Document number:  P3345R0
Date:  2024-06-28
Project:  Programming Language C++
Reference:  ISO/IEC IS 14882:2020
Reply to:  Jens Maurer

Core Language Working Group "ready" Issues for the June, 2024 meeting

References in this document reflect the section and paragraph numbering of document WG21 N4981.

233. References vs pointers in UDC overload resolution

Section: 9.4.4  [dcl.init.ref]     Status: ready     Submitter: Matthias Meixner     Date: 9 Jun 2000

There is an inconsistency in the handling of references vs pointers in user defined conversions and overloading. The reason for that is that the combination of 9.4.4 [dcl.init.ref] and 7.3.6 [conv.qual] circumvents the standard way of ranking conversion functions, which was probably not the intention of the designers of the standard.

Let's start with some examples, to show what it is about:

    struct Z { Z(){} };

    struct A {
       Z x;

       operator Z *() { return &x; }
       operator const Z *() { return &x; }

    struct B {
       Z x;

       operator Z &() { return x; }
       operator const Z &() { return x; }

    int main()
       A a;
       Z *a1=a;
       const Z *a2=a; // not ambiguous

       B b;
       Z &b1=b;
       const Z &b2=b; // ambiguous

So while both classes A and B are structurally equivalent, there is a difference in operator overloading. I want to start with the discussion of the pointer case (const Z *a2=a;): 12.2.4 [] is used to select the best viable function. Rule 4 selects A::operator const Z*() as best viable function using [over.ics.rank] since the implicit conversion sequence const Z* -> const Z* is a better conversion sequence than Z* -> const Z*.

So what is the difference to the reference case? Cv-qualification conversion is only applicable for pointers according to 7.3.6 [conv.qual]. According to 9.4.4 [dcl.init.ref] paragraphs 4-7 references are initialized by binding using the concept of reference-compatibility. The problem with this is, that in this context of binding, there is no conversion, and therefore there is also no comparing of conversion sequences. More exactly all conversions can be considered identity conversions according to [over.ics.ref] paragraph 1, which compare equal and which has the same effect. So binding const Z* to const Z* is as good as binding const Z* to Z* in terms of overloading. Therefore const Z &b2=b; is ambiguous. [ [over.ics.ref] paragraph 5 and [over.ics.rank] paragraph 3 rule 3 (S1 and S2 are reference bindings ...) do not seem to apply to this case]

There are other ambiguities, that result in the special treatment of references: Example:

    struct A {int a;};
    struct B: public A { B() {}; int b;};

    struct X {
       B x;
       operator A &() { return x; }
       operator B &() { return x; }

       X x;
       A &g=x; // ambiguous

Since both references of class A and B are reference compatible with references of class A and since from the point of ranking of implicit conversion sequences they are both identity conversions, the initialization is ambiguous.

So why should this be a defect?

So overall I think this was not the intention of the authors of the standard.

So how could this be fixed? For comparing conversion sequences (and only for comparing) reference binding should be treated as if it was a normal assignment/initialization and cv-qualification would have to be defined for references. This would affect 9.4.4 [dcl.init.ref] paragraph 6, 7.3.6 [conv.qual] and probably [over.ics.rank] paragraph 3.

Another fix could be to add a special case in 12.2.4 [] paragraph 1.

CWG 2023-06-13

It was noted that the second example is not ambiguous, because a derived-to-base conversion is compared against an identity conversion. However, [over.ics.ref] paragraph 1 needs a wording fix so that it applies to conversion functions as well. CWG opined that the first example be made valid, by adding a missing tie-breaker for the conversion function case.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-04-19):

  1. Change in [] bullet 2.2 as follows:

    • ...
    • the context is an initialization by user-defined conversion (see 9.4 [dcl.init], [over.match.conv], and [over.match.ref]) and the standard conversion sequence from the return type result of F1 to the destination type (i.e., the type of the entity being initialized) is a better conversion sequence than the standard conversion sequence from the return type result of F2 to the destination type
    • ...
  2. Add a new sub-bullet to [over.ics.rank] bullet 3.2 as follows:

    • ...
    • S1 and S2 include reference bindings (9.4.4 [dcl.init.ref]), and the types to which the references refer are the same type except for top-level cv-qualifiers, and the type to which the reference initialized by S2 refers is more cv-qualified than the type to which the reference initialized by S1 refers. [ Example: ... -- end example ] or, if not that,
    • S1 and S2 bind the same reference type "reference to T" and have source types V1 and V2, respectively, where the standard conversion sequence from V1* to T* is better than the standard conversion sequence from V2* to T*. [ Example:
        struct Z {};
        struct A {
          operator Z&();
          operator const Z&();       // #1
        struct B {
          operator Z();
          operator const Z&&();      // #2
        const Z& r1 = A();          // OK, uses #1
        const Z&& r2 = B();         // OK, uses #2
      --- end example]

2144. Function/variable declaration ambiguity

Section: 9.5.1  [dcl.fct.def.general]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2015-06-19

The following fragment,

  int f() {};

is syntactically ambiguous. It could be either a function-definition followed by an empty-declaration, or it could be a simple-declaration whose init-declarator has the brace-or-equal-initializer {}. The same is true of a variable declaration

  int a {};

since function-definition simply uses the term declarator in its production.

Additional notes (May, 2024)

Issue 2876 introduced a framework to distinguish the parsing. Its resolution was extended to also resolve this issue.

2561. Conversion to function pointer for lambda with explicit object parameter

Section:  [expr.prim.lambda.closure]     Status: ready     Submitter: Barry Revzin     Date: 2022-02-14

P0847R7 (Deducing this) (approved October, 2021) added explicit-object member functions. Consider:

  struct C {
    C(auto) { }

  void foo() {
    auto l = [](this C) { return 1; };
    void (*fp)(C) = l;
    fp(1); // same effect as decltype(l){}() or decltype(l){}(1) ?

Subclause [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 8 does not address explicit object member functions:

The closure type for a non-generic lambda-expression with no lambda-capture whose constraints (if any) are satisfied has a conversion function to pointer to function with C++ language linkage (9.11 []) having the same parameter and return types as the closure type's function call operator. The conversion is to “pointer to noexcept function” if the function call operator has a non-throwing exception specification. The value returned by this conversion function is the address of a function F that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure type's function call operator on a default-constructed instance of the closure type. F is a constexpr function if...

Suggested resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change in [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 8 as follows:

    ... The value returned by this conversion function is
    • for a lambda-expression whose parameter-declaration-clause has an explicit object parameter, the address of the function call operator ( [expr.unary.op];
    • otherwise, the address of a function F that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure type's function call operator on a default-constructed instance of the closure type.
    F is a constexpr function if... is an immediate function.

