Distinguishing between member and free coroutines

Document #: P3253R0
Date: 2024-05-13
Project: Programming Language C++
Audience: EWG, LEWG
Reply-to: Brian Bi

1 Abstract

A non-static member function coroutine having object parameter type O, non-object parameter types P1, …, Pn, and return type R has the same promise type as a free function coroutine having parameter types O, P1, …, Pn and return type R. Calling the former coroutine will always invoke the same operator new overload, with the same argument values, as a corresponding call to the latter coroutine. It is not possible to write a promise type and operator new that can distinguish between the two cases. This limitation can force the authors of coroutine return types such as std::generator to provide undesired behavior. I propose a mechanism that allows new code to distinguish between the two cases, while not changing the behavior of existing code.

2 Introduction

Several important properties of coroutines are determined by the coroutine’s promise type, defined by §9.5.4 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine]1p3 of the Standard as std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type, where R is the return type of the coroutine, and P1, …, Pn is the sequence of the coroutine’s parameter types. However, “if the coroutine is a non-static member function”, then this list of parameter types is “preceded by the type of the object parameter”. For example, consider the following three coroutines.

struct S {
    R member_coro1(int x, std::string y) const;
    R member_coro2(const S&, int x, std::string y) const;
R free_coro(const S&, int x, std::string y);

Both member_coro1 and free_coro have promise type std::coroutine_traits<R, const S&, int, std::string>::promise_type. By default, this type is simply R::promise_type17.12.3.2 [coroutine.traits.primary]p1), but like most standard library traits, std::coroutine_traits may be specialized if the specialization depends on at least one program-defined type. Therefore, if R is a program-defined type, the author of R can make the promise type of member_coro1 and free_coro something other than R::promise_type, but no matter what, these two coroutines will have the same promise type.

If the author of class S wants to give member_coro1 a different promise type from free_coro, they can accomplish this by creating a separate coroutine return type, or by making member_coro1 a non-coroutine that delegates to a private coroutine having a different signature. However, it may often be the case that the author of the coroutine return type R intends to make it easy for users to write their own coroutines that return R without understanding coroutine internals such as the promise type. In such cases, the author of R might wish to provide different behavior for member_coro1 and free_coro without requiring any special cooperation from the author of S. In some cases—particularly, when it comes to how the coroutine frame is allocated—the desired behavior of member_coro2 is similar to that of free_coro.

3 Allocation of coroutine frames

When a coroutine is called, the implementation usually has to allocate storage to hold the promise type, parameter copies, and other implementation-defined state related to the coroutine. These data are stored in what the Standard calls the coroutine state, but is most often informally referred to as the coroutine frame. The coroutine frame, unless elided by the compiler, is allocated using the promise type’s operator new if one is available, otherwise the global operator new9.5.4 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine]p9).

When an operator new is found in the promise type, the implementation passes the amount of storage required as the first argument, followed by the lvalues p1, …, pn, which refer to the function parameters of the coroutine, again prepended by an lvalue referring to the object parameter, in the case of a non-static member function. Therefore, in the example in the previous section, if member_coro1 were to be called on an object s with non-object arguments x and y, and free_coro were to be called with arguments s, x, and y, then the same operator new would be called in both cases, with the same arguments.

4 Allocation in std::generator

A concrete example of how a coroutine frame can be allocated using a user-supplied allocator is found in the specification of the standard library template std::generator. Instantiated specializations of std::generator are suitable as the return type of a coroutine that co_yields a sequence of values. The third template parameter of std::generator, named Alloc, is the type of the allocator to which std::generator::promise_type::operator new will delegate when called to allocate memory for the coroutine frame. The user may wish to provide a concrete Alloc object; if one is not provided, then a value-initialized Alloc object is used to allocate the coroutine frame. To provide an allocator, the user must pass the allocator as the second argument to the coroutine, with a value of type std::allocator_arg_t as the first argument.

