-throwing, type-list> are true_type; otherwise, completion_signatures<>, where potentially-throwing is the template aliasalias template:

        template<class... As>
          using potentially-throwing =
            bool_constant<!is_nothrow_invocable_v<F, As...>>
            negation<is_nothrow_invocable<F, As...>>;
    2. If the function selected above Let out_snd be the result of calling then(snd, f) or a copy of such. If out_snd is connected with a receiver rcv with environment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, env) does not return a sender that: [ Editor's note: reformated as a list for comprehensibility: ]

      — invokes f with the value result datums of snd,

      usinguses f’s return value as the sender’s out_snd’s value completion, and

      — forwards the non-value completion operations to rcv unchanged,

      then the behavior of calling then(snd, f)connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.let] as follows: ]

  1. let_value transforms a sender’s value completion into a new child asynchronous operation. let_error transforms a sender’s error completion into a new child asynchronous operation. let_stopped transforms a sender’s stopped completion into a new child asynchronous operation.

  2. [ Editor's note: Copied from below: ] Let the expression let-cpo be one of let_value, let_error, or let_stopped and let set-cpo be the completion function that corresponds to let-cpo (set_value for let_value, etc.). For subexpressions snd and re, let inner-env(snd, re) be an environment env such that:

get_domain(env) is expression-equivalent get-domain-late(snd, re)

get_scheduler(env) is expression-equivalent to the first well-formed expression below:

  • get_completion_scheduler<set-cpo-t>(get_env(snd)), where set-cpo-t is the type of set-cpo.

  • get_scheduler(re)

or if neither of them are, get_scheduler(env) is ill-formed.

— For all other query objects Q and arguments args..., Q(env, args...) is expression-equivalent to Q(re, args...).

  1. The names let_value, let_error, and let_stopped denote customization point objects. Let the expression let-cpo be one of let_value, let_error, or let_stopped. For subexpressions snd and f, let Snd be decltype((snd)), let F be the decayed type of f, and let f2 be an xvalue that refers to an object decay-copied from f. If Snd does not satisfy sender, the expression let-cpo(snd, f) is ill-formed. If F does not satisfy invocable, the expression let_stopped(snd, f) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression let-cpo(snd, f) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-let-sender(f, snd));
    where make-let-sender(f, snd) is expression-equivalent to make-sender(let-cpo, f, snd) and returns a sender object snd2 that behaves as follows:
    1. When snd2 is connected to some receiver out_rcv, it:

    1. tag_invoke(let-cpo, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd, f), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(let-cpo, snd, f), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    3. Otherwise, given a receiver out_rcv and an lvalue out_rcv' referring to an object decay-copied from out_rcv.

      1. For let_value, let set-cpo be set_value. For let_error, let set-cpo be set_error. For let_stopped, let set-cpo be set_stopped. Let completion-function be one of set_value, set_error, or set_stopped.

    1. Decay-copies out_rcv into op_state2 (see below). out_rcv2 is an xvalue referring to the copy of out_rcv.

    2. Let rcv be an rvalue of a receiver type RcvConstructs a receiver rcv such that such that:

      1. When set-cpo(rcv, args...) is called, the receiver rcv decay-copies args... into op_state2 as args2..., then calls invoke(f2, args2...) resulting in a sender snd3. It then calls connect(snd3, std::move(out_rcv’)out_rcv3), resulting in an operation state op_state3, where out_rcv3 is a receiver described below. op_state3 is saved as a part of op_state2. It then calls start(op_state3). If any of these throws an exception, it catches it and calls set_error(std::move(out_rcv’)out_rcv2, current_exception()). If any of these expressions would be ill-formed, set-cpo(rcv, args...) is ill-formed.

      2. completion-functionCF(rcv, args...) is expression-equivalent to completion-function(std::move(out_rcv'), args...) when completion-function is different from set-cpo CF(out_rcv2, args...), where CF is a completion function other than set-cpo.

      3. get_env(rcv) is expression-equivalent to get_env(out_rcv).
      4. out_rcv3 is a receiver that forwards its completion operations to out_rcv2 and for which get_env(out_rcv3) returns inner-env(get_env(snd), get_env(out_rcv2)).
    3. let-cpo(snd, f) returns a sender snd2 such that:Calls connect(snd, rcv) resulting in an operation state op_state2. [ Editor's note: The formatting is changed here. ] If the expression connect(snd, rcv) is ill-formed, connect(snd2, out_rcv) is ill-formed.