    [ Example:

      struct C {
        C(auto) { }
      void foo() {
        auto a = [](C) { return 0; };
        int (*fp)(C) = a;   // OK
        fp(1);              // same effect as decltype(a){}(1)
        auto b = [](this C) { return 1; };
        fp = b;             // OK
        fp(1);              // same effect as (&decltype(b)::operator())(1)

    -- end example ]

  2. Change in [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 11 as follows:

    The value returned by any given specialization of this conversion function template is
    • for a lambda-expression whose parameter-declaration-clause has an explicit object parameter, the address of the corresponding function call operator template specialization ( [expr.unary.op]);
    • otherwise, the address of a function F that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the generic lambda's corresponding function call operator template specialization on a default-constructed instance of the closure type.
    F is a constexpr function if...

CWG 2023-06-17

Requesting guidance from EWG with paper issue 1689.

Additional notes (October, 2023)

Additional examples demonstrating implementation divergence between clang and MSVC:

  struct Any { Any(auto) {} };
  auto x = [](this auto self, int x) { return x; };
  auto y = [](this Any self, int x) { return x; };
  auto z = [](this int (*self)(int), int x) { return x; };
  int main() {
    int (*px)(int) = +x; // MSVC
    int (*py1)(int) = +y; // MSVC
    int (*py2)(Any, int) = +y; // Clang
    int (*pz1)(int) = +z; // MSVC
    int (*pz2)(int (*)(int), int) = +z; // Clang

Additional notes (November, 2023)

Additional example:

  auto c2 = [](this auto self) { return sizeof(self); };
  struct Derived2 : decltype(c) { int value; } d2;
  struct Derived3 : decltype(c) { int value[10]; } d3;

For MSVC, d2() == 4 and d3() == 40, but +d2 and +d3 both point to functions returning 1.

EWG 2023-11-07

Move forward with option 1 "punt" from D3031 for C++26. A future paper can explore other solutions.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-04-19):

  1. Change the example in [expr.prim.lambda.general] paragraph 6 as follows:

      int i = [](int i, auto a) { return i; }(3, 4);  // OK, a generic lambda
      int j = []<class T>(T t, int i) { return i; }(3, 4);  // OK, a generic lambda
      auto x = [](int i, auto a) { return i; };             // OK, a generic lambda
      auto y = [](this auto self, int i) { return i; };      // OK, a generic lambda
      auto z = []<class T>(int i) { return i; };             // OK, a generic lambda
  2. Change in [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 9 as follows:

    The closure type for a non-generic lambda-expression with no lambda-capture and no explicit object parameter ( [dcl.fct]) whose constraints (if any) are satisfied has a conversion function to pointer to function with C++ language linkage (9.11 []) having the same parameter and return types as the closure type's function call operator. ...
  3. Change in [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 10 as follows:

    For a generic lambda with no lambda-capture and no explicit object parameter ( [dcl.fct]), the closure type has a conversion function template to pointer to function. ...

CWG 2023-11-09

Keeping in review status in anticipation of a paper proposing reasonable semantics for the function pointer conversions.

EWG 2024-03-18

Progress with option #1 of P3031R0, affirming the direction of the proposed resolution.

2588. friend declarations and module linkage

Section: 11.8.4  [class.friend]     Status: ready     Submitter: Nathan Sidwell     Date: 2022-05-26


  export module Foo;
  class X {
    friend void f(X); // #1 linkage?

Subclause 11.8.4 [class.friend] paragraph 4 gives #1 external linkage:

A function first declared in a friend declaration has the linkage of the namespace of which it is a member (6.6 []).

(There is no similar provision for friend classes first declared in a class.)

However, 6.6 [] bullet 4.8 gives it module linkage:

... otherwise, if the declaration of the name is attached to a named module (10.1 [module.unit]) and is not exported (10.2 [module.interface]), the name has module linkage;

Subclause 10.2 [module.interface] paragraph 2 does not apply:

A declaration is exported if it is declared within an export-declaration and inhabits a namespace scope or it is

Also consider this related example:

  export module Foo;
  export class Y;
  // maybe many lines later, or even a different partition of Foo
  class Y {
    friend void f(Y); // #2 linkage?

See issue 2607 for a similar question about enumerators.

Additional note (May, 2022):

Forwarded to EWG with paper issue 1253, by decision of the CWG chair.

EWG telecon 2022-06-09

Consensus: "A friend's linkage should be affected by the presence/absence of export on the containing class definition itself, but ONLY if the friend is a definition", pending confirmation by electronic polling.

Proposed resolution (June, 2022) (approved by CWG 2023-01-27) [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change in 6.6 [] paragraph 4 as follows:

    ... The name of an entity that belongs to a namespace scope that has not been given internal linkage above and that is the name of
    • a variable; or
    • a function; or
    • a named class (11.1 [class.pre]), or an unnamed class defined in a typedef declaration in which the class has the typedef name for linkage purposes (9.2.4 [dcl.typedef]); or
    • a named enumeration (9.7.1 [dcl.enum]), or an unnamed enumeration defined in a typedef declaration in which the enumeration has the typedef name for linkage purposes (9.2.4 [dcl.typedef]); or
    • an unnamed enumeration that has an enumerator as a name for linkage purposes (9.7.1 [dcl.enum]); or
    • a template
    has its linkage determined as follows:
    • if the entity is a function or function template first declared in a friend declaration and that declaration is a definition, the name has the same linkage, if any, as the name of the enclosing class (11.8.4 [class.friend]);
    • otherwise, if the entity is a function or function template declared in a friend declaration and a corresponding non-friend declaration is reachable, the name has the linkage determined from that prior declaration,
    • otherwise, if the enclosing namespace has internal linkage, the name has internal linkage;
    • otherwise, if the declaration of the name is attached to a named module (10.1 [module.unit]) and is not exported (10.2 [module.interface]), the name has module linkage;
    • otherwise, the name has external linkage.
  2. Remove 11.8.4 [class.friend] paragraph 4:

    A function first declared in a friend declaration has the linkage of the namespace of which it is a member (6.6 []). Otherwise, the function retains its previous linkage (9.2.2 []).

EWG electronic poll 2022-06

Consensus for "A friend's linkage should be affected by the presence/absence of export on the containing class definition itself, but ONLY if the friend is a definition (option #2, modified by Jason's suggestion). This resolves CWG2588." See vote.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-03-20):

  1. Change in 6.6 [] paragraph 4 as follows:

    ... The name of an entity that belongs to a namespace scope that has not been given internal linkage above and that is the name of
    • a variable; or
    • a function; or
    • a named class (11.1 [class.pre]), or an unnamed class defined in a typedef declaration in which the class has the typedef name for linkage purposes (9.2.4 [dcl.typedef]); or
    • a named enumeration (9.7.1 [dcl.enum]), or an unnamed enumeration defined in a typedef declaration in which the enumeration has the typedef name for linkage purposes (9.2.4 [dcl.typedef]); or
    • an unnamed enumeration that has an enumerator as a name for linkage purposes (9.7.1 [dcl.enum]); or
    • a template
    has its linkage determined as follows:
    • if the entity is a function or function template first declared in a friend declaration and that declaration is a definition and the enclosing class is defined within an export-declaration, the name has the same linkage, if any, as the name of the enclosing class (11.8.4 [class.friend]);
    • otherwise, if the entity is a function or function template declared in a friend declaration and a corresponding non-friend declaration is reachable, the name has the linkage determined from that prior declaration,
    • otherwise, if the enclosing namespace has internal linkage, the name has internal linkage;
    • otherwise, if the declaration of the name is attached to a named module (10.1 [module.unit]) and is not exported (10.2 [module.interface]), the name has module linkage;
    • otherwise, the name has external linkage.
  2. Remove 11.8.4 [class.friend] paragraph 4:

    A function first declared in a friend declaration has the linkage of the namespace of which it is a member (6.6 []). Otherwise, the function retains its previous linkage (9.2.2 []).

