JTC 1/SC 22/WG 23 C++ Vulnerability Discussions WG 23 N1421 September 30 2024 Participants Stephen Michell - convenor, SCC Erhard Ploedereder - liaison Paul Preney - Canada Richard Corden - USA Regrets Loic Joly - AFNOR Matt Butler - USA Peter Sommerlad Actions: Issues addressed Clause 4.4 Object lifetime "Potentially dangling" text was changed to "pointer-like" in clauses 6.32 (Passing Parameters and Return Values) and 6.38 (Deep vs. Shallow Copying). This work closed issue #193. Clause 6.33 (Dangling References to Stack Frames) was corrected in how it referenced the 24772-1 document. Reviewed and edited clause 6.59 (Concurrency -- Activation) which closed issue #190. Started work on issue #24 with clause 6.63 (Lock Protocol Errors). Clause 6.63 was renamed to match the renaming of the same in the 24772-1 document. Clause 6.63 work was not finished and will need to be completed at a later date. Last meeting was 16 September 2024 with meeting notes in document N1418. All work is done in the WG 23 GitHub space https://github.com/ISO-IEC-JTC1-SC22-WG23-CPP/wg23-tr24772-10 and changes made are tracked in GitHub history. The generated Word document that reflects the current state of the draft document is available from. https://iso-iec-jtc1-sc22-wg23-cpp.github.io/wg23-tr24772-10-public/all.html Please contact Stephen Michell, Peter Sommerlad or Paul Preney to gain access.