    4. Otherwise, let op_state2 be the result of connect(snd, rcv). connect(snd2, out_rcv) returnsReturns an operation state op_state that stores op_state2. start(op_state) is expression-equivalent to start(op_state2).

  1. Given subexpressions out_snd and env, where out_snd is a sender returned from let-cpo(snd, f) or a copy of such, let OutSnd be decltype((out_snd)), let Env be decltype((env)), and let DS be copy_cvref_t<OutSnd, Snd>. Then the type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, out_snd, env) is specified as follows:

    1. If sender_in<DS, Env> is false, the expression tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, out_snd, env) is ill-formed.

    2. Otherwise, let Sigs... be the set of template arguments of the completion_signatures specialization named by completion_signatures_of_t<DS, Env>, let Sigs2... be the set of function types in Sigs... whose return type is set-cpo, and let Rest... be the set of function types in Sigs... but not Sigs2....

    3. For each Sig2i in Sigs2..., let Vsi... be the set of function arguments in Sig2i and let Snd3i be invoke_result_t<F, decay_t<Vsi>&...>. If Snd3i is ill-formed, or if get-domain-early(declval<Snd3i>()) has a different type than get-domain-early(snd), or if sender_in<Snd3i, EnvEnv2> is not satisfied where Env2 is the type of inner-env(get_env(snd), env), then the expression tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, out_snd, env) is ill-formed.

    4. Otherwise, let Sigs3i... be the set of template arguments of the completion_signatures specialization named by completion_signatures_of_t<Snd3i, EnvEnv2>. Then the type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, out_snd, env) shall be equivalent to completion_signatures<Sigs30..., Sigs31..., ... Sigs3n-1..., Rest..., set_error_t(exception_ptr)>, where n is sizeof...(Sigs2).

  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)) and Env is decltype((env)). If sender-for<Snd, let-cpo-t> is false where let-cpo-t is the type of let-cpo, then the expression let-cpo-t().transform_env(snd, env) is ill-formed. Otherwise, it is equal to inner-env(get_env(snd), env).
  1. If a sender out_snd returned from let-cpo(snd, f) is connected to a receiver rcv with environment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, env) does not return a sender that [ Editor's note: reformated as a list for comprehensibility ]:

    — invokes f when set-cpo is called with snd’s result datums, and

    — makes its completion dependent on the completion of a sender returned by f, and

    — propagates the other completion operations sent by snd,

    the behavior of calling let-cpo(snd, f)connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.bulk] as follows: ]

  1. bulk runs a task repeatedly for every index in an index space.

  2. The name bulk denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions snd, shape, and f, let Snd be decltype((snd)), Shape be decltype((shape)), and F be decltype((f)). If Snd does not satisfy sender or Shape does not satisfy integral, bulk is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression bulk(snd, shape, f) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-bulk-sender(product-type{shape, f}, snd));

    where make-bulk-sender(t, snd) is expression-equivalent to make-sender(bulk, t, snd) for a subexpression t and returns a sender object snd2 that behaves as follows:

    1. tag_invoke(bulk, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd, shape, f), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(bulk, snd, shape, f), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.

    1. Otherwise, constructs a sender snd2. When snd2 is connected with some receiver out_rcv, it:

      1. Constructs a receiver rcv:

        1. When set_value(rcv, args...) is called, calls f(i, args...) for each i of type Shape from 0 to shape, then calls set_value(out_rcv, args...). If any of these throws an exception, it catches it and calls set_error(out_rcv, current_exception()). If any of these expressions are ill-formed, set_value(rcv, args...) is ill-formed.