Consider the following examples of coroutines that return a std::generator type:

using Generator = std::generator<int, void, std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<>>;

struct S {
    Generator member_coro1(std::allocator_arg_t,
                           std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<> alloc,
                           int x) const;
Generator free_coro1(std::allocator_arg_t,
                     std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<> alloc,
                     int x);
Generator free_coro2(const S&,
                     std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<> alloc,
                     int x);
Generator free_coro3(const S&,
                     const std::vector<int>&,
                     std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<> alloc,
                     int x);

In member_coro, because the first parameter type is std::allocator_arg_t and the second is an allocator type that is compatible with the third template argument of Generator, the user expects that the value of the parameter alloc is used to allocate the coroutine frame. The same is true for free_coro1. In free_coro2, on the other hand, std::allocator_arg_t is in the second position. Because Standard Library containers treat std::allocator_arg_t as a special marker indicating which allocator to use only when std::allocator_arg_t appears as the first parameter type, and as an ordinary parameter otherwise, consistency with the design of the rest of the Standard Library would require the supplied allocator to not be used to allocate the coroutine frame in free_coro2 and free_coro3.

What actually happens is that the supplied allocator is used to allocate the coroutine frame in free_coro2 but not in free_coro3. The reason for this behavior is that, in order to use the user-supplied allocator in member_coro, std::generator must define an operator new belonging to std::coroutine_traits<Generator, const S&, std::allocator_arg_t, std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<>, int>::promise_type that accepts an argument of type size_t, followed by an argument of an arbitrary class type such as S, followed by an argument of type std::allocator_arg_t, and finally an allocator. But when free_coro2 is called, the exact same promise type will be used by the implementation, and the exact same operator new overload will be called. Therefore, it is not possible for std::generator to use the user-supplied allocator in member_coro without also using the user-supplied allocator in free_coro2. On the other hand, since free_coro1 is how a free coroutine using the user-supplied allocator would normally be declared, it is important to support this behavior in free_coro1. The language rules thus force the author of a type like std::generator to declare an overload of operator new that takes its allocator in the third position (after size_t and std::allocator_arg_t) to support free_coro1 as well as one that takes its allocator in the fourth position to support member_coro and, inadvertently, free_coro2. The result is a gratuitous inconsistency between the behavior of member and free coroutines with respect to allocator parameters, and between the behavior of std::generator and other Standard Library facilities that accept a user-supplied allocator.

5 Possible solutions

In order to make it possible for the member_coro and free_coro1 in the previous section to use the user-supplied allocator, while free_coro2 and free_coro3 would not, one possible solution is to introduce a narrow fix only for operator new, such as specifying that in the case of a member coroutine, a two-phase overload resolution is performed in which a special argument of type, say, std::object_parameter<const S&> would be passed to operator new when member_coro is called. However, I believe it would be more useful to provide a general solution allowing member_coro and free_coro2 to have different promise types. Such a mechanism would obviate the need for a mechanism for operator new to determine whether it is being called to allocate a coroutine frame for a member or free coroutine, since the two operator news being called in those cases could simply be members of different classes altogether.

5.1 Separate member type (proposed)

The mechanism I propose here is to add a member type called promise_type_for_nonstatic_member to the interface of std::coroutine_traits. When a non-static member coroutine is called, the implementation first checks whether std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type_for_nonstatic_member (where P1, …, Pn are defined as in §9.5.4 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine]p3) is a valid type. If so, that type is the promise type for the coroutine. If not, then the implementation falls back on std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type, as is done in current C++. This proposal thus guarantees backward compatibility unless, for some reason, a user chose to define promise_type_for_nonstatic_member in either a specialization of std::coroutine_traits or their coroutine return type prior to the adoption of this proposal.

5.2 Should we support detection of the ref-qualifer? (not currently proposed)

In both the status quo and the solution proposed above, two member coroutines would have the same promise type if they differ only in the presence of the & ref-qualifier, since the implicit object parameter for an implicit object member function with no ref-qualifier is an lvalue reference. In order to make it possible to distinguish between these two signatures, we would need to pass something other than the mere implicit object parameter type to std::coroutine_traits. For example, in the case of member_coro1 above, we could specify that the implementation passes the type Generator (S::*)(std::allocator_arg_t, std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<>, int) const when member_coro1 is called2; the pointer to member function type passed for a member coroutine with a ref-qualifier would include that ref-qualifier.