2728. Evaluation of conversions in a delete-expression

Section:  [expr.delete]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jiang An     Date: 2023-05-05

Subclause [expr.delete] paragraph 4 specifies:

The cast-expression in a delete-expression shall be evaluated exactly once.

Due to the reference to the syntactic non-terminal cast-expression, it is unclear whether that includes the conversion to pointer type specified in [expr.delete] paragraph 2.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-03-01) [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change in [expr.delete] paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 as follows:

    ... The operand shall be of class type or a prvalue of pointer to object type or of class type. If of class type, the operand is contextually implicitly converted (7.3 [conv]) to a prvalue pointer to object type. [ Footnote: ... ] The converted operand is used in place of the original operand for the remainder of this subclause. The delete-expression has type void.

    If the operand has a class type, the operand is converted to a pointer type by calling the above-mentioned conversion function, and the converted operand is used in place of the original operand for the remainder of this subclause. ...

  2. Change in [expr.delete] paragraph 4 as follows:

    The cast-expression in operand of a delete-expression shall be evaluated exactly once.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-03-20):

  1. Change in [expr.delete] paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 as follows:

    ... The first alternative is a single-object delete expression, and the second is an array delete expression. Whenever the delete keyword is immediately followed by empty square brackets, it shall be interpreted as the second alternative. [ Footnote: ... ] If the operand is of class type, it is contextually implicitly converted (7.3 [conv]) to a pointer to object type and the converted operand is used in place of the original operand for the remainder of this subclause. [ Footnote: ...] Otherwise, it shall be a prvalue of pointer to object type. The delete-expression has type void.

    If the operand has a class type, the operand is converted to a pointer type by calling the above-mentioned conversion function, and the converted operand is used in place of the original operand for the remainder of this subclause. ...

  2. Delete [expr.delete] paragraph 4:

    The cast-expression in a delete-expression shall be evaluated exactly once.

2818. Use of predefined reserved identifiers

Section: 5.10  []     Status: ready     Submitter: Jiang An     Date: 2023-01-18

Subclause 5.10 [] paragraph 3 specifies:

In addition, some identifiers appearing as a token or preprocessing-token are reserved for use by C++ implementations and shall not be used otherwise; no diagnostic is required.

That implies that uses of standard-specified predefined macros (15.11 [cpp.predefined]) or feature-test macros (17.3.2 [version.syn]) make the program ill-formed. This does not appear to be the intent.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-01-19) [SUPERSEDED]:

Change in 5.10 [] paragraph 3 and add bullets as follows:

In addition, some identifiers appearing as a token or preprocessing-token are reserved for use by C++ implementations and shall not be used otherwise; no diagnostic is required.

CWG 2024-03-20

The exceptions should not be specified using a specific list, which might become stale in the future.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-03-20):

Change in 5.10 [] paragraph 3 and add bullets as follows:

In addition, some identifiers appearing as a token or preprocessing-token are reserved for use by C++ implementations and shall not be used otherwise; no diagnostic is required.

2819. Cast from null pointer value in a constant expression

Section: 7.7  [expr.const]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jason Merrill     Date: 2023-10-19

Subclause 7.7 [expr.const] bullet 5.14 was amended by P2738R1 to support certain casts from void* to object pointer types. The bullet specifies:

This wording does not, but should, support null pointer values. The implementation burden is negligible.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2023-12-01):

Change in 7.7 [expr.const] bullet 5.14 as follows:

CWG 2023-12-01

CWG seeks approval from EWG for the design direction. See paper issue 1698.

EWG 2024-03-18

EWG approves.

CWG 2024-04-19

This issue is not a DR.

2836. Conversion rank of long double and extended floating-point types

Section: 6.8.6  [conv.rank]     Status: ready     Submitter: Joshua Cranmer     Date: 2023-11-20


  auto f(long double x, std::float64_t y) {
    return x + y;

What is the return type of f?

Suppose an implementation uses the same size and semantics for all of double, long double, and std::float64_t. C23 prefers the IEEE interchange type (i.e. std::float64_t) over long double and double. In contrast, C++ chooses long double, which has a higher rank than double, but std::float64_t is specified to have the same rank as double.

This outcome conflicts with the documented goal of P1467 that C++ and C conversion rules be aligned.

Suggested resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

Change in 6.8.6 [conv.rank] bullet 2.5 as follows:

Additional notes (December, 2023)

The suggested resolution would make a conversion from std::float64_t to double not implicit, which is not desirable.

David Olsen, one of the authors of P1467, asserts that the deviation from C is intentional, and was discussed with the C floating-point study group.

Forwarding to EWG via paper issue 1699 to confirm that the deviation from C is intentional and thus an Annex C entry should be created.

EWG 2024-03-18

This issue should be closed as NAD.

Possible resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

Add a new paragraph in C.7.3 [diff.basic] as follows:

Affected subclause: 6.8.6 [conv.rank]
Change: Conversion rank of same-sized long double vs. std::float64_t
Rationale: Provide implicit conversion from std::float64_t to double.
Effect on original feature: Change of semantically well-defined feature.
Difficulty of converting: Trivial: explicitly convert to the desired type.
How widely used: Rarely.

CWG 2024-04-19

The name std::float64_t is not valid C. CWG resolved to adding a note to 6.8.6 [conv.rank] bullet 2.5 instead.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-26):

Change in 6.8.6 [conv.rank] bullet 2.5 as follows:

2858. Declarative nested-name-specifiers and pack-index-specifiers

Section:  []     Status: ready     Submitter: Krystian Stasiowski     Date: 2024-02-06

(From submission #499.)

Subclause [] paragraph 2 specifies:

... A declarative nested-name-specifier shall not have a decltype-specifier. ...

This should have been adjusted by P2662R3 (Pack Indexing) to read computed-type-specifier.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-04-05):

Change in [] paragraph 2 as follows:

... A declarative nested-name-specifier shall not have a decltype-specifier computed-type-specifier. ...

CWG 2024-06-26

This is not a DR.

2859. Value-initialization with multiple default constructors

Section: 9.4.1  [dcl.init.general]     Status: ready     Submitter: Brian Bi     Date: 2024-02-09

(From submission #501.)