        2. When set_error(rcv, err) is called, calls set_error(out_rcv, err).

        3. When set_stopped(rcv) is called, calls set_stopped(out_rcv, env).

      2. Calls connect(snd, rcv), which results in an operation state op_state2.

      3. Returns an operation state op_state that contains op_state2. When start(op_state) is called, calls start(op_state2).

      4. Given subexpressions snd2 and env where snd2 is a sender returned from bulk or a copy of such, let Snd2 be decltype((snd2)), let Env be decltype((env)), let DS be copy_cvref_t<Snd2, Snd>, let Shape be decltype((shape)) and let nothrow-callable be the alias template:

        template<class... As>
          using nothrow-callable =
            bool_constant<is_nothrow_invocable_v<decay_t<F>&, Shape, As...>>;
        1. If any of the types in the type-list named by value_types_of_t<DS, Env, nothrow-callable, type-list> are false_type, then the type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, snd2, env) shall be equivalent to:

            DS, Env, completion_signatures<set_error_t(exception_ptr)>>
        2. Otherwise, the type of tag_invoke(get_completion_signatures, snd2, env) shall be equivalent to completion_signatures_of_t<DS, Env>.

    2. If the function selected above Let out_snd be the result of calling bulk(snd, shape, f) or a copy of such. If out_snd is connected to a receiver rcv with environment env such that transform_sender(get-domain-late(out_snd, env), out_snd, env) does not return a sender that invokes f(i, args...) for each i of type Shape from 0 to shape where args is a pack of subexpressions referring to the value completion result datums of the input sender, or does not execute a value completion operation with said datums, the behavior of calling bulk(snd, shape, f)connect(out_snd, rcv) is undefined.

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.split] as follows: ]

  1. split adapts an arbitrary sender into a sender that can be connected multiple times.

  2. Let split-env be the type of an environment such that, given an instance env, the expression get_stop_token(env) is well-formed and has type stop_token.

  3. The name split denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be decltype((snd)). If sender_in<Snd, split-env> or constructible_from<decay_t<env_of_t<Snd>>, env_of_t<Snd>> is false, split is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression split(snd) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-sender(split, snd));
    1. tag_invoke(split, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.

    2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(split, snd), if that expression is valid.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.

    1. Let snd be a subexpression such that Snd is decltype((snd)), and let env... be a pack of subexpressions such that sizeof...(env) <= 1 is true. If sender-for<Snd, split_t> is false, then the expression split_t().transform_sender(snd, env...) is ill-formed; otherwise, it returns Otherwise, constructs a sender snd2 , whichthat:

      1. Creates an object sh_state that [ Editor's note: … as before ]

[Change § [exec.when.all] as follows:]

  1. when_all and when_all_with_variant both adapt multiple input senders into a sender that completes when all input senders have completed. when_all only accepts senders with a single value completion signature and on success concatenates all the input senders’ value result datums into its own value completion operation. when_all_with_variant(snd...) is semantically equivilant to when_all(into_variant(snd)...), where snd is a pack of subexpressions of sender types.

  2. The names when_all and when_all_with_variant denotes a customization point objects. For some subexpressions sndi..., let Sndi... be decltype((sndi)).... The expressions when_all(sndi...) is and when_all_with_variant(sndi...) are ill-formed if any of the following is true:

    • If the number of subexpressions sndi... is 0, or

    • If any type Sndi does not satisfy sender.

    • If the expression get-domain-early(sndi) has a different type for any other value of i.

    Otherwise, those expressions have the semantics specified below.

    [ Editor's note: The following paragraph becomes numbered and subsequent paragraphs are renumbered. ]

  3. Otherwise, theThe expression when_all(sndi...) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-when-all-sender(snd0, ... sndn-1))

    where make-when-all-sender(sndi...) is expression-equivalent to make-sender(when_all, {}, sndi...) and returns a sender object w of type W that behaves as follows:

    1. tag_invoke(when_all, sndi...), if that expression is valid. If the function selected by tag_invoke does not return a sender that sends a concatenation of values sent by sndi... when they all complete with set_value, the behavior of calling when_all(sndi...) is undefined.

      • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
    2. Otherwise, constructs a sender w of type W. When w is connected with some receiver out_rcv of type OutR, it returns an operation state op_state specified as below:

      1. For each sender sndi, … [ Editor's note: … as before ]

  4. The name when_all_with_variant denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions snd..., let Snd be decltype((snd)). If any type Sndi in Snd... does not satisfy sender, when_all_with_variant is ill-formed. Otherwise, the The expression when_all_with_variant(sndi...) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-sender(when_all_with_variant, {}, snd0, ... sndn-1))
  1. tag_invoke(when_all_with_variant, snd...), if that expression is valid. If the function selected by tag_invoke does not return a sender that, when connected with a receiver of type Rcv, sends the types into-variant-type<Snd, env_of_t<Rcv>>... when they all complete with set_value, the behavior of calling when_all(sndi...) is undefined.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
  2. Otherwise, when_all(into_variant(snd)...).