5.3 Different template arguments to std::coroutine_traits (not proposed)

Another possible solution is to invent a new Standard Library tag type, such as std::member_coroutine_t, and then specify that the promise type of a non-static member coroutine is std::coroutine_traits<R, std::member_coroutine_t, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type if that type is valid, otherwise falling back to status quo. (To ensure that currently existing code would use the fallback, this strategy would also require the primary template not to provide promise_type when the second template argument is std::member_coroutine_t.) I do not propose this solution because it could hypothetically cause difficulties if someone were to ever find a use for a free coroutine with first parameter type std::member_coroutine_t (most likely instantiated from a function template).

5.4 Different traits template (not proposed)

A third possible solution is to invent a new Standard Library traits template, say, std::nonstatic_member_coroutine_traits, which would be used in case of a non-static member coroutine, with a fallback to std::coroutine_traits. I think this solution is similar to the solution using a separate member type, but I slightly prefer keeping the specifications of the member and non-member promise types in a single class so that any implementation details used to compute the promise types can also be nested within that single class. However, if the EWG reaches consensus to support detection of the ref-qualifier as described above, then a separate traits template may be superior because it would be natural to pass the pointer to member function type as the first or second template argument to std::nonstatic_member_coroutine_traits, and there is not an obvious place to pass this template argument to std::coroutine_traits::promise_type_for_nonstatic_member.

6 Wording

Edit §9.5.4 [dcl.fct.def.coroutine]p3:

The promise type of a coroutine is std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type, wheredefined as follows. Let R isbe the return type of the function, and P1Pn isthe sequence of types of the non-object function parameters, preceded by the type of the object parameter ([dcl.fct]) if the the coroutine is a non-static member function. If the coroutine is a non-static member function and std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type_for_nonstatic_member is valid and denotes a type ([temp.deduct]), the promise type is that type. Otherwise, the promise type is std::coroutine_traits<R, P1, ..., Pn>::promise_type. The promise type shall be a class type.

In §15.11 [cpp.predefined], bump the value of __cpp_impl_coroutine.

Replace § [coroutine.traits.primary]p1 as shown:

The header <coroutine> defines the primary template coroutine_traits such that if ArgTypes is a parameter pack of types and if the qualified-id R::promise_type is valid and denotes a type ([temp.deduct]), then coroutine_traits<R, ArgTypes...> has the following publicly accessible member:

  using promise_type = typename R::promise_type;

Otherwise, coroutine_traits<R, ArgTypes...> has no members.

The header <coroutine> defines the primary template coroutine_traits such that if R is a type and ArgTypes is a parameter pack of types, then coroutine_traits<R, ArgTypes...> has the following members:

  • If R::promise_type is valid and denotes a type ([temp.deduct]), then the public member using promise_type = typename R::promise_type;, and no member with that name otherwise.
  • If R::promise_type_for_nonstatic_member is valid and denotes a type, then the public member using promise_type_for_nonstatic_member = typename R::using_promise_type_for_nonstatic_member;, and no member with that name otherwise.

Drafting note: The original wording “has no members” was probably not meant to be taken literally: even an empty class has implicitly declared special member functions. Requiring no other members, even with different names, is also inconsistent with prior art (§ [pointer.traits.types]p2, § [iterator.traits]p3.4).

In §17.3.2 [version.syn], bump the value of __cpp_lib_coroutine.

  1. All citations to the Standard are to working draft N4981 unless otherwise specified.↩︎

  2. In the case of a call through a pointer to member function, the implementation would supply the type of that pointer to member function, not the called member function itself, since the latter would be unimplementable; the former is known at the call site, while the latter may differ in the class type (§7.3.13 [conv.mem]p2) and by the absence of noexcept7.3.14 [conv.fctptr]p1).↩︎