Subclause 9.4.1 [dcl.init.general] paragraph 9 specifies (as modified by issue 2820):

To value-initialize an object of type T means:

Per the specification, no zero-initialization occurs if the class has any user-provided default constructor, even if that constructor is not actually selected for the default initialization. This is observable in a constant expression, where reads of uninitialized data members are ill-formed.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-04-05):

  1. Change in 6.7.3 [] paragraph 1 as follows:

    The lifetime of an object or reference is a runtime property of the object or reference. A variable is said to have vacuous initialization if it is default-initialized, no other initialization is performed, and, if it is of class type or a (possibly multidimensional) array thereof, a trivial constructor of that class type has a trivial default constructor is selected for the default-initialization. The lifetime of an object of type T begins when: ...
  2. Change in 9.4.1 [dcl.init.general] paragraph 9 as follows:

    To value-initialize an object of type T means:
    • If T is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type (Clause 11 [class]), then
      • if T has either no default constructor ( [class.default.ctor]) or a default constructor that is user-provided or deleted, then the object is default-initialized;
      • otherwise, the object is zero-initialized and then default-initialized.
      let C be the constructor selected to default-initialize the object, if any. If C is not user-provided, the object is first zero-initialized. In all cases, the object is then default-initialized.
    • ...

2861. dynamic_cast on bad pointer value

Section:  [expr.dynamic.cast]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jim X     Date: 2024-02-06

(From submission #497.)

Base-to-derived casts and cross-casts need to inspect the vtable of a polymorphic type. However, this is not defined as an "access" and there is no provision for undefined behavior analoguous to 7.2.1 [basic.lval] paragraph 11.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-26):

  1. Add a new paragraph after [expr.dynamic.cast] paragraph 6 as follows:

    If v is a null pointer value, the result is a null pointer value.

    If v has type "pointer to cv U" and v does not point to an object whose type is similar (7.3.6 [conv.qual]) to U and that is within its lifetime or within its period of construction or destruction (11.9.5 [class.cdtor]), the behavior is undefined. If v is a glvalue of type U and v does not refer to an object whose type is similar to U and that is within its lifetime or within its period of construction or destruction, the behavior is undefined.

  2. Change in 7.3.12 [conv.ptr] paragraph 3 as follows:

    A prvalue v of type “pointer to cv D”, where D is a complete class type, can be converted to a prvalue of type “pointer to cv B”, where B is a base class (11.7 [class.derived]) of D. If B is an inaccessible (11.8 [class.access]) or ambiguous (6.5.2 [class.member.lookup]) base class of D, a program that necessitates this conversion is ill-formed. The result of the conversion is a pointer to the base class subobject of the derived class object. The null pointer value is converted to the null pointer value of the destination type. If v is a null pointer value, the result is a null pointer value. Otherwise, if B is a virtual base class of D and v does not point to an object whose type is similar (7.3.6 [conv.qual]) to D and that is within its lifetime or within its period of construction or destruction (11.9.5 [class.cdtor]), the behavior is undefined. Otherwise, the result is a pointer to the base class subobject of the derived class object.

2864. Narrowing floating-point conversions

Section: 9.4.5  [dcl.init.list]     Status: ready     Submitter: Brian Bi     Date: 2023-11-04


  float f = {1e100};

This is rejected as narrowing on all implementations. Issue 2723 made the example non-narrowing, which seems incorrect on an IEEE platform.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-04-19):

Change in 9.4.5 [dcl.init.list] paragraph 7 as follows:

A narrowing conversion is an implicit conversion

Additional notes (April, 2024)

According to the proposed wording, since NaNs are not finite, conversion of NaNs is always non-narrowing. However, the payload of the NaN might not be preserved when converting to a smaller floating-point type.

2865. Regression on result of conditional operator

Section: 7.6.16  [expr.cond]     Status: ready     Submitter: Christof Meerwald     Date: 2024-01-14


  #include <concepts>

  template <class T> T get();

  template <class T>
  using X = decltype(true ? get<T const&>() : get<T>());

  struct C { };

  static_assert(std::same_as<X<int>, int>);
  static_assert(std::same_as<X<C>, C const>);  // #1

Before Issue 1895, #1 was well-formed. With the reformulation based on conversion sequences, #1 is now ill-formed because both conversion sequences can be formed.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-03):

Change in 7.6.16 [expr.cond] bullet 4.3 as follows:

2867. Order of initialization for structured bindings

Section: 9.6  [dcl.struct.bind]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2023-02-03


  auto [a, b] = f(X{});

If X is a tuple-like type, this is transformed to approximately the following:

  auto e = f(X{});
  T1 &a = get<0>(std::move(e));
  T2 &b = get<1>(std::move(e));

However, the sequencing of the initializations of e, a, and b is not specified. Further, the temporary X{} should be destroyed after the initializations of a and b.

Possible resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change in 6.9.1 [intro.execution] paragraph 5 as follows:

    A full-expression is
    • an unevaluated operand (7.2.3 [expr.context]),
    • a constant-expression (7.7 [expr.const]),
    • an immediate invocation (7.7 [expr.const]),
    • an init-declarator (9.3 [dcl.decl]) or a mem-initializer (11.9.3 [class.base.init]), including the constituent expressions of the initializer,
    • the initializers for all uniquely-named variables introduced by a structured binding declaration (9.6 [dcl.struct.bind]), including the constituent expressions of all initializers,
    • an invocation of a destructor generated at the end of the lifetime of an object other than a temporary object (6.7.7 [class.temporary]) whose lifetime has not been extended, or
    • an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression and that is not otherwise part of a full-expression.
  2. Change in 9.6 [dcl.struct.bind] paragraph 4 as follows:

    ... Each vi is the name of an lvalue of type Ti that refers to the object bound to ri; the referenced type is Ti. The initialization of e is sequenced before the initialization of any ri. The initialization of ri is sequenced before the initialization of rj if i < j.

CWG 2024-05-03

CWG tentatively agreed that all temporaries in a structured binding (including those from default arguments of get invocations) should persist until the semicolon on the declaration as written.

Possible resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change in 6.9.1 [intro.execution] paragraph 5 as follows:

    A full-expression is
    • an unevaluated operand (7.2.3 [expr.context]),
    • a constant-expression (7.7 [expr.const]),
    • an immediate invocation (7.7 [expr.const]),
    • an init-declarator (9.3 [dcl.decl]) , an initializer of a structured binding declaration (9.1 [dcl.pre]), or a mem-initializer (11.9.3 [class.base.init]), including the constituent expressions of the initializer,
    • an invocation of a destructor generated at the end of the lifetime of an object other than a temporary object (6.7.7 [class.temporary]) whose lifetime has not been extended, or
    • an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression and that is not otherwise part of a full-expression.
  2. Change in 9.6 [dcl.struct.bind] paragraph 4 as follows:

    ... Each vi is the name of an lvalue of type Ti that refers to the object bound to ri; the referenced type is Ti. The initialization of e is sequenced before the initialization of any ri. The initialization of each ri is sequenced before the initialization of any rj where i < j.
  3. Append a new paragraph at the end of 9.6 [dcl.struct.bind] as follows:

    ... [ Example: ... The type of the id-expression x is "int", the type of the id-expression y is "const volatile double". -- end example ]

    The initialization of e and of any ri are sequenced before the destruction of any temporary object introduced by the initializer for e or by the initializers for the ri. The temporary objects are destroyed in the reverse order of their construction.