  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, when_all_with_variant_t> is false, then the expression when_all_with_variant_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data, ...child] = snd;
    return when_all(into_variant(std::move(child))...);

    [ Note: This causes the when_all_with_variant(snd...) sender to become when_all(into_variant(snd)...) when it is connected with a receiver whose execution domain does not customize when_all_with_variant.end note ]

  1. For a sender snd2 returned from when_all or when_all_with_variant, get_env(snd2) shall return an instance of a class equivalent to empty_env. Given a pack of subexpressions snd..., let out_snd be an object returned from when_all(snd...) or when_all_with_variant(snd...) or a copy of such, and let env be the environment object returned from get_env(out_snd). Given a query object Q, tag_invoke(Q, env) is expression-equivalent to get-domain-early(snd0) when Q is get_domain; otherwise, it is ill-formed.

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.transfer.when.all] as follows: ]

  1. transfer_when_all and transfer_when_all_with_variant both adapt multiple input senders into a sender that completes when all input senders have completed, ensuring the input senders complete on the specified scheduler. transfer_when_all only accepts senders with a single value completion signature and on success concatenates all the input senders’ value result datums into its own value completion operation; transfer_when_all(scheduler, input-senders...) is semantically equivalent to transfer(when_all(input-senders...), scheduler). transfer_when_all_with_variant(scheduler, input-senders...) is semantically equivilant to transfer_when_all(scheduler, into_variant(intput-senders)...). [ Note: These customizable composite algorithms can allow for more efficient customizations in some cases.end note ]

  2. The name transfer_when_all denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and snd..., let Sch be decltype(sch) and Snd be decltype((snd)). If Sch does not satisfy scheduler, or any type Sndi in Snd... does not satisfy sender, transfer_when_all is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression transfer_when_all(sch, snd...) is expression-equivalent to:

    return transform_sender(
      query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()),
      make-sender(transfer_when_all, sch, snd...));
  1. tag_invoke(transfer_when_all, sch, snd...), if that expression is valid. If the function selected by tag_invoke does not return a sender that sends a concatenation of values sent by snd... when they all complete with set_value, or does not send its completion operation, other than ones resulting from a scheduling error, on an execution agent belonging to the associated execution resource of sch, the behavior of calling transfer_when_all(sch, snd...) is undefined.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
  2. Otherwise, transfer(when_all(snd...), sch).

  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, transfer_when_all_t> is false, then the expression transfer_when_all_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data, ...child] = snd;
    return transfer(when_all(std::move(child)...), std::move(data));

    [ Note: This causes the transfer_when_all(sch, snd...) sender to become transfer(when_all(snd...), sch) when it is connected with a receiver whose execution domain does not customize transfer_when_all.end note ]

  1. The name transfer_when_all_with_variant denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and snd..., let Sch be decltype((sch)) and let Snd be decltype((snd)). If any type Sndi in Snd... does not satisfy sender, transfer_when_all_with_variant is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression transfer_when_all_with_variant(sch, snd...) is expression-equivalent to:

    return transform_sender(
      query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()),
      make-sender(transfer_when_all_with_variant, sch, snd...));
  1. tag_invoke(transfer_when_all_with_variant, snd...), if that expression is valid. If the function selected by tag_invoke does not return a sender that, when connected with a receiver of type Rcv, sends the types into-variant-type<Snd, env_of_t<Rcv>>... when they all complete with set_value, the behavior of calling transfer_when_all_with_variant(sch, snd...) is undefined.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
  2. Otherwise, transfer_when_all(sch, into_variant(snd)...).

