Document number: P3307R0.
Date: 2024-5-22.
Authors: Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi.
Reply to: Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi <gonzalob _at_>.
Audience: SG6.

Table of Contents

Floating-Point Maximum/Minimum Function Objects

Adds floating-point aware minimum/maximum function objects following C23 APIs to the <functional> header.


Maximum/minimum parallel reductions - e.g. via std::reduce or std::transform_reduce - are very common in scientific applications, e.g., to determine the admisible time-step during explicit time integration of partial-differential equations. Modern data center hardware provides hardware acceleration for these sort of reductions.

While C++ provides such function objects via std::ranges::min/::max, these function objects exhibit undefined behavior in the presence of NaNs, and require -0 == +0 (i.e.-0 < +0 to be false), which goes against IEEE 754 standard recommendations, and prevents hardware acceleration that follows these recommendations from being used.

Before After
#include <cassert> #include <execution> #include <numeric> #include <ranges> int main() { double data[] = {2, 1, 4, 3}; double max = std::reduce( std::execution::par, data, data + 5, 0, // Does not use HW accel std::ranges::max ); assert(max == 4); return 0; }
#include <cassert> #include <execution> #include <functional> #include <numeric> int main() { double data[] = {2., 1, 4, 3}; double max = std::reduce( std::execution::par, data, data + 5, 0, // Uses HW accel std::fmaximum_num_t{} ); assert(max == 4); return 0; }

Why can't users work-around this? Because floating-points are not user-defined types, so users can't fix their operator<.

Design Alternatives

We add 6 function objects to <functional>, 4 of which correspond to the 4 new C23 floating-point minimum and maximum APIs: std::fminimum, std::fmaximum, std::fminimum_num, std::fmaximum_num, and 2 of which correspond to std::fmin and std::fmax. The semantics of these function objects for floating-point types are "calls the corresponding C API".

Design constraints:

Design alternatives

Proposed design: use _t to disambiguate and do not support non floating-point types.

namespace std {
   struct fmin_t;
   struct fmax_t;
   struct fminimum_t;
   struct fmaximum_t; 
   struct fminimum_num_t;
   struct fmaximum_num_t; 