CWG 2024-06-14

The specification for the lifetime of temporaries should be moved to 6.7.7 [class.temporary].)

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-28):

  1. Change in 6.7.7 [class.temporary] paragraph 5 as follows:

    There are four five contexts in which temporaries are destroyed at a different point than the end of the full-expression. ...
  2. Insert a new paragraph after 6.7.7 [class.temporary] paragraph 7 as follows:

    The fourth context is when a temporary object is created in the for-range-initializer of a range-based for statement. If such a temporary object would otherwise be destroyed at the end of the for-range-initializer full-expression, the object persists for the lifetime of the reference initialized by the for-range-initializer.

    The fifth context is when a temporary object is created in a structured binding declaration (9.6 [dcl.struct.bind]). Any temporary objects introduced by the initializers for the variables with unique names are destroyed at the end of the structured binding declaration.

  3. Change in 6.9.1 [intro.execution] paragraph 5 as follows:

    A full-expression is
    • an unevaluated operand (7.2.3 [expr.context]),
    • a constant-expression (7.7 [expr.const]),
    • an immediate invocation (7.7 [expr.const]),
    • an init-declarator (9.3 [dcl.decl]) (including such introduced by a structured binding (9.6 [dcl.struct.bind])) or a mem-initializer (11.9.3 [class.base.init]), including the constituent expressions of the initializer,
    • an invocation of a destructor generated at the end of the lifetime of an object other than a temporary object (6.7.7 [class.temporary]) whose lifetime has not been extended, or
    • an expression that is not a subexpression of another expression and that is not otherwise part of a full-expression.
  4. Change in 9.6 [dcl.struct.bind] paragraph 4 as follows:

    ... Each vi is the name of an lvalue of type Ti that refers to the object bound to ri; the referenced type is Ti. The initialization of e is sequenced before the initialization of any ri. The initialization of each ri is sequenced before the initialization of any rj where i < j.

2869. this in local classes

Section: 7.5.2  [expr.prim.this]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2024-03-14

(From submission #515.)


  struct A {
    static void f() {
      struct B {
        void *g() { return this; }

According to 7.5.2 [expr.prim.this] paragraph 3, this example is ill-formed, because this "appears within" the declaration of a static member function. The qualification "of the current class" can be read as attaching to explicit object member functions only.

Suggested resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

Change in 7.5.2 [expr.prim.this] paragraph 3 as follows:

If a declaration declares a member function or member function template of a class X, the expression this is a prvalue of type “pointer to cv-qualifier-seq X” wherever X is the current class between the optional cv-qualifier-seq and the end of the function-definition, member-declarator , or declarator. It shall not appear within the The declaration of either that determines the type of this shall declare neither a static member function or nor an explicit object member function of the current class (although its type and value category are defined within such member functions as they are within an implicit object member function).

CWG 2024-05-03

CWG preferred a smaller surgery to avoid the English parsing issue.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-17):

Change in 7.5.2 [expr.prim.this] paragraph 3 as follows:

If a declaration declares a member function or member function template of a class X, the expression this is a prvalue of type “pointer to cv-qualifier-seq X” wherever X is the current class between the optional cv-qualifier-seq and the end of the function-definition, member-declarator, or declarator. It shall not appear within the declaration of either a static member function or an explicit object member function of the current class (although its type and value category are defined within such member functions as they are within an implicit object member function).

2870. Combining absent encoding-prefixes

Section: 5.13.5  [lex.string]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jan Schultke     Date: 2024-03-09

(From submission #511.)

Subclause 5.13.5 [lex.string] paragraph 7 does not properly handle the case where both encoding-prefixes are absent:

The common encoding-prefix for a sequence of adjacent string-literals is determined pairwise as follows: If two string-literals have the same encoding-prefix , the common encoding-prefix is that encoding-prefix . If one string-literal has no encoding-prefix , the common encoding-prefix is that of the other string-literal. Any other combinations are ill-formed.

Possible resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

Change in 5.13.5 [lex.string] paragraph 7 as follows:

The common encoding-prefix for a sequence of adjacent string-literals is determined pairwise as follows: If two string-literals have the same encoding-prefix, the common encoding-prefix is that encoding-prefix. If one string-literal has no encoding-prefix, the common encoding-prefix is that of the other string-literal or is absent if the other string-literal has no encoding-prefix. Otherwise, both string-literals shall have the same encoding-prefix, and the common encoding-prefix is that encoding-prefix. Any other combinations are ill-formed.

CWG 2024-05-03

CWG preferred a holistic instead of a pairwise approach.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-17):

Change in 5.13.5 [lex.string] paragraph 7 as follows:

The common encoding-prefix for a sequence of adjacent string-literals is determined pairwise as follows: If two string-literals have the same encoding-prefix , the common encoding-prefix is that encoding-prefix . If one string-literal has no encoding-prefix , the common encoding-prefix is that of the other string-literal. Any other combinations are ill-formed.

The string-literals in any sequence of adjacent string-literals shall have at most one unique encoding-prefix among them. The common encoding-prefix of the sequence is that encoding-prefix, if any.

2871. User-declared constructor templates inhibiting default constructors

Section:  [class.default.ctor]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jim X     Date: 2024-03-03

(From submission #510.)

Subclause [class.default.ctor] paragraph 1 does not, but should, consider user-declared constructor templates.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-04-05):

Change in [class.default.ctor] paragraph 1 as follows:

... If there is no user-declared constructor or constructor template for class X, a non-explicit constructor having no parameters is implicitly declared as defaulted (9.5 [dcl.fct.def]). ...

2872. Linkage and unclear "can be referred to"

Section: 6.6  []     Status: ready     Submitter: Brian Bi     Date: 2024-03-08

It is unclear what "can be referred to" means in 6.6 [] paragraph 2. Paragraph 8 provides precise definitions for "same entity".