  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)). If sender-for<Snd, transfer_when_all_with_variant_t> is false, then the expression transfer_when_all_with_variant_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data, ...child] = snd;
    return transfer_when_all(std::move(data), into_variant(std::move(child))...);

    [ Note: This causes the transfer_when_all_with_variant(sch, snd...) sender to become transfer_when_all(sch, into_variant(snd)...) when it is connected with a receiver whose execution domain does not customize transfer_when_all_with_variant.end note ]

  1. For a sender out_snd returned from transfer_when_all(sch, snd...) or transfer_when_all_with_variant(sch, snd...), get_env(out_snd) shall return a queryable object q such that get_domain(q) shall be expression-equivalent to get_domain(sch), and get_completion_scheduler<CPO>(q) returns a copy of sch, where CPO is either set_value_t or set_stopped_t. The get_completion_scheduler<set_error_t> query is not implemented, as the scheduler cannot be guaranteed in case an error is thrown while trying to schedule work on the given scheduler object.

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.into.variant] as follows: ]

  1. into_variant adapts a sender with multiple value completion signatures into a sender with just one consisting of a variant of tuplesnd.

  2. The template into-variant-type computes the type sent by a sender returned from into_variant.

    template<class Snd, class Env>
        requires sender_in<Snd, Env>
      using into-variant-type =
        value_types_of_t<Snd, Env>;
  3. into_variant is a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be decltype((snd)). If Snd does not satisfy sender, into_variant(snd) is ill-formed. Otherwise, into_variant(snd) is expression-equivalent to:


    where make-into-variant-sender(snd) is expression-equivalent to make-sender(into_variant, {}, snd) and returns a sender object snd2. that behaves as follows:

    [ Editor's note: Reformatting here ]

    1. When snd2 is connected with some receiver out_rcv, it:

    2. Constructs a receiver rcv:

      1. If set_value(rcv, ts...) is called, calls set_value(out_rcv, into-variant-type<Snd, env_of_t<decltype((rcv))>>(decayed-tuple<decltype(ts)...>(ts...))). If this expression throws an exception, calls set_error(out_rcv, current_exception()).

      2. set_error(rcv, err) is expression-equivalent to set_error(out_rcv, err).

      3. set_stopped(rcv) is expression-equivalent to set_stopped(out_rcv).

    3. Calls connect(snd, rcv), resulting in an operation state op_state2.

    4. Returns an operation state op_state that contains op_state2. When start(op_state) is called, calls start(op_state2).

    5. Given subexpressions snd2 and env […] [ Editor's note: …as before ]

[ Editor's note: Change § [] as follows: ]

  1. stopped_as_optional maps an input sender’s stopped completion operation into the value completion operation as an empty optional. The input sender’s value completion operation is also converted into an optional. The result is a sender that never completes with stopped, reporting cancellation by completing with an empty optional.

  2. The name stopped_as_optional denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be decltype((snd)). Let _get-env-sender_ be an expression such that, when it is connected with a receiver rcv, start on the resulting operation state completes immediately by calling set_value(rcv, get_env(rcv)). The expression stopped_as_optional(snd) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-sender(stopped_as_optional, {}, snd))
      []<class Env>(const Env&) requires single-sender<Snd, Env> {
        return let_stopped(
            []<class T>(T&& t) {
              return optional<decay_t<single-sender-value-type<Snd, Env>>>{
          [] () noexcept {
            return just(optional<decay_t<single-sender-value-type<Snd, Env>>>{});
  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)) and Env is decltype((env)). If either sender-for<Snd, stopped_as_optional_t> or single-sender<Snd, Env> is false, then the expression stopped_as_optional_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data, child] = snd;
    using V = single-sender-value-type<Snd, Env>;
    return let_stopped(
             []<class T>(T&& t) { return optional<V>(std::forward<T>(t)); }),
        []() noexcept { return just(optional<V>()); });

[ Editor's note: Change § [] as follows: ]

  1. stopped_as_error maps an input sender’s stopped completion operation into an error completion operation as a custom error type. The result is a sender that never completes with stopped, reporting cancellation by completing with an error.

  2. The name stopped_as_error denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions snd and err, let Snd be decltype((snd)) and let Err be decltype((err)). If the type Snd does not satisfy sender or if the type Err doesn’t satisfy movable-value, stopped_as_error(snd, err) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression stopped_as_error(snd, err) is expression-equivalent to:

    let_stopped(snd, [] { return just_error(err); })
      make-sender(stopped_as_error, err, snd))
  1. Let snd and env be subexpressions such that Snd is decltype((snd)) and Env is decltype((env)). If sender-for<Snd, stopped_as_error_t> is false, then the expression stopped_as_error_t().transform_sender(snd, env) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is equal to:

    auto [tag, data, child] = snd;
    return let_stopped(
        [err = std::move(data)]() mutable { return just_error(std::move(err)); });

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.ensure.started] as follows: ]

  1. ensure_started eagerly starts the execution of a sender, returning a sender that is usable as intput to additional sender algorithms.