Possible resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Replace in 6.6 [] paragraph 2 as follows:

    A name is said to have linkage when it can denote the same object, reference, function, type, template, namespace or value as a name introduced by a declaration in another scope:
    • When a name has external linkage, the entity it denotes can be referred to by names from scopes of other translation units or from other scopes of the same translation unit.
    • When a name has module linkage, the entity it denotes can be referred to by names from other scopes of the same module unit (10.1 [module.unit]) or from scopes of other module units of that same module.
    • When a name has internal linkage, the entity it denotes can be referred to by names from other scopes in the same translation unit.
    • When a name has no linkage, the entity it denotes cannot be referred to by names from other scopes.
    A name can have external linkage, module linkage, internal linkage, or no linkage, as determined by the rules below. [ Note: The linkage of a name determines when corresponding declarations (6.4.1 [basic.scope.scope]) that introduce that name can declare the same entity. ---end note]
  2. Change in 11.6 [class.local] paragraph 3 as follows:

    If class X is a local class, a nested class Y may be declared in class X and later defined in the definition of class X or be later defined in the same scope as the definition of class X. A class nested within a local class is a local class. A member of a local class X shall be declared only in the definition of X or the nearest enclosing block scope of X.

CWG 2024-05-03

CWG opined to split off the second change (see issue 2890) and clarify the note.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-17):

Replace in 6.6 [] paragraph 2 as follows:

A name is said to have linkage when it can denote the same object, reference, function, type, template, namespace or value as a name introduced by a declaration in another scope:
A name can have external linkage, module linkage, internal linkage, or no linkage, as determined by the rules below. [ Note: All declarations of an entity with a name with internal linkage appear in the same translation unit. All declarations of an entity with module linkage are attached to the same module. ---end note]

2874. Qualified declarations of partial specializations

Section:  [dcl.type.elab]     Status: ready     Submitter: Krystian Stasiowski     Date: 2024-03-19

(From submission #521.)


  namespace N {
    template<typename T>
    struct A;

  struct N::A<int>;     // OK

  template<typename T>
  struct N::A<T*>;      // error: invalid use of elaborated-type-specifier with a qualified-id

However, all major implementations support this.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-17):

Change in [dcl.type.elab] paragraph 2 as follows:

If an elaborated-type-specifier is the sole constituent of a declaration, the declaration is ill-formed unless it is an explicit specialization (13.9.4 [temp.expl.spec]), a partial specialization (13.7.6 [temp.spec.partial]), an explicit instantiation (13.9.3 [temp.explicit]), or it has one of the following forms:
  class-key attribute-specifier-seqopt identifier ;
  class-key attribute-specifier-seqopt simple-template-id ;
In the first case, the elaborated-type-specifier declares the identifier as a class-name. The second case shall appear only in an explicit-specialization (13.9.4 [temp.expl.spec]) or in a template-declaration (where it declares a partial specialization (13.7 [temp.decls]). The attribute-specifier-seq, if any, appertains to the class or template being declared.

2876. Disambiguation of T x = delete("text")

Section: 9.5.1  [dcl.fct.def.general]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2024-03-22

P2573R2 (= delete("should have a reason");), adopted in Tokyo, does not disambiguate the following syntax:

  using T = void ();
  using U = int;

  T a = delete ("hello");
  U b = delete ("hello");

Either may be parsed as a (semantically ill-formed) simple-declaration whose initializer is a delete-expression or as a function-definition.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-31):

Change and split 9.1 [dcl.pre] paragraph 9 as follows:

An object definition causes storage of appropriate size and alignment to be reserved and any appropriate initialization (9.4 [dcl.init]) to be done.

Syntactic components beyond those found in the general form of simple-declaration are added to a function declaration to make a function-definition. A token sequence starting with { or = is treated as a function-body (9.5.1 [dcl.fct.def.general]) if the type of the declarator-id ( [dcl.meaning.general]) is a function type, and is otherwise treated as a brace-or-equal-initializer (9.4.1 [dcl.init.general]). [ Note: If the declaration acquires a function type through template instantiation, the program is ill-formed; see 13.9.1 [temp.spec.general]. The function type of a function definition cannot be specified with a typedef-name ( [dcl.fct]). --end note ] An object declaration, however, is also a definition unless it contains the extern specifier and has no initializer (6.2 [basic.def]). An object definition causes storage of appropriate size and alignment to be reserved and any appropriate initialization (9.4 [dcl.init]) to be done.

This drafting also resolves issue 2144.

2877. Type-only lookup for using-enum-declarator

Section: 9.7.2  [enum.udecl]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2024-04-07

Issue 2621 claimed to ask the question whether lookup for using enum declarations was supposed to be type-only, but the example actually highlighted the difference between elaborated-type-specifier lookup (where finding nothing but typedef names is ill-formed) and ordinary lookup.

However, consider:

  enum A {
    x, y
  void f() {
    int A;
    using enum A;      // #1, error: names non-type int A
    using T = enum A;  // #2, OK, names ::A

The two situations should both be type-only lookups for consistency, although #2 would not find typedefs.

Proposed resolution (reviewed by CWG 2024-05-17) [SUPERSEDED]:

Change in 9.7.2 [enum.udecl] paragraph 1 as follows:

A using-enum-declarator names the set of declarations found by type-only lookup (6.5.1 [basic.lookup.general] 6.5.3 [basic.lookup.unqual], 6.5.5 [basic.lookup.qual]) for the using-enum-declarator (6.5.3 [basic.lookup.unqual], 6.5.5 [basic.lookup.qual]). The using-enum-declarator shall designate a non-dependent type with a reachable enum-specifier.

Additional notes (May, 2024)

An example is desirable. Also, the treatment of the following example is unclear:

  template<class T> using AA = T;
  enum AA<E> e; // ill-formed elaborated-type-specifier
  using enum AA<E>; // Clang and MSVC reject, GCC and EDG accept

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-26):

Change in 9.7.2 [enum.udecl] paragraph 1 as follows:

A using-enum-declarator names the set of declarations found by type-only lookup (6.5.1 [basic.lookup.general] 6.5.3 [basic.lookup.unqual], 6.5.5 [basic.lookup.qual]) for the using-enum-declarator (6.5.3 [basic.lookup.unqual], 6.5.5 [basic.lookup.qual]). The using-enum-declarator shall designate a non-dependent type with a reachable enum-specifier. [ Example:
enum E { x };
void f() {
  int E;
  using enum E;   // OK
using F = E;
using enum F;     // OK
template<class T> using EE = T;
void g() {
  using enum EE<E>;  // OK
-- end example ]

2881. Type restrictions for the explicit object parameter of a lambda

Section:  [expr.prim.lambda.closure]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2024-04-19

Subclause [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 5 restricts the type of an explicit object parameter of a lambda to the closure type or classes derived from the closure type. It neglects to consider ambiguous or private derivation scenarios.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-26):

  1. Change in [expr.prim.lambda.closure] paragraph 5 as follows:

    Given a lambda with a lambda-capture, the type of the explicit object parameter, if any, of the lambda's function call operator (possibly instantiated from a function call operator template) shall be either:
    • the closure type
    • a class type publicly and unambiguously derived from the closure type, or
    • a reference to a possibly cv-qualified such type.
  2. Add a new bullet after [temp.deduct.general] bullet 11.10:

    • ...
    • Attempting to create a function type in which a parameter has a type of void, or in which the return type is a function type or array type.
    • Attempting to give to an explicit object parameter of a lambda's function call operator a type not permitted for such ( [expr.prim.lambda.closure]).

CWG 2024-06-26

The following example is not supported by the proposed resolution and remains ill-formed:

  int main() {
    int x = 0;
    auto lambda = [x] (this auto self) { return x; };
    using Lambda = decltype(lambda);
    struct D : private Lambda {
      D(Lambda l) : Lambda(l) {}
      using Lambda::operator();
      friend Lambda;
    } d(lambda);

2882. Unclear treatment of conversion to void

Section:  [expr.static.cast]     Status: ready     Submitter: Richard Smith     Date: 2024-04-24

The ordering of paragraphs in [expr.static.cast] appears to imply that an attempt is made to form an implicit conversion sequence for conversions to void, possibly considering user-defined conversion functions to void. This is not intended.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-31):

  1. Move [expr.static.cast] paragraph 6 to before paragraph 4, strike paragraph 5, and adjust paragraph 7:

    Any expression can be explicitly converted to type cv void, in which case the operand is a discarded-value expression (7.2 [expr.prop]). [Note 3: Such a static_cast has no result as it is a prvalue of type void; see 7.2.1 [basic.lval]. —end note] [Note 4: However, if the value is in a temporary object (6.7.7 [class.temporary]), the destructor for that object is not executed until the usual time, and the value of the object is preserved for the purpose of executing the destructor. —end note]

    An Otherwise, an expression E can be explicitly converted to a type T if there is an implicit conversion sequence ( []) from E to T, if overload resolution ...

    Otherwise, the static_cast shall perform one of the conversions listed below. No other conversion shall be performed explicitly using a static_cast.

    Any expression can be explicitly converted to type cv void, in which case the operand is a discarded-value expression (7.2 [expr.prop]). [Note 3: Such a static_cast has no result as it is a prvalue of type void; see 7.2.1 [basic.lval]. —end note] [Note 4: However, if the value is in a temporary object (6.7.7 [class.temporary]), the destructor for that object is not executed until the usual time, and the value of the object is preserved for the purpose of executing the destructor. —end note]

    The Otherwise, the inverse of any a standard conversion sequence (7.3 [conv]) not containing an lvalue-to-rvalue (7.3.2 [conv.lval]), array-to-pointer (7.3.3 [conv.array]), function-to-pointer (7.3.4 [conv.func]), null pointer (7.3.12 [conv.ptr]), null member pointer (7.3.13 [conv.mem]), boolean (7.3.15 [conv.bool]), or function pointer (7.3.14 [conv.fctptr]) conversion, can be performed explicitly using static_cast. A program is ill-formed if it uses static_cast to perform the inverse of an ill-formed standard conversion sequence.

  2. Add a new paragraph after [expr.static.cast] paragraph 14:

    A prvalue of type “pointer to cv1 void” can be converted to a prvalue of type “pointer to cv2 T”, ... Otherwise, the pointer value is unchanged by the conversion. [Example 3: ... —end example]

    No other conversion can be performed using static_cast.

2883. Definition of "odr-usable" ignores lambda scopes

Section: 6.3  [basic.def.odr]     Status: ready     Submitter: Hubert Tong     Date: 2024-03-20

(From submission #523.)


  void f() {
    int x;
    [&] {
      return x;       // #1

The odr-use of x is ill-formed, because x is not odr-usable in that scope, because there is a lambda scope (6.4.5 [basic.scope.lambda]) between #1 and the definition of x.

A more involved example exhibits implementation divergence:

  struct A {
    A() = default;
    A(const A &) = delete;
    constexpr operator int() { return 42; }
  void f() {
    constexpr A a;
    [=]<typename T, int = a> {};   // OK, not odr-usable from a default template argument, and not odr-used

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-31):

Change in 6.3 [basic.def.odr] paragraph 10 as follows:

A local entity (6.1 [basic.pre]) is odr-usable in a scope (6.4.1 [basic.scope.scope]) if: If a local entity is odr-used in a scope in which it is not odr-usable, the program is ill-formed.

2886. Temporaries and trivial potentially-throwing special member functions

Section: 6.7.7  [class.temporary]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jiang An     Date: 2024-04-27

(From submission #531.)

Paper P1286R2 (Contra CWG DR1778) allowed trivial potentially-throwing special member functions. Whether such a trivial special member function is actually invoked is thus observable via the noexcept operator. Issue 2820 clarified the situation for value-initialization and removed a special case for a trivial default constructor.

Subclause 6.7.7 [class.temporary] paragraph 4 appears to normatively avoid invoking a trivial constructor or destructor, something best left to the as-if rule. There is implementation divergence for this example:

  struct C {
    C() = default;
    ~C() noexcept(false) = default;


A related question arises from the introduction of temporaries for function parameters and return values in 6.7.7 [class.temporary] paragraph 3. However, this situation can never result in actually throwing an exception during forward evolution: when the constructor becomes non-trivial, the permission to create a temporary object evaporates.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-31):

  1. Change in 6.7.7 [class.temporary] paragraph 3 as follows:

    When an object of class type X is passed to or returned from a potentially-evaluated function call, if X has at least one eligible copy or move constructor (11.4.4 [special]), each such constructor is trivial, and the destructor of X is either trivial or deleted, implementations are permitted to create a temporary object to hold the function parameter or result object. The temporary object is constructed from the function argument or return value, respectively, and the function's parameter or return object is initialized as if by using the eligible trivial constructor to copy the temporary (even if that constructor is inaccessible or would not be selected by overload resolution to perform a copy or move of the object).
  2. Change in 6.7.7 [class.temporary] paragraph 4 as follows:

    When an implementation introduces a temporary object of a class that has a non-trivial constructor ( [class.default.ctor], [class.copy.ctor]), it shall ensure that a constructor is called for the temporary object. Similarly, the destructor shall be called for a temporary with a non-trivial destructor (11.4.7 [class.dtor]). Temporary objects are destroyed as the last step in evaluating the full-expression (6.9.1 [intro.execution]) that (lexically) contains the point where they were created. This is true even if that evaluation ends in throwing an exception. The value computations and side effects of destroying a temporary object are associated only with the full-expression, not with any specific subexpression.

2887. Missing compatibility entries for xvalues

Section: C.6.3  [diff.cpp03.expr]     Status: ready     Submitter: Jiang An     Date: 2024-04-18

(From submission #528.)