  2. Let ensure-started-env be the type of an execution environment such that, given an instance env, the expression get_stop_token(env) is well-formed and has type stop_token.

  3. The name ensure_started denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be decltype((snd)). If sender_in<Snd, ensure-started-env> or constructible_from<decay_t<env_of_t<Snd>>, env_of_t<Snd>> is false, ensure_started(snd) is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression ensure_started(snd) is expression-equivalent to:

      make-sender(ensure_started, {}, snd));
  1. tag_invoke(ensure_started, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd), if that expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
  2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(ensure_started, snd), if that expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above satisfies sender.
  1. Let snd be a subexpression such that Snd is decltype((snd)), and let env... be a pack of subexpressions such that sizeof...(env) <= 1 is true. If sender-for<Snd, ensure_started_t> is false, then the expression ensure_started_t().transform_sender(snd, env...) is ill-formed; otherwise, it returns Otherwise, constructs a sender snd2 , whichthat:

    1. Creates an object sh_state that [ Editor's note: … as before ]

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.start.detached] as follows: ]

  1. start_detached eagerly starts a sender without the caller needing to manage the lifetimes of any objects.

  2. The name start_detached denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be decltype((snd)). If Snd does not satisfy senderIf sender_in<Snd, empty_env> is false, start_detached is ill-formed. Otherwise, the expression start_detached(snd) is expression-equivalent to:

    apply_sender(get-domain-early(snd), start_detached, snd)
  • Mandates: The type of the expression above is void.

If the function selectedexpression above does not eagerly start the sender snd after connecting it with a receiver that ignores value and stopped completion operations and calls terminate() on error completions, the behavior of calling start_detached(snd) is undefined.

  1. tag_invoke(start_detached, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd), if that expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is void.
  2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(start_detached, snd), if that expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is void.
  3. Otherwise, let Rcv be the type of a receiver, let rcv be an rvalue of type Rcv, and let crcv be a lvalue reference to const Rcv such that:

    — The expression set_value(rcv) is not potentially-throwing and has no effect,

    — For any subexpression err, the expression set_error(rcv, err) is expression-equivalent to terminate(),

    — The expression set_stopped(rcv) is not potentially-throwing and has no effect, and

    — The expression get_env(crcv) is expression-equivalent to empty_env{}.

    Calls connect(snd, rcv), resulting in an operation state op_state, then calls start(op_state).

  1. Let snd be a subexpression such that Snd is decltype((snd)), and let detached-receiver and detached-operation be the following exposition-only class types:

    struct detached-receiver {
      using is_receiver = unspecified;
      detached-operation* op; // exposition only
      friend void tag_invoke(set_value_t, detached-receiver&& self) noexcept { delete self.op; }
      friend void tag_invoke(set_error_t, detached-receiver&&, auto&&) noexcept { terminate(); }
      friend void tag_invoke(set_stopped_t, detached-receiver&& self) noexcept { delete self.op; }
      friend empty_env tag_invoke(get_env_t, const detached-receiver&) noexcept { return {}; }
    struct detached-operation {
      connect_result_t<Snd, detached-receiver> op; // exposition only
      explicit detached-operation(Snd&& snd)
        : op(connect(std::forward<Snd>(snd), detached-receiver{this}))

    If sender_to<Snd, detached-receiver> is false, then the expression start_detached_t().apply_sender(snd) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is expression-equivalent to:

    start((new detached-operation(snd))->op)

[ Editor's note: Change § [exec.sync.wait] as follows: ]