Paper N3055 (A Taxonomy of Expression Value Categories) introduced xvalues. This changed the behavior of well-formed code for typeid and the conditional operator, but corresponding entries in Annex C are missing.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-31):

  1. Add a new paragraph to C.6.3 [diff.cpp03.expr] as follows:

    Affected subclause: [expr.typeid]
    Change: Evaluation of operands in typeid.
    Rationale: Introduce additional expression value categories.
    Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2003 code that uses xvalues as operands for typeid may change behavior. For example,
      void f() {
        struct B {
          B() {}
          virtual ~B() { }
        struct C { B b; };
        typeid(C().b); // unevaluated in C++03, evaluated in C++11
  2. Add a new paragraph to C.6.3 [diff.cpp03.expr] as follows:

    Affected subclause: 7.6.16 [expr.cond]
    Change: Fewer copies in the conditional operator.
    Rationale: Introduce additional expression value categories.
    Effect on original feature: Valid C++ 2003 code that uses xvalues as operands for the conditional operator may change behavior. For example,
      void f() {
        struct B {
          B() {}
          B(const B&) { }
        struct D : B {};
        struct BB { B b; };
        struct DD { D d; };
        true ? BB().b : DD().d; // additional copy in C++03, no copy or move in C++11

2891. Normative status of implementation limits

Section: Clause Annex B  [implimits]     Status: ready     Submitter: ISO/CS     Date: 2024-05-17

It is unclear whether Clause Annex B [implimits] is normative, and what its normative content is. The Annex was editorially switched from "informative" to "normative" in September 2020 with this change description:

[intro.compliance.general, implimits] Cite Annex B normatively.

This change also promotes Annex B [implimits] to a "normative" annex. The existing wording in the annex is already normative in character.

On the other hand, this sentence in Clause Annex B [implimits] paragraph 2 seems to say otherwise:

... However, these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance.

If it is indeed intentional that the actual quantitative limits are just guidelines, then the normative (conformance-related) content is limited to Clause Annex B [implimits] paragraph 1, which establishes documentation requirements only:

Because computers are finite, C++ implementations are inevitably limited in the size of the programs they can successfully process. Every implementation shall document those limitations where known. This documentation may cite fixed limits where they exist, say how to compute variable limits as a function of available resources, or say that fixed limits do not exist or are unknown.

However, those general documentation requirements are best expressed in 4.1.1 [intro.compliance.general], leaving Clause Annex B [implimits] with just an informative list of minimum suggested quantities.

Possible resolution [SUPERSEDED]:

  1. Change in 4.1.1 [intro.compliance.general] bullet 2.1 as follows:

    If a program contains no violations of the rules in Clause 5 through Clause 33 and Annex D, a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits as described in Annex B (see below), accept and correctly execute that program.
  2. Insert a new paragraph before 4.1.1 [intro.compliance.general] paragraph 8 as follows:

    An implementation shall document its limitations in the size of the programs it can successfully process, where known. This documentation may cite fixed limits where they exist, say how to compute variable limits as a function of available resources, or say that fixed limits do not exist or are unknown. Clause Annex B [implimits] lists some quantities that can be subject to limitations, and recommends a minimum value for each quantity.

    A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), ...

  3. Change in Clause Annex B [implimits] paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 as follows:

    Annex B

    Because computers are finite, C++ implementations are inevitably limited in the size of the programs they can successfully process. Every implementation shall document those limitations where known. This documentation may cite fixed limits where they exist, say how to compute variable limits as a function of available resources, or say that fixed limits do not exist or are unknown.

    The limits may constrain quantities that include those described below or others. Implementations can exhibit limitations, among others for the quantities in the following list. The bracketed number following each quantity is recommended as the minimum value for that quantity. However, these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance.

CWG 2024-05-17

CWG was divided whether to relax the documentation requirement or not. As a next step, the wording for a relaxation should be reviewed.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-26):

  1. Change in 4.1.1 [intro.compliance.general] bullet 2.1 as follows:

    If a program contains no violations of the rules in Clause 5 through Clause 33 and Annex D, a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits as described in Annex B, accept and correctly execute that program, except when the implementation's limitations (see below) are exceeded.
  2. Insert a new paragraph before 4.1.1 [intro.compliance.general] paragraph 8 as follows:

    An implementation is encouraged to document its limitations in the size or complexity of the programs it can successfully process, if possible and where known. Clause Annex B [implimits] lists some quantities that can be subject to limitations and a potential minimum supported value for each quantity.

    A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), ...

  3. Change in Clause Annex B [implimits] paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 as follows:

    Annex B

    Because computers are finite, C++ implementations are inevitably limited in the size of the programs they can successfully process. Every implementation shall document those limitations where known. This documentation may cite fixed limits where they exist, say how to compute variable limits as a function of available resources, or say that fixed limits do not exist or are unknown.

    The limits may constrain quantities that include those described below or others. Implementations can exhibit limitations for various quantities; some possibilities are presented in the following list. The bracketed number following each quantity is recommended as the a potential minimum value for that quantity. However, these quantities are only guidelines and do not determine compliance.

2892. Unclear usual arithmetic conversions

Section: 7.4  [expr.arith.conv]     Status: ready     Submitter: Lauri Vasama     Date: 2024-05-06

(From submission #533.)

Subclause 7.4 [expr.arith.conv] bullet 1.4.1 specifies:

What does "needed" mean?

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-05-31):

Change in 7.4 [expr.arith.conv] bullet 1.4.1 as follows:

2895. Initialization should ignore the destination type's cv-qualification

Section: 9.4.1  [dcl.init.general]     Status: ready     Submitter: Brian Bi     Date: 2024-05-29

(From submission #541.)

Initialization of cv T follows the same rules as initialization of T. Issue 2830 clarified this for list-initialization. Further amendments are needed to properly handle cv-qualified versions of char8_t and char16_t as well as bool.

Proposed resolution (approved by CWG 2024-06-14):

  1. Change in 9.4.1 [dcl.init.general] paragraph 16 as follows:

    The semantics of initializers are as follows. The destination type is the cv-unqualified type of the object or reference being initialized and the source type is the type of the initializer expression. If the initializer is not a single (possibly parenthesized) expression, the source type is not defined.
  2. Change in 9.4.1 [dcl.init.general] bullet 16.6 as follows:

    • Otherwise, if the destination type is a (possibly cv-qualified) class type:
      • If the initializer expression is a prvalue and the cv-unqualified version of the source type is the same class as the class of as the destination type, the initializer expression is used to initialize the destination object. [Example 2: T x = T(T(T())); value-initializes x. —end example]
      • Otherwise, if the initialization is direct-initialization, or if it is copy-initialization where the cv-unqualified version of the source type is the same class as, or a derived class of, the class of as or is derived from the destination type, constructors are considered. The applicable constructors are enumerated ( [over.match.ctor]), and the best one is chosen through overload resolution (12.2 [over.match]). Then:
  3. Change in 9.4.1 [dcl.init.general] bullet 16.9 as follows:

    • Otherwise, the initial value of the object being initialized is the (possibly converted) value of the initializer expression. A standard conversion sequence (7.3 [conv]) is used to convert the initializer expression to a prvalue of the cv-unqualified version of the destination type; no user-defined conversions are considered. If the conversion cannot be done, the initialization is ill-formed. When initializing a bit-field with a value that it cannot represent, the resulting value of the bit-field is implementation-defined. [ Note: ... ]