  1. […]
  1. The name this_thread::sync_wait denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be decltype((snd)). If sender_in<Snd, sync-wait-env> is false, or the number of the arguments completion_signatures_of_t<Snd, sync-wait-env>::value_types passed into the Variant template parameter is not 1 if the type completion_signatures_of_t<Snd, sync-wait-env, type-list, type_identity_t> is ill-formed, this_thread::sync_wait(snd) is ill-formed. Otherwise, this_thread::sync_wait(snd) is expression-equivalent to:
apply_sender(get-domain-early(snd), sync_wait, snd)
  • Mandates: The type of expression above is sync-wait-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>.
  1. tag_invoke(this_thread::sync_wait, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd), if this expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is sync-wait-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>.
  2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(this_thread::sync_wait, snd), if this expression is valid and its type is.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is sync-wait-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>.
  1. Otherwise: Let sync-wait-receiver be a class type that satisfies receiver, let rcv be an xvalue of that type, and let crcv be a const lvalue referring to rcv such that get_env(crcv) has type sync-wait-env. If sender_in<Snd, sync-wait-env> is false, or if the type completion_signatures_of_t<Snd, sync-wait-env, type-list, type_identity_t> is ill-formed, the expression sync_wait_t().apply_sender(snd) is ill-formed; otherwise, it has the following effects:

    1. Constructs a receiver rcv.

    2. Calls connect(snd, rcv), resulting in an operation state op_state, then calls start(op_state).

    3. Blocks the current thread until a completion operation of rcv is executed. When it is:

      1. If set_value(rcv, ts...) has been called, returns sync-wait-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>{decayed-tuple<decltype(ts)...>{ts...}}. If that expression exits exceptionally, the exception is propagated to the caller of sync_wait.

      2. If set_error(rcv, err) has been called, let Err be the decayed type of err. If Err is exception_ptr, calls std::rethrow_exception(err). Otherwise, if the Err is error_code, throws system_error(err). Otherwise, throws err.

      3. If set_stopped(rcv) has been called, returns sync-wait-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>{}.

  2. The name this_thread::sync_wait_with_variant denotes a customization point object. For some subexpression snd, let Snd be the type of into_variant(snd). If sender_in<Snd, sync-wait-env> is false, this_thread::sync_wait_with_variant(snd) is ill-formed. Otherwise, this_thread::sync_wait_with_variant(snd) is expression-equivalent to:

apply_sender(get-domain-early(snd), sync_wait_with_variant, snd)
  • Mandates: The type of expression above is sync-wait-with-variant-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>.
  1. tag_invoke(this_thread::sync_wait_with_variant, get_completion_scheduler<set_value_t>(get_env(snd)), snd), if this expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is sync-wait-with-variant-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>.
  2. Otherwise, tag_invoke(this_thread::sync_wait_with_variant, snd), if this expression is valid.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is sync-wait-with-variant-type<Snd, sync-wait-env>.
  1. Otherwise,The expression sync_wait_with_variant_t().apply_sender(snd) is expression-equivalent to this_thread::sync_wait(into_variant(snd)).

[Update §11.10 [exec.execute] as follows:]

  1. execute creates fire-and-forget tasks on a specified scheduler.

  2. The name execute denotes a customization point object. For some subexpressions sch and f, let Sch be decltype((sch)) and F be decltype((f)). If Sch does not satisfy scheduler or F does not satisfy invocable, execute is ill-formed. Otherwise, execute is expression-equivalent to:

      query-or-default(get_domain, sch, default_domain()),
      execute, schedule(sch), f)
  • Mandates: The type of the expression above is void.
  1. tag_invoke(execute, sch, f), if that expression is valid. If the function selected by tag_invoke does not invoke the function f (or an object decay-copied from f) on an execution agent belonging to the associated execution resource of sch, or if it does not call std::terminate if an error occurs after control is returned to the caller, the behavior of calling execute is undefined.

    • Mandates: The type of the tag_invoke expression above is void.
  1. Otherwise, For some subexpressions snd and f where F is decltype((f)), if F does not satisfy invocable, the expression execute_t().apply_sender(snd, f) is ill-formed; otherwise, it is expression-equivalent to start_detached(then(schedule(sch)snd, f)).

5 References

[P1061R5] Barry Revzin, Jonathan Wakely. 2023-05-18. Structured Bindings can introduce a Pack.
[P2141R1] Antony Polukhin. 2023-05-03. Aggregates are named tuples.
[P2300R7] Eric Niebler, Michał Dominiak, Georgy Evtushenko, Lewis Baker, Lucian Radu Teodorescu, Lee Howes, Kirk Shoop, Michael Garland, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach. 2023-04-21. `std::execution`.
[stdexecgithub] stdexec.